๐Ÿ’ก Suggestions for things that can improve the platform ๐Ÿš€ 100% Power-Up ๐Ÿš€ Double Dolphin Club ๐Ÿฌ๐Ÿฌ #club5050 ๐Ÿ’ช 21 STEEM Power-Up ๐Ÿ’ช

in WORLD OF XPILAR โ€ข 3 years ago (edited)

A few days ago, @chriddi wrote a post about #club5050 in relation to the Deutsch Unplugged Community and the difficulties that her community has experienced since the initiative launched - the unexpected divisiveness of an initiative that was designed to benefit the Steemit platform.

The replies to @chriddi's post are worth a read too and with me being the social butterfly that I am, have been asked for my opinion so here it is...


Instead of keeping these opinions private / semi-public, I've decided to share them with you in the hope of sparking some debate and new perspectives - starting with mine.


The Big Question

In response to @chriddi's post, steemcurator01 replied with the following...

It is interesting to read all the comments and get feedback on what we are doing.

We welcome suggestions for things that @steemcurator01 and @steemcurator02 can do to improve the platform, within the boundaries and constraints that we can operate.

In order to answer this question, we need to know what "the boundaries and constraints" are so I'm going to work with the following assumptions:

  1. steemcurator01 (sc01) and steemcurator02 (sc02) are not allowed to downvote
  2. Technical enhancements to the platform are not an option (i.e. sc01 and sc02 are not IT developers).

In other words, how do we want sc01 and sc02 to upvote content?


Now before I dive in, @chriddi's stolen my thunder somewhat in her reply to sc01's question - so if I repeat some of her suggestions then I hope that I've done so in my own unique "tone of voice".

Danke Verp.... -beeeeep- ๐Ÿ›‘ (๐Ÿ‘ˆ I crammed 2 private jokes in there ๐Ÿคฃ)


1. Stop (most of) the Big Upvotes

It's easy to say this given that I don't get them any more but even since I started fighting plagiarism, I had people telling me that "the steemcurator upvotes are your problem" - "people plagiarise so that they get a steemcurator upvote" - "people scam the Newcomers' Community / Crypto Academy to get a steemcurator upvote" - repeat ad nauseum.

There's some truth in this - an unintentional consequence of a powerful user being too busy and too trusting to check absolutely everything before they upvote.

Aside - If you're interested in watching a Newcomers' Community / Crypto Academy scam Live as it happens - @endingplagiarism has started following "The Professor" here

The big upvotes from the Newcomers' Community haven't all gone yet - you just need to persevere with a few more achievements before getting them. But I wonder if the level of abuse seen within this community has reduced since the "easy" rewards were reduced.


2. Trust Some Community Leaders

So with the big upvotes gone, what happens next?

This is a difficult one because too many users, a handful of which are held in high regard, are scammers (abusing their multiple accounts). Whether they joined with this intention or saw the bright dollars flashing before their eyes, I don't know. Despite this, there are also a number of users well known across Steemit for their unwavering integrity and desire to improve the platform, one of which being my inspiration to write this post.

So these users should be trusted by following their "curation trail" (if they have one) or with a "follow-on" vote.

I'm not saying that these users should have all conquering power over sc01 and sc02 upvotes, but sc01 could be used for those with absolute trust, and sc02 for the "fledgling newcomers" who don't get caught being scummy scammers. This needs to be hard to earn, and easy to lose.

My suggestion is like most curation trails - a percentage upvote with a maximum of 3% - that's still a $6 payout - plenty enough to go around and help so many more users.


3. Stop Upvoting Crap Content

Sorry @chriddi - I prefer my version

If you upvote a shitty "I powered up 30 Steem today" because it was #club5050, then you'll get 50 more shitty "I powered up 30 Steem today" posts.

People see crap content get upvoted, they write crap content.

#club5050 has seen a proliferation of crap content. It was probably better when every fucker tagged steemcurator01 and every other whale at the end of their posts.

I'm sure the intention of the initiative was to help stem the flow of Steem from the platform but information from this post and this post suggest that it's having little to no impact and the reaction I've seen (and felt myself) has seen a decrease in power-ups and continued the alienation of long-serving users (and gobby newbies like me).


