Photo Contest: Post Processing #7 [ENG/ESP]

in WORLD OF XPILAR2 years ago

"Imagination is the beginning of creation. You imagine what you desire, you will what you imagine, and at last, you create what you will."

George Bernard Shaw


Photo Contest: Post Processing #7 [ENG/ESP]

In this opportunity, the fellow @bambuka from the World of Xpilar Community, offers us an image sent by the participant @llllllll1ll, where we can see an image taken against the light and in which, in addition to a cloudy sky, we can barely distinguish a human figure on the left, and a building on the far right, all this on some defenses or railings that confines an aquatic environment, probably a river or a lake.

However, unlike the previous challenge that was accompanied by a poem or text, which could be used or not, as a source of inspiration for participants in the editing process, this time, we are asked to use our imagination to address this complex challenge, so it is up to the free will of each one to do what he/she wants with the selected photograph.

At first, I looked for some element to add, however, in my photographic archive or at least what I was able to review, I could not find something that convinced me fully, so I had to rethink my initial idea and proceed with the elements present in the image.

I must confess that, as on previous occasions, this process represented for me a real photographic challenge that leaves me a great learning experience, and in which I hope to live up to what was requested.

Finally, as I explained in previous posts, I use the editing tools provided by the free versions of the Picsart and Snapseed applications that I downloaded some time ago, on my Samsung Galaxy A12 smartphone, which, although they have served me well for my editing work, they present some shortcomings compared to the full versions or to other applications available for personal computers or laptops.

En esta oportunidad, el compañero @bambuka de la Comunidad World of Xpilar nos ofrece una imagen enviado por el participante @llllll1ll, donde se observa una imagen tomada a contraluz y en la cual, además de un cielo nublado, apenas puede distinguirse una figura humana a la izquierda, y una edificación en el extremo derecho, todo ello sobre unas defensas o barandas que confina un medio acuático, probablemente un río o un lago.

Sin embargo, a diferencia del desafío anterior que estaba acompañado de un poema o texto, que podía usarse o no, como fuente de inspiración para los participantes en el proceso de edición, en esta ocasión, se nos pide usar la imaginación para abordar este complejo reto, con lo cual, queda al libre albedrío de cada quien, hacer lo que desee con la fotografía seleccionada.

En un primer momento, busqué algún elemento que agregar, sin embargo, en mi archivo fotográfico o al menos lo que alcancé a revisar, no pude encontrar algo que me convenciera plenamente, por lo que tuve que replantear mi idea inicial y proceder con los elementos presentes en la imagen.

Debo confesar que, al igual que las ocasiones anteriores, este proceso representó para mí un auténtico reto fotográfico que me deja un gran aprendizaje, y en el que espero estar a la altura de lo solicitado.

Finalmente, como expliqué en los posts anteriores, utilizo las herramientas de edición que me brindan las versiones gratuitas de las aplicaciones Picsart y Snapseed que descargué hace algún tiempo, en mi Samsung Galaxy A12 teléfono inteligente, los cuales, si bien me han servido para mis trabajos de edición, presentan algunas carencias con respecto a las versiones completas o frente a otras aplicaciones disponibles para computadoras personales o laptops.


Original Image

First, I crop the image with the Picsart application. In this opportunity, I eliminate the buildings located on the right, as it seems to lack historical or architectural interest to preserve them, on the contrary, they look like warehouses or deposits, and I try to highlight the human figure with a vertical format commonly used for portraits, before applying a High Dynamic Range (HDR) filter.

Then I go to Snapseed, where I explore the available filters, looking for one that gives more light to the silhouette of the person, before modifying the values of sharpness, structure, light, shadow, brightness and contrast, to see what result I obtain.

En primer lugar, recorto la imagen con la aplicación Picsart. En esta oportunidad, elimino la edificación ubicada a la derecha, ya que pareciera carecer de interés histórico o arquitectónico para preservarlas, por el contrario, parecen almacenes o depósitos, y procuro destacar la figura humana con un formato vertical usado comúnmente para retratos, antes de aplicar un filtro del tipo High Dynamic Range (HDR).

