My favorite publications from 2021 that were not lucky enough to become popular

in Steem Ghana3 years ago

Hey Ghana!

I think that's my favorite contest until now - I am hoping that thanks to it I will be able to read plenty of interesting articles, so... thanks for it!

I am on Steemit for over 9 months now, and at first many of my posts were not upvoted. Some, most likely, because of me and using wrong hashtags, forgetting about #steemexclusive et cetera (BTW, information about the meaning of #steemexclusive tag is not in any of the Newcomers achievements and it should be). Then, mostly because I was unable to hit the target and was selecting the wrong communities to write about the specific things.

Okay, let's start then:

Eco village community plan - Cumelen

One of my very first posts on Steemit - wrong hashtags, not so beautifully organized post, but the text is very important and very personal. I am describing there my biggest dream - creating the permacultural village with a place to live and work for refugees and people in need. The dream is beautiful and I was taking it very seriously for a long time, but life rearranged my plans. I may never be able to build the whole village (unless someday I will discover I have a rich family that left me the heritage :P), so now I would satisfy with the bigger house and garden or mini-farm. Some place where I could host one or two people and help people in need on a smaller scale.


Love is in the air - few words about my understanding of love

That was a very personal and informative article about polyamory, especially my own polycule. I know that the target on this platform is different and in many countries most represented on Steemit even homosexuality is taboo, not to mention polyamory, but from the other side, Steemit gives us the opportunity to look at the lives on the other side of the planet, often very different from our lifestyle, and in my opinion, it's ethnographically exciting. I do adore reading about the traditional African dances, Muslim holidays, and other things that make me understand this world better, I was hoping that anyone will be interested in my point of view about such a basic thing as love, even if my point of view is totally different than that shared by the majority.

Let's talk about: different types of polyamory

It's in some way the continuation of the previous publication, this time polyamory is not described from the personal perspective but defined more scientifically, including all its kinds. I'm writing about the different dynamics between the partners, differences between monogamy and polyamory, and poliamoristic relationships, from "v-type" to triad or polycule. As you may notice, I'm still a new user at that point and I don't know yet that the #steemexclusive tag is so important, so I don't use it even though that publication was not shared in any other place on the Internet.

Plants of Atacama Desert

That's a lovely article with wonderful photos - all of them were made by me, nothing is taken from the Internet. It describes the flora in one of the driest places on Earth. Some would say that sort of desert has to be totally dead and yet, there are plants and animals that can be found there (even if there is not much of them).

Decade of '90s

That post was more for fun. It's not professional journalism but my answer for one contest about my favorite decade. I described the 1990s, but made it in the most complete way I could, reaching my memories, writing about the cinematography, music, toys, trends, and fashion in those times. I put a lot of time and effort into that publication but my income reached only 7 cents.

Wedding contest

I described the most important day of my life, attached professional photos, and five (!!!) videos - one from my wedding, another from my first dance, two videos with the record of the gifts (LGBT chorus in Kraków and our friends who were singing traditional Ukrainian love song) and at the end Videoclip with the summary of the whole event to which I prepared subtitles in English and Spanish. The article was prepared professionally and in my opinion, deserves a lot of attention and yet, it was not viewed almost by anyone, probably because it was shared in not so popular community.

The new abortion law in Argentina, history of the change from January 2021

Okay, that post is not steemexclusive because originally I wrote it for one of the Polish newspapers, but it's a solid reportage that I was writing for a week, making long research before and using the help of the professional editor. I know that the SC team does not upvote anything that was published before in any other place, but I was hoping for a bigger response from the community and maybe some discussion.
The article is about legalizing access to free abortion in Argentina in 2021 and making that country one of the most progressive in the region in that matter - there is neutral relation from the senate with quotes of both sides: people who voted in favor of changes and those who were opposing them. I was trying to stay neutral for the whole time, describing the event and mot manipulating the readers to take one of the sides.

