💬 Promoting WOX's Top Commenters - Supporting Steemit's Vision Week #3

in WORLD OF XPILAR3 years ago


It's been great to see the level of interaction within the World of Xpilar community increase over the past couple of weeks and I hope that you've all enjoyed any additional interactions you've experienced.

As part of this initiative, we want to highlight the members that are most interactive within the community and reward them with a special "💬 Top Commenter" Label.

We also have 2,000 Steem in delegations that we like to share with the top members and to build upon the top commenter label, the users that these delegations are allocated to will receive an additional crown and king/queen addition.

For the past 2 weeks, @petface (1,000), @serap (500) and @steem-venera (500) have received these delegations and have continued to impress with their activity.


King / Queen Commenters

There were plenty of members in contention for the next set of 2 week delegations and we have decided to continue the 1,000 / 500 / 500 split as follows:

👑💬 Queen Commenter - @petface - 1,000 Delegation
👑💬 Queen Commenter - @nithku - 500 Delegation
👑💬 King Commenter - @ezuntimmy - 500 Delegation

An additional thanks to @ezuntimmy who also highlighted some scam comments to the authors they were aimed at.


Top Commenters

@serap and @steem-venera narrowly missed out on the delegations this time around, as did @o1eh who will all receive / keep the "💬 Top Commenter" label.


Please Share Your Thoughts

As always, I'm interested in hearing your thoughts so please comment below.

 3 years ago 

Thank you ever so much @stef1 This is music to my ears! You and the WOX community certainly know how to treat me well and I greatly appreciate it. I love having the title as it is an additional motivation for me to keep doing what I am doing knowing it doesn't remain unnoticed.

I am pleased that you nominated my post for the booming upvote. It is an original and exclusive post and photos which I am really glad that I shared in WOX. Cheers and till next time.

 3 years ago 


I'm really grateful for the king commenter label @the-gorilla. It's really lovely engaging people. It's also quite amazing how much i've learnt from others and how many friends I've made from different countries in the past 7 days. The Worldofxpilar is a great community and I am extremely glad to be a part of it. Congrats to all the winners @petface @nithku @serap @steem-venera @o1eh.
I also want to use this medium to thank my brother @ezunjoshy who encouraged me when I wanted to stop mostly because my semester exams start this month. Also I'd like to thank @stef1 for the encouragement and the host @the-gorilla for his support.

 3 years ago (edited)

Great work engaging with the posts of the great authors on this community. Many artists like you sharing skills and styles must be awesome. Awesome, you are learning and improving your work thanks to the dialogue in the WOX*!!
I'm delegating 500 SP for being such a Top Commenter!! :)
Keep that great spirit!!

Thank you very much I'm really grateful for this delegation with this I would be able to reach out to much people in this great community thanks once more.

Really glad you got a platform Bro.... Congrats 👌👌

Thanks so much brother for the support

Amigo @ezuntimmy eres el rey!! jajaja me he perdido tus últimos trabajos, se me han colado entre las nuevas publicaciones. Me alegra que estés interactuando con otros artistas.
Saludos y Felicidades!! 😊

hola mi querido amigo @nithku, estoy muy contento de tener noticias tuyas de nuevo. La interacción es algo interesante para mí y he aprendido mucho a través de ella. felicidades a mi principal comentarista de Queen.

Hola mi estimado, este ha sido un proyecto magnifico, estoy de acuerdo en que hay personas muy interesantes, voy a echar un vistazo en tus obras que también me encantan.
Saludos 😊

 3 years ago 

how many friends I've made from different countries in the past 7 days

I noticed this - you'll be planning a round-the-world trip soon!

I hope so too 😂

 3 years ago 

Thank you so much @ezuntimmy No doubt you deserve the King Commenter label with all your hard work here in WOX which then rewards you with plenty of supporters. Your brother @ezunjoshy did very well encouraging you to keep contributing here. Especially once you have achieved something you shouldn’t be carried away celebrating forever but keep working and challenging yourself. Sooner or later we just get into the habit of posting and commenting daily and become better and better at this and ideas keep flowing which I reckon would be just selfish to simply keep to ourselves. We are all artists whether by taking a photo, painting a picture or writing some incredible story so we do need an audience who won’t wait for our next post forever.

