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RE: 🆕 Artificially "Intelligent" Newcomers

in WORLD OF XPILAR4 months ago

The job of the Newcomers Greeters is definitely getting harder and harder.

Maybe we will have to move towards a model where new people have to be invited / referred by an existing well established Steemian.

But that would be too harsh and too limiting if that was the only way to join Steem, but it would be good if accounts could carry some sort of badge to show who introduced them and who vouches for them....

[@the-gorilla could your new interface carry badges?]

It will be impossible to stop all fake / farming accounts - they are already way too prevalent on the platform.

I guess what most people might be most concerned about is ensuring that the big Steemit curators (sc01,02, 03...) don't give their votes to the fake accounts.

Theoretically it could be that the big curator accounts only vote on accounts with Reputations above a certain threshold (maybe 65 - 70).

That is bad for newcomers - but they would need to build up their support base by engaging with the wider community. The wider community en masse would then do the filtering of who is fake and who isn't.

This would take much longer (as in old Steem) to build the Reputation to the required threshold for sc0x votes.

Of course this Reputation building requirement could be abused through bot voting - but that is easier to detect.

Still much thinking to be done.

Thinking aloud. Are we about to enter the third phase of Steem...

  1. Old Steem (pre split)
  2. New Steem (post split)
  3. AI Steem

AI Steem is going to be with us very fast. We as a community will have to work out how to deal with this new reality of AI Steem.

 4 months ago 

but it would be good if accounts could carry some sort of badge to show who introduced them and who vouches for them....

[@the-gorilla could your new interface carry badges?]

I don't know how easy this would be to implement - there'd need to be a change to the Database layer and I've not gone near that yet (I'm hoping that I don't have to... at least for the most part).

This is possible in a roundabout way by looking at their achievement 1 and who introduced them. Then by following the introduction chain, you can quickly get a good idea what "category" they fall into (e.g. contest monkeys).

That is bad for newcomers - but they would need to build up their support base by engaging with the wider community. The wider community en masse would then do the filtering of who is fake and who isn't.

This is no bad thing. We've reached a point where "New Steem" gravitate towards contests and nothing else which to "Old Steem" is boring (I'm categorising myself as Old Steem mentality in New Steem). I echo the sentiments of @chriddi in her reply and I'm desperately hoping that a fresh look to the interface will encourage a fresh look at behaviour.

AI Steem is going to be with us very fast. We as a community will have to work out how to deal with this new reality of AI Steem.

It's already here in my opinion. As @remlaps has said, AI is no bad thing, it's the deceptive use of AI that we might never find a solution to.

which to "Old Steem" is boring

That is a key statement!
And being made fun of while you're bored is frustrating, then disgusting and then you ask yourself who is actually stupid enough to think about a successful developing that makes you happy again. The answer is: "Me, myself." And this question, with its shocking answer, has simply been in the air for far too long.

It is true that contests are not bad, I like them too. But there is something that happens when everything focuses on that... and it seems to become something obligatory, the joy is lost.
I think it is necessary to expand the ways of participating in Steemit, the development of the blog itself for example, beyond the communities.

Someone told me after 18 seasons even the devil gets boring lol :D

What I would like to say, in the meantime, is that at least in my case, I try not to lose my joy, if something doesn't attract me I don't participate in it, I look for something to write that I like, sometimes even a contest that is not part of the challenge, or my own writings. Sometimes I participate in conversations that interest me like this one...

But dear, joy, we must not lose joy... And it can be found anywhere...

I have told many who have left the same thing: you lost your joy when you began to take everything very seriously. Create your beautiful space... We can all do it, we have a blog there, and some friends, even if they are not too many, the important thing is that they are real.🙂

I never said that contests are bad. They are just boring as a mass product. I would even take part in a real challenge (real in the sense of "Do you dare?") (if it triggers me). Something like that could perhaps be offered once or twice a month... More often is old hat again - in my opinion.

I think participating in conversations is the core of "social media", better Steemit. Unfortunately, the run on the coin (and this with all its might, all its (fraudulent) tricks) has pushed the core into the background, because most users only care about their own contributions (or "forced" to make as many SEC comments as possible). Maybe a bot should block the quantity of posts. Three posts per week per user. Then it can think for four days and/or take care of the posts of other users.

some friends [...] the important thing is that they are real.

Word!!! 🤗

I never said that contests are bad.

Yes I know...

They are just boring as a mass product.

I agree. Everything that is massive loses its personality, the peculiarity that is ultimately what is interesting.

because most users only care about their own contributions (or "forced" to make as many SEC comments as possible).

It is true and it is regrettable. I have already commented before that making hundreds of comments is something that would not be possible if one really focuses on reading a post. Attention can't handle so much... I think everyone who comments normally knows this. It's just crazy.

Maybe a bot should block the quantity of posts. Three posts per week per user. Then it can think for four days and/or take care of the posts of other users.

I know you may say this jokingly, but you can't design a bot for everything hahaha. That's what should happen if people post normally. Making one post a day at most would be normal. I have seen people who make 4 posts a day and feel proud of that, but then I think: surely they don't even reread those posts themselves... they don't have time.

In conclusion, all mass production causes the essential, the interesting, to be lost... just as the products of an artisan differ from those of a factory, those of the factory have no personality...

I have read you a lot and after a while I understand more and more what you mean regarding what happens with challenges and in general... if you are observant you can notice. 🙂

I know you may say this jokingly, but you can't design a bot for everything hahaha.