Poland quietly slid to authoritarianism III: war with LGBT

It's the third part of my triptych about the political situation in Poland and the erosion of democracy in that eastern European country. Sources that I have used to write it were pointed at the end of the article and the list contained 26 links (!) Additionally, most of the graphics were prepared by myself. Massive work, a lot of effort, and, at least in my opinion, a very professional description of the situation which at that point was just starting. Nowadays democratic crisis in Poland and Hungary is described nearly every month in most western media - I tried to do it on Steemit much earlier, but it seems that not too many users were interested in reading about politics.

Jean Michelle Basquiat's works - interpretation with the movie mediation

If I remember correctly, it took me 9 hours to write that single article. It's a very solid description of the artist Jean Michelle Basquiat, some facts about his biography taken from the books I've read and movies I've watched and then if it would not be enough, I have made the interpretation of three of his artworks, unsolving symbolism included in them, finding references in the times he was creating and his personal life. I'm sure that article could be used as the study work at some art school. Unfortunately, the 9 hours were paid for 3 USD only.


The kingdom of ice - trip to the North Pole (Svalbard, Norway)

The publication was written in my community, Steem-Travelers, so I guess I should be disappointed by myself that I didn't upvote it with booming, but... at that point, the community was just starting, and I'd rather give the upvotes to the other users than myself. I was hoping it will be discovered by the SC team, but it wasn't.

Traveling is always exciting, but traveling to the North Pole is something very unusual. All the photos are taken by me, all description was made in possibly the most interesting way - I described unusual law, I said why everyone on Svalbard has to have a gun and why it's prohibited by law... to die on the island.


I think it's time to end this article to not make it too long. It should be three publications, I already shared ten... sorry for that... I wanted also mention the article about traditional polish dances or that one when I describe the aspen decorations prepared since over 100 years only in one region of Poland and popularized once again in XXIst century by... my mother. I won't write more about it though, because I have mercy - I already took too much of your time :)

The fact is that many interesting posts are unnoticed. I will read your entries, and if I will like any of your posts from 2021, I will upvote the newest publication with 100% VP.

It's not much (10-11 cents), but it's always something.

Thanks for reading!


 3 years ago 

Great entry you have got there. Your reasons are clear and understandable, for example the use of wrong hashtag is something that worries most newcomers. And that is why it is advisable to complete the achievement tasks in newcomers community to know how to use them.

If I am right, the contest was specific on the number of posts to nominate! Why go beyond that of If I may ask ?

Anyway, I wish you all the best in the contest.

If I am right, the contest was specific on the number of posts to nominate! Why go beyond that of If I may ask ?

I just used it as the pretext to write a good post and increase the activity in your community. I don't mind if others will win the rewards - I'm satisfied with comments and upvotes.

And that is why it is advisable to complete the achievement tasks in newcomers community to know how to use them.

True. Newcomers community should be the priority for every new user. But if I remember correctly (I did my achievements 9 months ago, so I may be wrong), there is nothing about the tags in them. That's why I've made in my community some extended tutorial for the newcomers.

 3 years ago 

Likewise me I am not too much concern about who win what. But I was curious to know whether that was the recommendations.

However, I think people will love to read post that are shot than post that are lengthy. If not because I know you write quality content, I would have pass without reading this very important post but I enjoyed reading your entries so I did.

How about those who do not know that? They will go without taking a look and they would have missed these important key points you have given.

I think it is known part.

90% of my posts are very long. If someone is scared by the length of the text or gets tired after the 20th sentence, it's clearly not my target.

All linked posts from the past are long, so it wouldn't be read by that kind of person anyway.

I'm writing for fun and to educate, not to satisfy everyone. Otherwise I'd have to make 250-300 words and focus on the pictures that simpler people are watching instead of reading anything besides the title :)

So, summarizing - The priority is the quality of the post, but also quality, not quantity of the readers.


 3 years ago 

Yes it is true that most of your post are lengthy probably depending on what you are writing.

I'm writing for fun and to educate, not to satisfy everyone.

How then will educate people if they do not read your post? I totally disagree with you on writing to satisfy. Because I believe that before someone will read your post then the person has to be satisfy with your heading or something about the post.

I agree with you about the quality of content because that should should be our major aim. But I am just confuse if the quality of post is determined by how lengthy it is?