4. Get Back to What You Loved Doing


By doing 1-3 above, number 2 in particular will save you (sc01 and sc02) from having to visit designated communities. No longer forced to visit posts with specific tags. You're a free bird again, to fly into and out of whichever communities you love. Reading the authors you love, the content you love whilst listening to the music you love. Save those big upvotes for the charitable causes that deserve support (like @bettervision or @elkezaksek's Ugandan project) or users who actually need it, not those who beg for it via a hashtag or chasing you around with comments.

Things changed. I've changed. You've changed (๐Ÿ’”). But we'll always have @everythingelse. @yesir.


Please Share Your Thoughts

As always, I'm interested in hearing your thoughts so please comment below.

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ย 3 years agoย 

Many good suggestions in this thread, I wish we had a conclusion on this.
Since the split with Hive and later with Blurt, a lot has happened and it takes part of the reward pool to buy another coin that we know of. What I do not like is that many people post the same posts on multiple blockchains to milk.

But that was not what this thread was about.
With the new measures such as # club5050, I see that many more have now received votes that almost never before received any votes of 01 in our society, so here I see an advantage compared to previous distribution of votes.
But I agree that far too many posts that are not quality also seem to get voting "# club5050". I wonder how long it will take before there is a power down again on many accounts to withdraw the rewards.

I have read @chriddis's post now and there are many good points there and also in all the comments. It took me a while to read everything there

Some thoughts came to me afterwards and I see that we all really want the same with steem and local community.
We want quality posts and fair rewards
When it comes to trend pages, work is being done to find a solution and that acquired votes are not dominated there from upvote bot

We soon have 16,000 subscribers, but what worries me is we only have 540 active posters, but pending rewards have grown $ 5,007
What are we going to do with all the members if we do not have more 540 active posters a week. There are 77 posts per day and of those who have quality here, we should take care of as good members who deserve to vote
Maybe we should have elite members who are loyal users of WOX.
Our competitions are popular and bring many users to WOX, but most also make posts in other communities, ie they post in several different communities to get the most possible rewards

ย 3 years agoย 

I wish we had a conclusion on this.

I share your thoughts and others that have commented appear to agree. The lack of communication coming from the Steem Team appears to be causing some frustration.

We soon have 16,000 subscribers, but what worries me is we only have 540 active posters, but pending rewards have grown $ 5,007
What are we going to do with all the members if we do not have more 540 active posters a week. There are 77 posts per day and of those who have quality here, we should take care of as good members who deserve to vote
Maybe we should have elite members who are loyal users of WOX.
Our competitions are popular and bring many users to WOX, but most also make posts in other communities, ie they post in several different communities to get the most possible rewards

Some interesting points for discussion throughout your reply but I've had a few thoughts about this even before you mentioned it.

I don't know how important the number of subscribers is - I suspect a large number of them are no longer active at all, having left for Hive when the fork happened. So as a proportion, 540 might seem like a low number but I think 540 people over the course of 7 days indicates how active WOX is. Especially when compared to other communities on Steemit - The Korean community is often used as a benchmark which has roughly 250 active posters.

Maybe we should have elite members who are loyal users of WOX.

There are some fantastic members in WOX who we appreciate that don't necessarily get the wider recognition that they deserve and it's perhaps because...

ie they post in several different communities to get the most possible rewards

I sometimes think that it's good to post in a few different communities. As you know, I'm now posting exclusively in WOX where I used to post in World of Football, Steem Sports, Steem Gaming, etc... selecting the most appropriate community for the content I'm writing. I sometimes feel that my sports posts don't get the level of engagement that they would perhaps get in one of those other communities - I have retained the followers that I had previously but no new interactions.

But yes - in general, you can certainly see when people jump from community to community "fishing" for some support where they'd be better off engaging within one community and building themselves a reputation.

I very much like the idea of elite members - we definitely already know who many of them will be ๐Ÿ‘

ย 3 years agoย 

Hi @the-gorilla, everything is correct and I agree with you. The only problem is it is not possible to check everything that is posted within those popular tags. We ourselves spend couple of hours while curating our "small" community and that it time consuming. The team who is behind the Steemcurator accounts is too small.

I have noticed @chriddi's post but had no chance to stop and read it, as you know I am doings night shifts so try to keep the curation going. Nevertheless, I am not optimistic that any of those suggestions will be taken.

ย 3 years agoย 

The only problem is it is not possible to check everything that is posted within those popular tags. We ourselves spend couple of hours while curating our "small" community and that it time consuming. The team who is behind the Steemcurator accounts is too small.

