Going with the flow today

in WORLD OF XPILAR7 months ago (edited)

That's my other half's mobile with election news at 2 am in the morning

With election results constantly on our TV and my husband joining his parents in the trend, I'm just trying to steer clear of this chaos. Not really into politics, but have you ever noticed the worship-like support for one party? It's like treating them as gods and never criticizing their actions just because you're a supporter. My inclination toward the other party comes from frustration with this fandom and blind support. I declared one day that I'd support the other party, arguing they deserve a chance too (to loot us), especially considering the fervent support my in-laws give to the opposite side. Why, I mean why, can't we acknowledge when they're wrong? Their policies are just downright wrong, and they are as corrupt as they come.

Anyway, while my husband is engrossed in watching late-night news updates on his mobile and dissecting all the political dynamics, I'm here to share my thoughts with you. Well, he's more grounded in reality. He openly supports a particular party for what he believes they are good at. However, he doesn't blindly justify every action, not following the "they are idols" mentality.

I just want to go with the flow today. As I scrolled through my phone gallery, exploring my recent captures and pictures, the first thing I want to share with you is the screenshot of my SteemWorld stats. It's been a little more than four months since I joined Steemit, and I believe I've done at least one thing right. The guidance and mentoring I received from some seasoned Steemians here focused on engaging with others. So, take a look for yourself:

similar number of comments and replies, I'm giggling - silly me

Stats show I did engage with you guys. Let me assure you that I tried to remain as honest and meaningful as I could. Challenges are another story, but even in those, I never commented without reading. Okay, skimming sometimes. I'm an avid reader, by the way. But I always read before commenting. In those challenges, I still have the stance that pointing and commenting on every aspect of the post is the moderator's job. Still, I tried my best to engage. But sadly, I never won. 😉


I accompanied my daughter to horse riding after a long time. It's always a pleasure to see her ride.

The teacher (at front in the above picture), known as "ustaad," exudes a remarkable presence. Even though some of the kids can be a bit unruly (particularly those of senior officers), the ustad remains unfazed by the status of their parents. He focuses on his role, often paying little attention to those (parents) standing on the sidelines. His authority is unquestionable, and the children/ students both admire and respect him simultaneously. My daughter who usually has reservations towards authoritative figures, makes an exception for "ustaad," addressing him with affection and respect.

Ustaad is an honorific title in various cultures, especially in South Asia and the Middle East, typically used to address or refer to a teacher, master, or someone with expertise in a particular field, specially in music. It reflects respect and recognition for their knowledge, skill, or leadership.


You might be curious about why there's a grill indoors. Well, my husband grilled fish in the evening, and afterward, he brought the grill inside once the smoke had cleared. Surprisingly, the room felt cozy immediately. This reminded me of my childhood visits to my grandparents' village in the countryside. During winters without heating, my dadi would place an "ingeethi" inside after cooking rotis on an earthen stove outside. The burnt wood turned into coals, placed in the ingeethi, and then under the charpoi. It recreated a nostalgic and warm feeling, much like those childhood memories.

Please do tell me in comments if anyone of you had a similar experience.


Last but certainly not the healthiest, this picture is my daily "Hey, remember you're neglecting your health" memo. Instead of monitoring my blood pressure like a responsible adult, I just snap a picture, procrastinating that much-needed follow-up with medicine specialist. Those annoying headaches are back, and blood pressure is likely the culprit. Someone, please give me the gentle nudge to hit up the hospital.

That's all for today tonight. Signing off now with very sleepy eyes

Politically correct

 7 months ago 

Please see a doctor and write a post about it for us :)

Well done to you for communicating a lot with the community. You can find many posts where it is said that the secret to success in Steemit is commenting. Newbies start to write the comment "Cool post!" under each post, but success never comes to them. I believe that only real communication can make Steemit interesting for a person.

 7 months ago 

Thank you for the concern. I will definitely write a post after the much-stalled visit to the doctor :)

Thank you for your encouraging remarks! It's true that authentic communication is key on Steemit, and I do agree that quality matters more than quantity. I'll keep focusing on meaningful interactions and building genuine connections.