But I am just confuse if the quality of post is determined by how lengthy it is?

Okay, you've got me here. It's not "1 to 1" situation - sometimes shorter publications have higher quality than the long posts. Often though, to include all the information, you need to write long article. Imagine describing any topic for the person who does not know much about it. With short encyclopedia style sentence, you will do it correctly and give the general information, but with cultural or historical background, examples, longer explanation, maybe description of the alternatives, shared information is much more educative. Also - much, much longer.

How then will educate people if they do not read your post?

I didn't say that I'm not willing to satisfy with my publications anyone, I said I don't point in satisfying everyone. First of all, it's simply impossible, second of all, to give the information about some theme, someone needs to first want to learn it. Then sure, all that things which you are writing about, like the graphics, visual value, good language are important. For example - I'm writing Permaculture Lessons on Steem Skillshare. It's my passion so most of the lessons are on a bit more advanced level and if someone never worked on a farm, it may not be clear for them what I'm writing about. Yes, I'm taking care of visual value and photos but those CC photos are in fact not important compared to the text and text... Simply can't be short. I could simplify the language, make it shorter and add more flower pictures or cows and some people would give me the upvote just for that, but those who really are looking for the information about the crops would be disappointed then because what they are looking for is the professional knowledge.

At the end of the day, it's all about finding the target and writing for them + for fun, for ourselves. Writing for everyone or even trying to educate absolutely everyone is not possible.

Good chat, btw. Its been weeks since I debated with someone on Steemit longer than for three comments ;)

 3 years ago 

Good to know

Well understood and likewise you have got me here.

At the end of the day, it's all about finding the target and writing for them + for fun, for ourselves. Writing for everyone or even trying to educate absolutely everyone is not possible.

Absolutely no doubt about that.

Good chat, btw. Its been weeks since I debated with someone on Steemit longer than for three comments ;)

Waooow, if you are a lover of football then I will recommend @worldoffootball for you. Let's meet there to disagree and agree on football issues because that is what i love doing for fan.

Is been great having a conversation with you.

Hi @papi.mati thanks very much for your input in this contest. Really your posts brought here were very powerful that had less attention. But you Continuously pushed on. That is how sometimes Steemit work. But in all, we should engage the Steemit platform.

Thanks very much for your entry. My pleasure 😃.

Thank you for your comment and such a magnificent contest theme. I find it very original and useful, so I will try to support the best publications with my account, and maybe curation account of my community as well! Have a great day!

My pleasure 😃 for your kind words and great support.

 3 years ago 

It is a pleasure visiting. It is always good we have interaction with steemians across the world. I have visited most of your posts and some of the jargons are not very familiar but it is important to know them so as to be broad minded and not myopic. I must sincerely say that you have time to research and write. I commend you for such. At some point, I was beginning to see a avid writer in you. But what is very sad is that most of your write-ups do not have votes and visits. But I have visited most of them and read through them.

With your first nomination on Eco village community plan, I was lost from the onset of the post, but I got to understand you More when you said that you wish to create an open solidarity- sensitive Community able to help each other and others in difficult times especially those who have been hurt by circumstances. It made me read once again. Good display of pictures of whatever activities that took place.

Your second nomination about your take on love, I read everything. Love is really a special feeling we have about people who are important to us. Your talk about self love, parental love, friendship and love to God was read. Culture and understanding of love is what makes love what it is but I will only comment on what I know and understand. People have diverse explanations to love as you stated. From where some of us come from we explain love differently. 1 Corinthians define love most.

Your take on the Atacama desert. Truly, you present us with a lot. Letting us know the plants that blossom on this desert is worth sharing. The jojoba which I think is used for the jojoba oil. Which live up to 200-250years. The Opantia which I thought was an apple 😄 lichen and grass.It is interesting to know that these plants thrive around these parts.

A big thank you for sharing with us @papi.mati you have shown us that your journey to this stage wasn't easy


Good post leader.

No wonder you were the runner-up for best author at the Steemit Awards, very well researched posts.

Aww, thank you souch - it's such a kind words :)

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