I think that's why point 2 will help a lot - knowing the work that we do behind the scenes to stamp out (the various types of) abuse and also knowing that there are other communities that do a great job with this as well, it should give sc01 and sc02 a good starting point for picking the users that they wish to "upvote follow".

I have noticed @chriddi's post but had no chance to stop and read it, as you know I am doings night shifts so try to keep the curation going.

I'm impressed that you find time to curate and then to read this post - don't be late for work ๐Ÿ˜‰

Nevertheless, I am not optimistic that any of those suggestions will be taken.

I remember saying this to somebody important once -

Don't underestimate the power of the community

If users like yourself, @chriddi, @papi-mati, @xpilar, @fendit, @cryptokannon, @sapwood, @alikoc07 and too many others to mention strongly support one of these ideas, I have hope that we can make it happen.

"It's the hope that gets you in the end" (c) @the-gorilla

There must be a venn diagram for this...

๐Ÿ‘† This'll do

I have hope... we're talking about the future... we just need to find some confidence and then we'll have some optimism ๐Ÿคฃ

The team who is behind the Steemcurator accounts is too small.

Then they should at least accept advisory support.
Because the principle of heaping votes on users they have relied on for a long time (you... me...) in the case of "lack of time or staff", plus a few "lucky hits" creates resentment. Especially here, in the western countries, where we don't need the Steem, where we (can) see it as a nice side effect, the "idealists" are leaving the ship more and more.

had no chance to stop and read it

What? You vote without reading?! ... ๐Ÿคช

I am doings night shifts so try to keep the curation going.

My thoughts even go as far as, "Is orderly curating and good blogging possible at the same time?" As soon as the answer is clearly "no", it's no longer my steem. You can already see how quiet it has become around me.
Yes, I do the work for the community account for free. Some say that's stupid, I just still have hope for a community - albeit a small one - that has other goals than making a quick buck and I want to set an example. But it's getting harder.

I am not optimistic that any of those suggestions will be taken.

As they are, the suggestions are not mature either, I would not adopt them as they are if I were responsible for the sc01.
But they offer room for discussion.
After that, it is important that the team changes something at all after several suggestions have been discussed and also publishes this openly, in a very clear roadmap (if you don't read and confirm this, you'll never get a vote again anyway... ๐Ÿ˜‰ ).

I agree with the things you pointed out, friend. I don't think these clubs are the proper way to make Steemit grow either. As far as we've seen with this and the Communities of the Month program, all this only leads to power and votes concentrated in just a bunch of people. Which, of course, are always the same users.

I've felt really bad towards the club5050 thing, as they've introduced it as a 'volunteer' thing... and turns out it was everything but voluntary. If you don't join, there's no support for you in any way. As well as that, in the latest update made to CryptoAcademy rules, they've also asked people to buy Steem and power it up if they didn't reach a minimum of 150 SP powered up, which of course, leads to more discomfort.

I believe noone talks about this out of fear, as talking your mind would probably mean being exposed to zero votes. And we should also take into account that mostly all users from Steemit come from countries that are facing very difficult economical situations (as an example, Venezuela or even my country, Argentina). Due to this, Steemit represents a very important income for them and they depend on those Steem to live.

I understand that perhaps their idea for club5050 was to actually reduce the supply of Steem in the market... but i'm not really sure this is the way. I've checked some posts that have been voted and content quality has decreased a lot and, as a community admin, I get to see really talented users that give out their best in their post... and yet, there's no way we can provide enough support for them to feel appreciated. That's really frustrating when you've spent countless hours and effort in trying to make your community grow.

I really hope my opinion doesn't create any sort of misunderstanding, as I really love Steemit and I'd love to see it grow. But with this kind of this, it's becoming harder and harder.

PS: Thank you so much for mentioning me in the comment :)

ย 3 years agoย (edited)

I think that you've made some excellent points and hopefully other users will read this and add their thoughts too. The "voluntary" element not being voluntary at all is a good point. In response to chriddi's original post, I wrote:

So Steemit Inc. is making you choose - use UpVu and bid-bots which guarantee you an upvote - or play the club5050 lottery and hope that you get one.

Neither of which are resulting in good content creation.

Or the 3rd option of ignoring all of the bull-shit and just enjoying your little fiefdom ๐Ÿ™‚

PS: Thank you so much for mentioning me in the comment :)

You're welcome - you know that I admire the hard work that you and @belenguerra put in to the Writing and Reviews community.