Wow en serio? Es Genial!!!Muchas Gracias!!! Tengo una corona!!! 😃jajaja.
Si hay más actividad en los comentarios, los amigos ya están respondiendo un poco más, y se siente más como si todos fuéramos parte de algo importante. Es como una familia donde todos se apoyan.
Gracias de nuevo, con esta delegación podré comentar aún más, siempre me quedo con ganas de seguir comentando en algunas buenas publicaciones y tengo que esperar al día siguiente.
Saludos 😊

 3 years ago 

Tengo una corona!!! 😃jajaja.

😆 Yes, you do. Your highness.

Jajajaja, gracias gracias, por favor no se levanten, gracias 😆

Ya en serio. Gracias, probablemente se caiga pronto, no se caminar con ella 😅

 3 years ago 

Que bueno que la delegación te servirá también para tener más actividad, además de aumentar un poco el nivel de recompensas por curación. Da gusto que se estén formando relaciones y diálogos interesantes entre los miembros de la comunidad, de ahí es de donde surgen los proyectos, las ideas y las oportunidades que siempre aparecen por esta plataforma!!
Muchas felicidades y lo mejor para todos los proyectos, @Nithku!!

Muchas Gracias amigo @leveuf, cumplirá varias funciones jajaja o al menos eso es lo que espero. Siempre me quedan muchas publicaciones por fuera y cuando vuelvo ya hay nuevas, se que eso seguirá pasando pero alcanzare un poco más de nuevos post que comentar. Estaré a la caza de buen contenido. 😊

 3 years ago 

It's a surprise to me that I got the "💬 Top Commenter" label.

I haven't been able to write many comments in these two weeks. The reason is not only a lack of time. In fact, there are many posts under which I have nothing to write, and I do not want to write "Super" or "Keep it up", I consider it spam.

Thanks for label. Cool competition. I will continue to participate.

 3 years ago 

I haven't been able to write many comments in these two weeks.

Oh yeah, I'd better change it back 😉

Only joking - you may have written fewer comments than some of the others, but like you say, they weren't "Super" or "Keep it up". What's differentiated most of the user's who have received this label is that their (your) comments tend to lead to further discussion and opinions being shared which I believe to be more valuable to the community.

 3 years ago 

I understood. The number of comments is not a decisive factor.

Да всё правильно понял. Нужен диалог. И поздравляю тебя с значком.

 3 years ago 

Спасибо. Буду стараться еще.

 3 years ago (edited)

Я тоже буду стараться. К примеру почитай коменты ezuntimmy. В основном вы и сами увидите ответы. В основном ответы , Как вы и написали выше. Ну ладно. Количество не означает качество. Желаю спокойной ночи. Хотя игра только начинается. Я имею в виду... Вы и сами поняли про что я имею в виду.

 3 years ago 

Наверное в ezuntimmy есть и количество и качество. Спокойной ночи.

 3 years ago 

A lot of the comments weren't included due to their brevity so please don't think that volume will win through. I'm tweaking my analysis each week in the hope of improving - fairness is very important to me.

For me too.

 3 years ago 

👑💬 Queen Commenter - @nithku - 500 Delegation


 3 years ago 


Muchas Gracias!! @xpilar

@petface, @nithku and @ezuntimmy are all writting very meaningful, interesting comments. Their commenter labels are well deserved.

 3 years ago 

Thank you ever so much my friend @zorank 💁‍♀️ Hopefully you will also get a Top Commenter label any time soon 🙂

 3 years ago (edited)

That would be great @petface. At the moment I'm "just" the Member, but I'm very proud of it and I'm enjoying every second of it. Take care!