At least, I built a real one with you:)

The systolic pressure is okay. The diastolic pressure is around 20 mmHg higher than i.e. mine.

If the diastolic values are permanently above 120mmHg, this is known as malignant hypertension. In these cases, high blood pressure puts too much strain on the vessels in the kidneys, eyes, brain and heart.

Google says.
But is the clock correct? Midday? There might have been some stress. A measurement can tell you a lot, and I could try to guess what caused the elevated blood pressure. If I had the time. I can give some advice. Measure several times a day, write it down and then you will get an idea of how the pressure is going in the middle. Kind regards, Dr. Frog from the pond.

 7 months ago 

The clock is telling correct time. I checked after seeing your comment.

Yes, it's the diastolic pressure that consistently remains elevated. I was prescribed medication for it, but another doctor discontinued it due to fluctuations. Despite having the monitoring device by my bedside, I often neglect to track it consistently. When it stays normal for a few days, I tend to forget. However, when issues arise, they are often accompanied by headaches, prompting me to resume tracking. It's high time I commit to consistent charting. I'll share my stats with you soon.

Much regards Dr. Frog

P.S. I was hoping for your visit to my post, but in an other capacity 😉

Without WiFi, cellular service and TV, we spent the day of Elections rather peacefully. I lost interest in politics twice. First when IK lost in 2013's elections and second when he won in 2018's elections. 😅 Both times my high hopes met disappointment. This time around I was pre-convinced that we are destined to doom.

Love the ingeethis but I don't know why I laughed at afrog's concern of GHG emissions. Infact, I shouldn't laugh. It's a global concern but then what doesn't emit GHG these days. 🤷‍♀️

P.S. You need to see a doctor !!! 😶

 7 months ago 

It's an ongoing thing...
People in my house still glued to tv!

I Just ask them teasingly now and then about the status of PML-N. When they state frustrating things happening to them, I simply leave the room with a smile. (I mean without commenting 😜)

I'm not a die-hard IK fan, but the biased bashing from N League supporters made me support him. I understand it's a game of throwing dirt at each other, and it's all dirty politics. However, the level of blind fandom in our people frustrates me. Now, I see the same cult attitude for IK, especially in the youth. If they want to bring the old N League boys to their knees, I'm all for it. But if they think that IK is some visionary, I feel sorry for them.

May Allah protect us and our country. Ameen

 7 months ago 

I don't know how soon you'll see a doctor... to begin with, try to do regular breathing exercises, long walks and reduce the amount of stress (the latter is most important) 🖐 😊

 7 months ago 

reduce the amount of stress (the latter is most important)

Do you count it as stress if I can't sleep late in the morning, and maybe sometimes don't want to wake up till late in noon? 🫣

Jokes aside, I have been charting my bp. I will be resuming my walks - thanks to my rheumatoid, for these long gaps.

And for sure will practice breathing exercises...

Why don't you make a video and upload for me? I don't trust YouTubers... 😜

 7 months ago 

Stress itself is the basis of human adaptation to changing conditions. It is mobilization.
But if you're mobilized for a long time or constantly. mobilization takes a lot of energy and body resources. Gradually the reserves are depleted and the person gets health problems. It's the body signaling. stop. rest. and puts him to bed )

If you're not sleeping well, it's the effects of stress. You need to replenish your resources.

There was a time when I was engaged in psychological rehabilitation of people and conducted audio sessions. I can do it now, but in Russian.
I can write a text, translate it into English with the help of a translator. But I won't be able to voice it properly.
Besides, not everyone understands English speech by ear. :)

Сам по себе стресс является основой адаптации человека к меняющимся условиям. Это мобилизация.
Но если быть мобилизованным долгое время или постоянно... на мобилизацию уходит много сил и ресурсов организма. Постепенно запасы истощаются и человек получает проблемы со здоровьем. Это организм сигнализирует... остановись... отдохни... и укладывает его в кровать )

Если ты плохо засыпаешь, то это последствия стрессов. Тебе надо пополнять свои ресурсы.