Luego me dirijo a Snapseed, donde exploro los filtros disponibles, buscando alguno que le proporcione mayor luz a la silueta de la persona, antes de modificar los valores de nitidez, estructura, luz, sombra, brillo y contraste, para ver que resultado obtengo


At this point in the process, I obtain an image where it is possible to distinguish a cyclist contemplating the twilight in the sky and the reflection of the sun on the water that seems to be heading in the direction he is facing.

En este punto del proceso, obtengo una imagen donde es posible distinguir a un ciclista que contempla el crepúsculo en el cielo y el reflejo del sol en el agua que pareciera dirigirse en la dirección en la que encuentra.


As I was not completely satisfied with the result, I decided through a process of testing different filters and modifying the usual parameters of sharpness, structure, light, shadow, brightness and contrast, to intensify the image and in turn, give it more drama.

Como no me satisface del todo el resultado, decido a través de un proceso de ensayo de diferentes filtros y modificación de los parámetros usuales de de nitidez, estructura, luz, sombra, brillo y contraste; intensificar la imagen y a su vez, proporcionarle mayor dramatismo.


Once this trial and error process is finished, I obtain as a result an image where the colors of the sky are strongly intense with a great contrast, while I try to affect to a lesser extent the cyclist, who seems to be in perfect communion with the spectacle that nature is giving him for free.

Finally, the city where I live is known for the beauty of its sunsets, so, besides being called "the musical capital of Venezuela", it is also often called "the twilight city", so somehow, I feel that I am sharing with my readers and the rest of the participants, a little piece of my land, even if only through a photograph.

Una vez finalizado este proceso de ensayo y error, obtengo como resultado una imagen donde los colores del cielo se presentan fuertemente intensos con un gran contraste, mientras procuro afectar en menor medida al ciclista, que parece estar en perfecta comunión con el espectáculo que la naturaleza le está obsequiando de manera gratuita.

Finalmente, la ciudad donde resido, es conocida por la belleza de sus atardeceres, por lo que, además de ser denominada "la capital musical de Venezuela", también se le llama con frecuencia, "la ciudad crepuscular", por lo que de alguna manera, siento que estoy compartiendo con mis lectores y el resto de los participantes, un pedacito de mi tierra, aunque sea tan solo a través de una fotografía.




Si les gustó este Post, los invito a apoyar mi trabajo siguiendo mi cuenta @manuelgil64 dejando sus comentarios y votando


 2 years ago 


 2 years ago 

Upvoted! Thank you for supporting witness @jswit.

Your post is manually rewarded by the
World of Xpilar Community Curation Trail


New competition, "Drawing Trees." Winning Pot 75 Steem!
do you want to know more?

 2 years ago 

Finally, the city where I live is known for the beauty of its sunsets, so, besides being called "the musical capital of Venezuela", it is also often called "the twilight city", so somehow, I feel that I am sharing with my readers and the rest of the participants, a little piece of my land, even if only through a photograph.

I've never been to your city. But when I imagined Venezuela, I first of all thought about the sea and the flaming sunsets like on the islands of Panama in the Caribbean Sea.

A man's conversation with the sunset... :)


There are now direct flights Moscow - Caracas and all-expenses-paid tour packages on sale, including airfare, to Margarita Island, so if temperatures continue to drop in Europe, maybe you should consider welcoming the New Year on a warm Venezuelan beach with white sands and stunning blue waters...

Just think about it! ⛱️

 2 years ago 

It sounds very attractive, but we have a tradition to celebrate the New Year at home with our family at a festive table :)
Besides, I love winter, snow and frost. I have warm clothes and a warm house.
If you come to Russia for the New Year, you will definitely get an unforgettable experience :)

 2 years ago 

Congratulations, your post has been upvoted by @dsc-r2cornell, which is the curating account for @R2cornell's Discord Community.

Curated by Blessed-girl


Enhorabuena, su "post" ha sido "up-voted" por @dsc-r2cornell, que es la "cuenta curating" de la Comunidad de la Discordia de @R2cornell.

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