Do you have a suggestion for contests on steemit?

in WORLD OF XPILAR2 years ago

There are many contests on steemit and in the local communities,
but many of them run similar types of contests.

competitions on steemit 1 A.jpg

Do you miss a type of competition or have good ideas for competitions on steemit then I would like to hear about it



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Founder of @wox-helpfund


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Two weeks ago I started this, I would like you to support me and help me get participants by giving a reblog, please.

Hi! Can you tell me how to become a member in this community?

 2 years ago
Join us and create/publish your works :)


From my observation, when a contest on Steemit has a unique aspect, many users do not participate. When there is an additional task required, even a small action such as referring something, the participation decreases.

However, we can see that Steemit engagement challenge contests has over 100+ participants but contests with a simpler format, like The Guessers Club, only receive 10 – 15 entries. It seems that it is not the type of contest that motivates users, but the presence of curators visiting the contest. Yet it remains to be seen if new and unique contests can attract more participants.

 2 years ago (edited)

Yes @disconnect, I experience the same in my competitions, not many participants
That's why I want the post to come up with good ideas

I sincerely hope that you will get some good ideas to make participants curious. One such contest I'm looking forward to is Pennsif's #thebig80.

 2 years ago 

@pennsifs #thebig80 is exciting

If that's possible. In any case, I will continue since the insistence will also make participation grow and I will continue thinking about which other to create. Thanks for your support @disconnect

I totally agree with you, I like to run contests, in the past I wanted to have more than 100 entries but today the participation is low, I think that people are looking for that big vote opportunity.

 2 years ago 

I think that people are looking for that big vote opportunity.

You're absolutely right

 2 years ago 

I have seen that many like drawing contests. They even come from other communities to compete.
Maybe a pencil drawing contest (with a different theme every week, like house, bird, car, etc.)
And maybe a pen drawing contest, with different theme.
And maybe painting contest...

 2 years ago 

Good ideas @ranartblog, there are many artists on steemit
Let's think about it

 2 years ago 

If you'll need anything from me, I'd be happy to help.
I do not know much about the technical stuff of Steemit, but I know about art.

Saludos a todos.

En verdad que extraño los concursos de música, instrumentales, solistas, gente cantando y bailando, llevando alegría a sus hogares porque se comparten cuando son dinámicos, recuerdo que cree un concurso de canto A capella, Que fue muy exitoso, pero los curadores por alguna razón, dejaron de apreciar y apoyar el talento musical. En verdad extraño ese mundo, al igual que muchos músicos que hacían vida en la plataforma, y dejaron de publicar...

 2 years ago 

It is a good idea to bring it back to life

Me alegra mucho leer esto, ya que se de muchísima gente que quiere devolverle la música a la plataforma, a través del canto y los instrumentos...

Creo que el problema es que la mayoría de las personas no tocamos ningún instrumento y cuando cantamos comienza a llover. Esos concursos tendrían a pocas personas participando.

Jajaja, me hiciste reír, en verdad los concursos de canto tenían mucho auge. Recuerdo hace 4 años el famoso Steemit openmic, llegó a tener 300 participantes cada semana, por supuesto, tenía premios muy grandes...

OK Ojalá y se haga un nuevo intento. La música es buena para el alma. Saludos cordiales.

Te voy a dejar un enlace para que escuches a mi esposa cuando ganó el Steemit Open Mic 98, allí verás si quieres confirmar cuantos participaban, yo la acompañe en la guitarra... Ella falleció en junio pasado, cantaba muy bien...

Ay, amigo. Lo siento muchísimo. Eso da tristeza. Mire, pero cuál es el link que debo marcar allí? Veo varios concursantes cantando. Cuál es el de ud y su esposa xfa? @danieldedos2

Я хотела бы соревноваться, публикуя подборки лучших постов steemit. =) Таких как эта

I would like to compete by publishing a selection of the best steemit posts. =) Such as this

HI! Can you tell me how to become a member of World of Xpilar Community?

 2 years ago 

Publishing a selection of the best steemit posts requires a lot of work
I see that the post you referred to had no comments, here you should get more comments, but you often need prizes to get people to read and comment

Вы правы. На Steemit не так много читателей, комментарии бывают не всегда. Местные авторы одновременно и читательская аудитория здесь. И как читатели они достаточно привередливы. =)

You're right. There are not so many readers on Steemit, there are not always comments. Local authors and the readership are here at the same time. And as readers, they are quite picky. =)

One type of competition that I think would be interesting to see on steemit is a photography contest. This could be a great way to showcase the talents of steemit's photography community and provide an opportunity for photographers to get their work recognized. Some possible categories for the contest could include landscapes, portraits, action shots, and abstract photography.

Additionally, it would be great to see a theme for the contest that changes each month, such as "cityscapes" or "wildlife." Overall, I think a photography contest would be a fun and engaging way to promote creativity and community on steemit.

 2 years ago 

Photo competitions are fun and we have many such competitions in the WOX community

In this case, there are never too many topics, you can expand the range, I'm sure that people have something to share.
I agree, there is already a flower contest in another community, but we can have a flower contest in ice, or flowers floating in water, lol. There are many items under our feet that could be the subject of an interesting contest, like fallen tree fruit, rotten fruit, trash, fallen leaves, whatever. the competition of shadow photographs cannot be called exclusive and the competition of reflections, but even here you can think of something, give each competition a narrower topic, for example, the shadow of a mosquito proboscis :).

 2 years ago 

Yes @barski, those are good ideas, as you say could give each contest a narrower topic

Hi @xpilar! Steemit is full of artists in all fields and one of the best examples is this community. Your thematic drawing contests have been an incredible experience for those of us who like to create stories and so many others that based on an image either their own, as in the case of photography, or given by the same author of the contest, are asked to create stories that tell something about what they see.
My point is that a contest could be created for cartoonists and photographers in which, instead of a photograph, a Writing, (story, poetry, a song) is shown, asking the contestant to show, either through a photograph of his authorship or a drawing created by him, what makes him/her feel what he/she read.

That, I feel, could be an option :)

 2 years ago 

That's a great idea

I appreciate it!


I came up with this contest and it was one of a kind for many reasons,
I could only allocate a total of 10 Steem Power

First Position5 Steem Power
Second Position3 Steem Power
Third Position2 Steem Power

The reward did not equate the amount of work and time needed to solve the puzzle.

Support would be greatly appreciated to encourage participation.

 2 years ago 

Crossword Puzzle Contest is a great competition that gives brain exercise
But I think it is difficult to get many participants even if you had bigger prizes

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