Было время, когда я занимался психологической реабилитацией людей и проводил аудио сеансы. Я могу делать это и сейчас, но на русском языке.
Я могу написать текст, перевести его на английский с помощью переводчика. Но я не смогу его правильно озвучить.
кроме того, не все понимают английскую речь на слух. :)

 7 months ago 

It's the body signaling. stop. rest. and puts him to bed )

Could not agree more. True 💯

I I won't say I'm stressed, but there are moments when I prefer not to handle the multitude of energies around me. I don't wish to shoulder the responsibility for everything occurring within my household, yet everyone seems to approach me to discuss or complain about various matters. Despite my efforts to convey that I can't be accountable for everything, particularly concerning the adults, the dependency on me persists. For instance, if a grocery item is missing, perhaps someone else could make an effort to replenish it.

You won't understand the cultural dynamics of our country. Lol

I have stopped worrying too much, and I do get a good amount of sleep.

But yes, please grace this platform with your texts about rehabilitation or I would say restoration of attitude. I don't worry about it being in Russian. I think its a good idea.

 7 months ago 

You're in a difficult situation :-))))

Try to make everyone responsible for a part of some household chores. Start experimenting by going up to them and asking them for their responsibilities )))

Yes, it's hard for me to understand the peculiarities of your culture. Russia probably has a different way of life. But everyone should be equally responsible)

Rehabilitation... here you need to think hard... :)

 7 months ago 


But I'm waiting for those "audio turned into texts" posts though.

Any chance?

 7 months ago 

Audio sessions have a slightly different interaction format.
We still need to figure out how to adapt this into readable text :)

Politics... I do not watch tv, avoid MSM and do not read newspapers since at least 20 years. I do not like to be brainwashed and how easily is believed what is thought. Indeed no one, no party is perfect and the only thing one can do is to vote for the best option after doing one's own research (being objective isn't easy either since schools brainwash toddlers overhere.
I always told my children (commercials included) isn't real... In my family we'll still say that "isn't real" we smell the being fooled, set up from far away.

Except for an old woodstove (original coal) no bbq, grill and so on inside. I still heat the place this way

If it comes to bbq: my childhood birthdays were good for gardenparties with bbq, a table filled with food, unfortunately no roti and so on, my granny's brother was a great cook but never invited.

Don't forget to check your bloodpressure!


 7 months ago 

O yes, we are being brainwashed every minute. Thanks to media and specifically social media.

Thank you for relating with my "after stove" coal memories ;)

And many thanks for the much needed ✅ for bp monitoring. I have made a chart now...
Will keep you posted:)

have you ever noticed the worship-like support for one party?

It's the support and worship out of sympathy. A common man always falls into this trap and it's a centuries old norm.

What shocks me is that when people say only a specific person is capable to save our country (maybe he has some magic beans to sow in the country👻👽). Or we can die for that person rather than living and behaving like a civilised nation.

A man will be our saviour, they say and make his idol, maybe it lessens their own responsibilities to put in the society🙆

P.S: My father and sister have the capacity to watch news all night and they slightly fall into the blind fandom category:(

 7 months ago 

Well, you have expressed everything more aptly, really.

These scenarios are at play in almost every other house in Pakistan.

Yes, we, the naive people :(

Let's hope for a better future 🍀

Let's hope for a better future 🍀

Sure:), Why not💫

I despise politics because our people blindly supported unethical candidates and elect them to office. These politicians believe that because people have never neglected them, they have the right to use their political power however they want. I blame the blind people, not the politicians

I was hoping for your visit to my post, but in an other capacity

What?! 🗦ribbit🗧I hardly understand. 🗦ribbit🗧Horses? Grandfather' s CO air poisoning? Elections, high pressure living and to be a fan of somebody? Where did you expect my occurance, dear Maan?

 7 months ago 

Maybe Elections dear afrog!


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