A Great Painter and Kind Man: Lupo Sol

in WORLD OF XPILAR3 years ago (edited)


Lupo Sol: Party 2016. Oil on cardboard, 50 x 50"

I like to work with other painters from time to time. When I focus on a particular artist, and we become acquainted, I tend to take our relationship to a kind of extreme. I want to promote his or her work to all and sundry, which can be done easily on social media, but I’m talking about the next step here—to handle their work “in the flesh”, to pay them to deliver it to you, to frame the pieces, find a gallery (or make your home into one), and exhibit the work at no cost to the painters, and letting them keep 100% of the profits from sales because only a fool loves the crazy of anti-business.

I say, “How much you want for that?”, I’m goin’ to the store
Man says, "Three dollars", "All right", I say, “Will you take four?”

—from “Poor Boy” by Bob Dylan

Private lessons in camaraderie. Friendships to build upon. Only so much time left in a life to do something good...

At present, Lupo Sol is one of the most underrated painters working on the planet. I stumbled upon his genius on the Stuckist Facebook page back in 2016.


My wife gifted me one of his paintings that Christmas, and the following year I had 26 of his pieces leaning against the walls in my house, framed and ready for an exhibition. I found the willing gallery in Hamilton, NY—a college town nestled between sleepy cows and fields of high fructose corn syrup ingredients. I began promotion and from request to opening night, Lupo had his first exhibition in the United States in less than two months time.


His Bio:

Lupo Hamilton 11x17.jpg

A promotional video:

A song I wrote and recorded to promote:

The exhibition:

And some recent paintings. Thumbnails, so you'll visit his site:







Great post, and great song! Lupo sol.
Mabye you could NFT it and sell it. I don't know how it works but I found a site for that (probably there are many others) and I can imagine a collection of your songs about painters you know:

I didn't know Sol, and I will reseach him, I like his paintings very much.

Thank you.
I swear money is not in my fortune. Still, I’ll take a look.

I am glad to spread the word about Lupo Sol. Thanks for researching. Are there any gallerists left on earth who seek the artist and take the chance? Risk is tied too much to money these days. Lupo is stuck nickel and diming his work. That would drive me crazy!

Interesting to learn Lupo, his paintings have many characters, and scene from life. It is good when the Art tells the story, we always try to find why the Artists do their works and what they dedicate them to.

By the way I noticed that you put #club100 almost at the bottom of your tags, normally only 4 first will be seen. Therefore for future make sure you put it as a first or second :)

You post is nominated for „@art-venture“ Support Program, @booming account upvote. Only the posts that are not cross posted, original and posted from Xpilar community page and using tag #art-venturehave priority. If your post gets approval, then you get upvote within few days. Good luck!

Thank you for the advice. I will fix that in my next post.
And thank you for the nomination!

It’s addictive. I don’t think I’ll ever stop powering up!

I know I have the same feeling and it is Great!

Thank you!

Bueno, a mi me gusta mucho el primer cuadro!!! es muy divertido, tiene una mujer barbuda y el hombre en la grama es bastante flexible! jajaja.
También me gusto el video promocional, tiene mucha energía.
Saludos 😊

Thank you! Lupo Sol is the most underrated (not rated at all) expressonist painter on planet earth.
There, I said it, so it must be true:) For me his paintings excite and delight.
Greetings to you too!

Hasta que se cruzo contigo y ahora puede ser visto por personas de todo el mundo!!! Yo de otra forma jamás habría visto algo de su arte. Eso es algo maravilloso. 😊

Yes, it is wonderful. Instagram has helped Lupo get his work seen on a screen, and he is able to nickel and dime a profit from sales. Still, no gallery has picked him up. His work is more fun to touch. The nature of paint, I guess:)

Ah excelente!!! 👏👏👏 eso es bastante, tal vez allí alguien más le eche la mano, esperar es lo que queda. Cuestión de gustos también. Les falta sentido del humor 😆

Yes, and for Lupo, like many creative people, he is forced to become a business person. No fun. No fun at all:)

Me imagino, las pinturas terminan siendo su vía de escape.

I just learnt about this art and his works are very good

Yes, thank you for reading and checking him out!

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