Health is Wealth???

in WORLD OF XPILAR7 months ago

They say: Health is Wealth
True, very true

I say, Health is Health & Wealth is Wealth and a combination of two is well - what more can you ask for? 😜


Someone from you in the response to my post requested an update on my health in the form of a post. I'm unsure why you'd be interested in such a glum topic, but since you asked for it, here it is, whether you like it or not.

I had to rush to the emergency room yesterday in the middle of a function because of a migraine, which I attribute to elevated diastolic blood pressure. Anyways, I received treatment for pain management and was detained for some time. I was then referred to a medical specialist, whom I visited today. Thankfully, I had been keeping track of my blood pressure.

However, here comes the issue: Is the headache due to elevated blood pressure, or is elevated blood pressure causing these headaches? It's more like a dilemma of which came first, the hen or the eggs???

That was for the doctor to figure out.
After going back and forth and reviewing my history, I have been prescribed:

  • antihypertensive (a mild one)
  • a treatment for migraine
  • some painkillers

And an animated instruction for keeping stress to the minimum. Lol. How??? Where is the manual?

So, I'm thinking about giving it a serious thought. Dear friend, @bambuka has already devised a modified, make-shift bio experience in this regard. Please free to check it out. He also emphasizes deep breathing exercises now and then. I will be taking everything into consideration. But maybe a trip to some far, far place can take precedence 😉.

Or maybe, deep breaths while on an excursion, somewhere beautiful, will be more beneficial, I guess. 🫣 (I'm on a roll with these super awesome combinations). There must be some research conducted and now lying somewhere in a corner of this huge world of the internet. I just have to dig it out and then show it to the dear better half... Then the stress will be his - to arrange money for this de-stressing aka unwinding trip for me!

Jokes aside, for all of you reading this, always take care of your health. Never neglect it for any excuse. Life is a gift, and you don't get it twice. Although bambuka says we will be reborn as someone or something else, we don't know for sure. My religion makes us believe in a concept of an afterlife. In that life, we won't encounter any worldly problems and will lead a blissful and most beautiful life forever. However, there are some prerequisites (that's my belief, of course). But that's a talk for another day.

Today, I want to highlight the importance of taking care of ourselves, our health, and not taking this life for granted.

Enough with the lecture.
Its time for my deep breaths exercise.

I need this kind of zen mood and mode

You can practice that too.

Signing off with soulful breaths. Feel free to leave as well, but here's a little demo before that. If you'd like, you can comment later, after this little exercise. Take care! ⬇️ 🙃

Find a Quiet Space:
Sit or stand comfortably in a quiet space.

Relax Your Shoulders:
Allow your shoulders to drop, relieving any tension.

Inhale Slowly:
Breathe in deeply through your nose, expanding your chest and feeling the breath fill your abdomen. Count to four during the inhale.

Hold Briefly:
Pause for a moment at the top of your inhale, maintaining a comfortable breath hold.

Exhale Slowly:
Release the breath slowly through your mouth or nose. Count to four during the exhale.

Continue this process for several breath cycles, focusing on the steady rhythm and depth of each breath.

Mindful Awareness:
Be mindful of each breath, staying present in the moment. You can close your eyes if it enhances concentration.

Adjust as Needed:
Modify the pace and depth to suit your comfort level. If you feel lightheaded, return to your normal breathing.

This exercise promotes relaxation and helps release tension by encouraging a deliberate and controlled breathing pattern.

 6 months ago 

Well done to you for going to the doctor. My friend controls his high blood pressure through exercise (jogging), water consumption and diet. But even so, he is sometimes forced to use medication. Do not listen to any advice, listen to the doctor and worry less 😀

 6 months ago 

listen to the doctor

Of course
My father is a doctor - and I do know the importance of listening to one.

Thank you for your concern and much needed push 🙂

Get well soon dear my hubby also suffers from migraines every now and then. Still don’t know the cause or how to handle it other than emergency visits to the hospital. Take care of yourself and well I can’t say don’t stress cause it’s simply not in our control when we are stressing.

 7 months ago 

Thank you for the concern dear.

I hope it gets better 🤞

You looked very down the other day. I hope the medicines work this time and you find a solution to this lingering headache and high blood pressure.

Thank you for sharing the exercise. I am gonna practice it next time I feel stressed.

 7 months ago 

I would say, don't wait for the stress.
Start practicing now.
We always neglect our health when it should be our top priority

We must all take responsibility of our health and eat well

I like this post health is very important if our health is good you spend their life very happily and you enjoy your daily life

 7 months ago 


And yet we ignore our health

 7 months ago 

I wrote you a long comment here..... And then reworked it into a separate post.... :)

 7 months ago 

Ok, moving to the post then;)

 7 months ago 

🖐 😊👌

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