44 Trips around the Sun.

in WORLD OF XPILAR3 months ago

My 38th Birthday

Outside of my 21st I have never been very big on celebrating my birthday. It has always just been “another year” to me and mostly celebrated in a pretty low key manner with close family, except for the time approaching my 40th birthday in 2020. Why?! I have no idea - although the general enthusiasm to do something special from my partner probably had a fair amount to do with it.

I suppose it seemed celebration worthy at the time and after a little convincing, I began to embrace the idea of doing something large…I was in a good space in my life at the time and it kind of felt nice to embrace this particular milestone.

This was obviously the idea before lockdown hit in March 2020 and before I knew what a dramatic turn my entire life was about to take. On the morning of my 40th birthday we were delivering adult diapers to the ICU department of a local hospital, as we were not allowed in to see my mom due to covid restrictions and two weeks later she passed away.

My birthday has never felt the same since. I did not get to spend it celebrating with her and the rest of my family and friends, but instead spent it trying to face the reality that I was about to lose my best friend and mother, and I did not even know if I was going to get to see her before she passed.

So here I sit, four years later with 44 trips around the sun today and very little enthusiasm to celebrate it at all. Perhaps this numb feeling will change over time, but it has not done so yet and all this day feels like to me, is an unpleasant reminder of the fact that my mom is no longer around and the enormously emotionally taxing period approaching her death.

I have never really spoken to anyone about that time - and I probably should, perhaps it would help me to move through this state of “limbo” that seems to hit every time my birthday rolls around. There is no easy way to watch a parent die right in front of you, knowing that regardless of the amount of nursing and care you give them, there is essentially nothing that will change the outcome.

Despite her many failings in certain respects during my growing up years, my mom and I were very close - she was only human, just like the rest of us… but despite it all, she was my best friend and though we spent most celebratory occasions together - she had a quiet and gentle way of always being the one who really made me feel like I mattered when it came to my birthday. I miss that. I miss her.

Nonetheless, we shall go out for dinner tonight. I shall smile and go through the motions that people somewhat expect you to and perhaps, if I am lucky - I will get graced with a moment or two where I forget the hole in my soul.

I don’t think even my family realise why I focus so much on my mom when it comes to my own birthday… but I do, and that is all that matters. My mom was obsessed with Italy and always wanted to go there… so, for her and for myself - I picked an authentic, family run, local Italian restaurant for our quiet dinner tonight and I will enjoy a glass of red, a delicious bowl of pasta and hope that she is there with me in spirit.


My 39th Birthday and the last one I ever got to spend with my mom


Until next time...
Much Love from Country Bumpkinland, South Africa xxx


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Typos make me human. I may or may not get around to correcting them.

All written content shared here is my property, unless otherwise credited

 3 months ago 

Happy Birthday Jaynie!

From my heart to yours, sincerely. I know your mom will be there with you, as you enjoy that Italian red...

But otherwise, I'm right there with you. Birthdays have never meant much to me, and they have typically always held a slightly sour note, and I'd just as well forget about them and move on. And I simply loathe "surprise parties."

I suppose our reasons are not dissimilar. You lost your mom; little did I know that the last birthday I'd spend with my dad would be my 18th. Very shortly thereafter, he was gone. Sudden and totally unexpected stroke.

"Boom! You're an adult now, have a nice life!"

"Memorable" birthdays since then included my 21st, spent on an airplane on a trans-Atlantic flight from London to Houston, Texas. My 30th, spent at a trade show in a city I didn't know. My 50th, spent helping someone move across the country. In truth, they were OK because they were largely forgotten.

Yes, I'm a little cynical, in this particular department.

More objectively, my birthday is August 30th. My Dad's was August 6th, and started off a month-long string of birthdays of family members and dear friends. As I write these words, all but myself have passed a way and so August feels more like a month of reflection, than one of celebration.

I don't talk about this stuff, mostly for fear of being a "Debbie Downer," but I guess... I guess I just wanted to say that I get it, and I think it's OK to simply embrace it, as is. It's not ME I'm trying to make happy by putting on a smiley face, right? Is it, for YOU?


little did I know that the last birthday I'd spend with my dad would be my 18th. Very shortly thereafter, he was gone. Sudden and totally unexpected stroke. "Boom! You're an adult now, have a nice life!"

Ouch :( oh man that just made me burst into tears. That must have ripped you from the inside out. I am so so sorry!

"Boom! You're an adult now, have a nice life!"

This FNCKER seems to be making repeat visits to me.

Yes, I'm a little cynical, in this particular department.

With good reason.

More objectively, my birthday is August 30th.

Officially added to my personal calendar.