 3 years ago 

I think we all here are more than just members! You @zorank are amongst one of the first people I met in WOX and started interacting with. We both are interested in what the other one has to share and never miss an opportunity to support each other. Cheers my friend and enjoy your Sunday! The sun is out here so I am heading with my family to an enticing Japanese garden here in west London where I hope to capture some more of what autumn has to offer 📸

Thanks you so much @zorank

Vaya muchas gracias!!! También te veo comentando 😊 esa etiqueta hará muy buenos recorridos y nos ayudará a crecer en más de un sentido.
Saludos amigo 😊

 3 years ago 

Felicidades a nuestro staff de comentarista de la comunidad, excelente labor cumplida, éxito continúen demostrando sus capacidades

 3 years ago 


Here I agree 100% with o1eh ( 56 ) .
However, he did not add that it is quite difficult for Russian speakers to write in English. Our proposals are composed differently. The Russians will understand me what I am saying. And the translator does not translate correctly. I was not upset. I will continue to participate. The biggest thing in these two weeks has made a lot of new friends. With whom I will continue to communicate.
Thank you very much for your work. I almost forgot. Congratulations to all the winners who have been nominated for this week. Good luck to all.

 3 years ago 

My intention is that the review is language independent so please don't feel that you need to post or comment in English.

Your conversations with avoicest, nklm, steem-venera and rut-ru (for example) add a lot of value to the community in their current form.

The biggest thing in these two weeks has made a lot of new friends. With whom I will continue to communicate.

I'm pleased to hear this and it's something that motivates me to continue reviewing all of the comments.

Everything is simple here. I communicate with Russian speakers in Russian, which is more convenient for me. And answering in English already creates a problem.

 3 years ago 

The King and Queen commenters label look so cool. Congratulations to @petface, @nithku, and @ezuntimmy who won this tag with their strong and interested comments. @the-gorilla thank you so much for honoring WOX members with these labels. We will continue to maintain our friendships, make new friends and comment interesting posts 🤗

Hola @serap, Muchas gracias!! Si se ve Genial la corona 😄 ahora nos convertiremos en expertos comentando y por ende seguiremos creciendo. A formar nuevos lazos!!

 3 years ago 

Sí, la corona te queda bien y creo que harás un buen trabajo con tu corona de reina. Me alegro de conocerte. Buena suerte 🤗 Yo usé el traductor de Google. Espero haberlo traducido correctamente 😀

jajajaja si amiga, tradujo perfecto, mi pagina se traduce automáticamente 😆 aunque a veces me falla. Gracias también es un gusto conocerte, trabajaré arduamente

 3 years ago 

I get called el-gorila a lot. so much so, I decided to create a new profile 😆

Te llaman así por un error del traductor? jajaja ya me estaba preguntando porque tienes ese nickname, y me hace gracia que digas también "La Sra. Gorila" jajaja

 3 years ago 

🙂 It's a simple story really that has been around for over 20 years now. I'm not 100% certain of the origin but it's to do with a soft toy gorilla that I own and my 1st email address.

Jajaja siempre hay una historia detrás, a veces bastante simple 😊

 3 years ago 

Thank you so much my friend @serap I am glad I met you thanks to being on the commenting challenge together. I love the new label especially the crown emoji now added to it 👸 We certainly will stay in touch and continue to be interested in what all the other members have chosen to share with us.

 3 years ago 

I completely agree with you. By the way, the crown suits you 😉👍

 3 years ago 

Thank you ever so much @serap I am really proud to have it 👑 on! I am also pleased to find out that you kept the Top Commenter label 🙌

 3 years ago 

Thank you so much @petface 🌸 We are a good team as commenters who love to talk and share their ideas 🤗

 3 years ago 

This is interesting 😁 I never knew something like this is going on in the worldofxpilar community it's very good I will have to look into this and be a partaker 😁

 3 years ago 

👍 It's still relatively new and learning so we're looking forward to your interactions.

 3 years ago 

So I thought 🤔 am all in I wanna get that badge 😁

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