Thank you for mentioning our Uganda project.
That's mainly the reason why I'm still here in the first place.
There are people here who support us and I want to keep them updated with the Uganda posts. I want everyone to know what is happening with their donated money....
Also, I like @stef1 's art magazine.
@chriddi founded Deutsch Unplugged with her unwavering optimism and puts a lot of work into it. These are bright spots, but I personally don't feel much attachment to this blockchain anymore....

ย 3 years agoย (edited)

There are indeed bright spots and although they may be few, they're currently enough to keep my hope alive. And I still feel that I can make a difference in some way.

I can understand your love of Blurt though - The German Community in particular is very active and I'd love to find the same spirit in a British community somewhere.


Hab' grad auf eure Trending-Site geguckt. "Fรผrchte" wir sehen uns bald offline, worauf ich mich natรผrlich diebisch freuen wรผrde... ๐Ÿ˜‰

ย 3 years agoย 

I was optimistic about the idea of โ€‹โ€‹clubs. It shows that the SC team is not indifferent to the future of Steemit. But any idea can be distorted by lovers of easy money. So I agree with @ the-gorilla.

It is necessary to create clear, well-known criteria that the SC team should follow:

  • plagiarism cannot be supported (if the SC team cannot check each post itself, then, as @ the-gorilla noted, let it entrust this work to those who have earned the trust;
  • the author who uses bots cannot be supported;
  • only high-quality content can be supported, and the higher the quality, the greater the support;
  • the amount of support should be affected by the ratio between the withdrawn funds and Power Up, ie if the author withdraws all the money, but writes quality posts, then such work should also be supported, just the amount of support may be smaller. This might slightly stimulate a reduction in the outflow of STEEM on the stock exchange. But the real fight against the outflow of STEEM will be when the bots will be placed in a clear framework, when their outrage will be limited.

I think I repeated in other words what @ the-gorilla said :)

ย 3 years agoย 

I think that's what they're already trying to do although they've lost there way somewhat. Lucky for them, we're here to get the back on track ๐Ÿ˜†

ย 3 years agoย 

Someone else recently told me that his "spirit is broken" and that he "will do only what he loves". Who could it be? ๐Ÿค”

ย 3 years agoย 

Ha ha. I've had so much fun with this. I was excited about writing that story and what we'd discover on each day. Ruined though. Totally ruined.

ย 3 years agoย 

I've thought for a long time now about creating a "Steemit Oasis"

Does this mean that WOX will lose you, your fantasy leagues, sports articles and wonderful posts about everyday things that you so skillfully describe? ๐Ÿ™

ย 3 years agoย 

Ha ha - no. Probably not. It won't work if it relies upon people moving out of the communities that they've worked so hard to build. Which probably means that the idea won't work at all โ˜น๏ธ

ย 3 years agoย 

It will work if your new community has a purpose. You need to think about which one. It's up to you. It can be charity, it can be some unique theme or something else. Look in your heart.

ย 3 years agoย 

The purpose would be to stop scummy abusers posting shit content in the hope of getting upvotes ๐Ÿ™‚

ย 3 years agoย 

Your post is manually rewarded by the
World of Xpilar Community Curation Trail

https://steemit.com/~witnesses vote xpilar.witness

Having seen your title I had to assume a new spammer is bornโ€ฆ though a creative oneโ€ฆ ๐Ÿ˜‚
More sooner on, promised! ๐Ÿ‘‹

ย 3 years agoย 

What's wrong with my title? Did I forget to include something?

No, no, it's all good: it's a very attractive headline - invites immediate reading, just as one is used to being taught by the best journalists worldwide!... ๐Ÿคช

ย 3 years agoย 

I wrote an article about this once... I might have to regurgitate it here one day ๐Ÿ™‚

I am curious... ;-)
I studied something like that once...

ย 3 years agoย 

It had a very catchy title. Something to do with a number of things that the FBI don't want you to know.

ย 3 years agoย 


ย 3 years agoย 

ไฝ ๅฅฝ้ธญ๏ผŒthe-gorilla!



ๅƒ้ฅฑไบ†ๅ—๏ผŸ่ทŸๆˆ‘็Œœๆ‹ณๅง๏ผ ็Ÿณๅคด๏ผŒๅ‰ชๅˆ€๏ผŒๅธƒ๏ฝž


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