More objectively, my birthday is August 30th. My Dad's was August 6th, and started off a month-long string of birthdays of family members and dear friends. As I write these words, all but myself have passed a way and so August feels more like a month of reflection, than one of celebration.

I will try to be that one part that reminds you to celebrate yourself - much like I need to remind myself.

I don't talk about this stuff, mostly for fear of being a "Debbie Downer," but I guess... I guess I just wanted to say that I get it, and I think it's OK to simply embrace it, as is. It's not ME I'm trying to make happy by putting on a smiley face, right? Is it, for YOU?

You give a FNCK - and you LET ME KNOW - that is one thing which counts more to me than anything else. I live in a space with someone who has literally dubbed me "debbie downer" so I am no stranger to that... but I cannot help feeling and expressing what I feel. It is just who I am.

Thank you xxx

Holaaa @jaynie feliz cumpleaños para ti que lo pases muy bien en ese restaurante italiano disfruta que en el fondo del corazón de tu adorada madre que te mira desde el cielo se sentirá muy feliz de verte sonreír en tu cumpleaños NRO 44 y seguramente estará en espíritu acompañandote ,trata en todo lo posible de reír y disipa las penas disfruta de tu momento de tu día de un buen vino de una deliciosa pasta ánimo y que lo pases estupendo un fuerte abrazo 🤗🫂

@erika08 Thank you so much sweetheart, I really appreciate your good wishes for me! It did end up being a lovely evening... I made up my mind to just let go of the pain and be fully present to the people who made the effort to be there for me and I did smile.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your lovely message xxx

¡Muchas gracias cariño, realmente aprecio tus buenos deseos para mí! Terminó siendo una velada encantadora... Decidí dejar de lado el dolor y estar plenamente presente con las personas que hicieron el esfuerzo de estar ahí para mí y sonreí.

Gracias desde el fondo de mi corazón por tu lindo mensaje xxx

No sabes cuánto me alegra que disfrutaste esa velada en compañía de tus seres queridos más allegados más importantes que hicieron del momento algo muy especial ,dejando de lado la tristeza y te enfocaste en distraerte , espero ver fotografías de tu compartir jajaja me despido deseando para ti felicidad éxitos abundancia y un sinfín de cosas buenas un. Fuerte abrazo 🫂

Thank you so much for your kind thoughts @erika08, I really do appreciate it very much!

Muchas gracias por tus amables pensamientos cariño, ¡realmente lo aprecio mucho!

Abrazos fuertes bendiciones y mis cariños para ti también que tengas un maravilloso día saludos


Thank you x Much appreciated!!

All the best! Happy Birthday)))

Thank you @kozanozdra :)

My best wishes to you on your 44th birthday. 44 times around the sun? I initially questioned what she was saying, but then I realized it. I got what you said.

You are right, Covid19 has caused many upheavals in everyone's lives and brought grief to many. I'm sorry to hear about your mother's passing, knowing she was a dear friend to you and how much you miss her.

Thank you @jyoti-thelight <3

I appreciate you and your kind wishes xxx

It did end up being a good day, despite the many emotions.

I'm sorry for what happened to you! I too lost several loved ones in that period, but you are as beautiful as your mother!😪

I think many people faced a lot of challenge at that time.

but you are as beautiful as your mother!😪

You are very kind. I do not share your sentiment, but thank you for it nonetheless. xxx :)

Feliz cumpleaños , lo importante es disfrutar con los suyos , la última foto refleja mucho de lo bien que estuvieron 🤪!


Thank you for the wonderful wishes :) and yes, that night was a good one - sadly, that restaurant burnt down a few years ago :(

Hello friend jaynie.

Very touching story of your relationship with your mother, especially in those moments of celebrating your birthday and that now, absent your mother, you notice the great emptiness in your heart and the little interest to continue celebrating next birthdays. The loss of a loved one is not understood until the experience is lived.

I feel the same way you feel, because I have lost both my mother and my father and this is loneliness and emptiness.

I hope you continue to find spiritual strength and continue with maturity seeking to strengthen your family well being and thus, continue to provide support and love to those around you.

Happy Birthday to you. Success.

I feel the same way you feel, because I have lost both my mother and my father and this is loneliness and emptiness.

I am so sorry for your loss too @elpastor and thank you for such genuine words from the heart.

I hope you continue to find spiritual strength and continue with maturity seeking to strengthen your family well being and thus, continue to provide support and love to those around you.

I will forever do my best. Day by day. That is all I can do :)

Thank you again!

I'm sorry to hear about your big loss. It's hard so say the right words right now. All I can say is that what matters is you spend this day in a way you feel like. This is your special day. Your day and you can cry if you like to.


Thank you sweetheart, I appreciate you! I do.

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