Well, there's a grain of truth in every joke...
Yes, I'm a bit serious: for me, "bot" stands for "automatism". An automatic ban after three posts a week would be very easy to implement. Four for all I care... ;-)

what you mean regarding what happens with challenges and in general...

Thank you... :-))
I've lost count of the months since I started preaching this.
The "problem" with the solution is the only possible solution that someone can achieve themselves (why would the Steemit team hire a running thing where they are sure of the CR (the only visible income...)?): NOT participating in the "challenges".

But anyway, we're getting off the subject.
I just wanted to make it clear that we understand each other - despite all the language barriers... ;-)
Definitely no AI accounts... ;-)

 4 months ago (edited)

We've reached a point where "New Steem" gravitate towards contests and nothing else which to "Old Steem" is boring

contests itself are not bad. personally, I am here for contests and rivalry (in the photo field). but the shit is, that folks loose the interest - massively. The activity and number of participants is decreasing dramatically, not to mention the quality of the stuff. I see that this is a consequence of low rewards. I'd avoid fingering, but some content-creators receive 20-30-40 upvotes on a regular basis, while the rest are left with an honestly earned donut's hole.

AI is no bad thing, it's the deceptive use of AI that we might never find a solution to.



how to deal with this new reality of AI Steem.

Unfortunately my individual method is losing fun, being suspicious much too much, well, losing enjoyment. It’s individual but AI Steem might care for losing Old Steem Users (who hardly learned to deal with New Steem Users).
That might be okay for anyone who mostly cares for the coins. For me it’s not. To be honest, I'm in mourning right now. Grief from the feeling (the perceived certainty) of losing something I loved, something I had put an incredible amount of time and energy into. Something that has dominated a large part of my life. But not in order to earn money. It was (is?) a hobby that I enjoyed every day. Fascination Steem is disappearing.

 4 months ago 

Greetings friend, I don't think that should be the attitude, we cannot allow 2 or 3 people with scamming skills to negatively influence those of us who want the best for the platform, rather, I am sure that we should unite or support those who We fulfill the duty and responsibility of validating the veracity of the accounts.

 4 months ago (edited)

No, "we" should not do that. However, this statement refers to my personal feelings and since these feelings are mine alone, we don't need to discuss them.
Over the years, I have simply become tired of thinking about solutions that are then undermined by some scammers one way or another. I don't like myself when I'm so untrusting, so I protect myself by only hanging out with users I trust. If at all. I have nothing to lose and I don't have anything to gain. I just want to like what I do. That doesn't include spying on AI nerds.
I am fully aware that I can't (and don't want to) stop the development, but I can refuse to play along... ;-)

 4 months ago 

Okay, I see your point. It is not good to be disbelieving, so I want to believe that one day the intention of wanting to abuse support programs will end, especially on the part of those who left and still want to see Steemit sunk.

the part of those who left and still want to see Steemit sunk

Oh dear, I'd almost forgotten about those. But it's true, there will still be a lot of them - and a lot of them will be at the back of the latest nonsense... 🤷‍♀️

will be at the back of the latest nonsense

Ach Quark, wer käme denn auf sowas?



Ich fände ja ganz spannend, wenn jemand Gemini, ChatGPT oder ähnliches hinter den/einen cleverbot hängt. DAS wäre mal wieder altgewohnte Witzigkeit 😂

Send from Nokia 1600 with GPT-0.3

Hihi, wo hast du das denn ausgegraben?

Hast du dich eigentlich schon als Mitglied der Steem Oase beworben? Denke, du wärest prädestiniert für eine Einladung... 😇

Hihi, wo hast du das denn ausgegraben?

Musste ich gar nicht ausgraben. Ist brandaktuell. 😂

Denke, du wärest prädestiniert für eine Einladung... 😇

Bewerbe ich mich dann mit einem Einladungskommentar selbst? Oder wie geht dem? 90% an Null? Dann bleibt ja nix mehr für DUBby.. :(

 4 months ago 

losing enjoyment.


Quede como @ event-horizon, impactada y aterrada por todo lo que acabo de leer porque si nos detenemos un momento: Mirándolos bien, son rostros demasiados perfectos y nítidos como si de una super cámara y un filtro milagroso se tratara

¿Sería buena idea implementar para los recién llegados otra capa de verificación? Como un vídeo de una presentación tipo entrevista o alguna vídeo llamada ?

Al principio fue algo que quise implementar como requisito principal para entrar en el programa de recién llegados que estoy manejando, pero me dije a mi misma ''Sería poner la vara muy alta para aquellos que quieran ser verificados pero conservar su privacidad'' además que hacer un vídeo requiere algo de esfuerzo adicional. De momento solo lo estoy considerando la opción de la video llamada..

AI Steem estará con nosotros muy rápido.

Esta idea puede atraer muchas moscas a la miel (abusadores del sistema de recompensas, agricultores que quieran dinero fácil), actualmente existen usuarios que trabajan mucho su creatividad para sobresalir sin crear una identidad falsa y tampoco un perfil falso (Tanto 'Old Steem' como 'New Steem' ). Pero como siempre lo he dicho, prefiero ver a la IA como una herramienta, si se va a implementar AI Steem deberían crearse reglas que delimiten el uso de ella y cuando se podría considerar ''abusar de eso'' (Como en el caso de crear cuentas con identidades falsas)


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