THE BLOG SPOTLIGHT - Sharing GREAT Steemit Posts! (25th July 2024)

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Ready to dive into the good stuff?

We've combed through the wild world of Steemit and stumbled upon some real gems. Get ready to step into the minds and lives of both seasoned pros and those just starting to flex their creative muscles.

Our mission? To bring you a cool collection of awesome blogs that'll light up your curiosity, fuel your imagination, and have you craving more!


NB: Selected content is not just for posts which appear to to be "excellent" on face value - it is also about encouraging growth in writers and recognising effort - so please remember... we are ALL learning here! If you are not learning, you are not growing! A little bit of engagement and encouragement can go a long way.

So, let's give a virtual high-five to the amazing content creators who make Steemit the rad universe of captivating content that it is! Sharing is caring as they say, so please DO show some upvote & share support to the ones which you really enjoy!

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Our objective is to help you grow

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Let's highlight the great content on Steemit!

It is impossible to find ALL the good content out there, so if you feel that one of your posts deserves some more love and attention or you would just like to share it because you believe it to be a good piece - please drop the link in the comments and I will do my best to get to as many as possible (within reason). Also - if you have spotted a really awesome blog by someone else, please feel free to share that in the comments too!

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Right! Now that all the logistical mumbo jumbo is out the way, let's move on to the featured content!


25th July 2024



Things in life that cannot be rejected (The Mourning Days of Our Family)

written by @el-nailul

Life cannot be predicted and just needs to be faced with a head up, and do what needs to be done. No need to complain about things that happen. One accident has not settled yet, and another sad event arises which also drains energy and mentality. The proverb says "Misfortune cannot be rejected". This is what we have had to face in the last few weeks.



nature and fitness

written by @stef1

Another day without rain, it is quite rare recently so we are keen to use the moment and to be outside as often as possible. Early morning we look at the weather forecast and to make sire that at least there is some time free of rain. We have no problems to go our when it is cloudy but it is not really nice to be wet.



Stylish Living

written by @chant

As a mother, wife and working-class woman, it is very difficult to wake up early to prepare breakfast, feed the kids and do some workouts before leaving the house for work. I know many will say doing only house chores is enough workout to keep a woman fit. But that is not true, house chores do not keep you fit mentally, they affect you and to cope, you need some fitness exercise for your mental health.



Нариси з психіатричної лікарні - Mental house stories

written by @inber

Отже, пишу я вам зі стаціонару психіатричної клініки. Тут тепло, затишно і химерно, поруч є дубовий ліс, у який мені не можна ходити, тільки з супроводом. Насправді мені навіть каву самостійно не взяти з каво машини у коридорі, теж треба супровід. Моє улюблене - нема ручок на дверях та вікнах, персонал носить їх з собою. Добре що я хоч не потрапила у таке відділення, де мене б примусили познімати з себе всі цяцьки - це мене зазвичай більше всього турбує, бо проколи мають тенденцію дуже швидко затягуватись і потім неможливо буде поставити назад сережку, а проколів у мене десь 15.

So, I am writing to you from an inpatient psychiatric clinic. It is warm, cozy and whimsical, there is an oak forest nearby, into which I cannot go, only with an escort. In fact, I can't even get coffee myself from the coffee machine in the corridor, I also need an escort. My favorite is that there are no handles on the doors and windows, the staff carry them with them. It's good that I didn't end up in such a department where they would force me to remove all my piercings - this usually bothers me the most, because piercings have a tendency to linger very quickly and then it will be impossible to put the earring back on, and I have about 15 piercings.



A Blessed Sunday with the Family and Preparation for the Practical Exam.🦷

written by @hanna716

A rainy day to all of you. Hope all are well and are safe. May God bless us more with knowledge, success, love, good health and peace. Take care and stay safe always. Dear Diary, morning of July the 7th is a Sunday. My mom were preparing for our breakfast/lunch. She was already on her second dish and were also preparing for some fried rice. She cooked us Stir Fry Ampalaya and Pork Tocino.


Hope you enjoyed today's content selections!

Until next time...


much love,

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