The Mystery of Crystal Forest./El Misterio de Crystal Forest. Competition Xpilar

in WORLD OF XPILAR4 years ago (edited)


A group of five young people (Maria, Jose, Karla, Miguel and Paola) wanted to have a country vacation, so they decided to go to a beautiful place that they had gotten in a tourist guide, Crystal Forest is the name of that place, the tourist magazine showed the beauty of a greenish forest that was reflected in its soil.
Un grupo de cinco jóvenes (María, José, Karla, Miguel y Paola) querían tener unas vacaciones de campo, por ello, decidieron ir a un hermoso lugar que habían conseguido en una guia turística, Crystal Forest es el nombre de aquel lugar, la revista de turismo mostraba la hermosura de un bosque verdoso que se reflejaba en sus suelos.


After a long trip, the young people managed to get to Crystal Forest, there they could notice the beauty of nature, thanking them for having read the tourism magazine where they knew about the existence of this place. They, taking advantage of the sunlight, decided to set up their tents to stay that night in the forest.
Los jóvenes después de un largo viaje, lograron llegar a Crystal Forest, allí pudieron notar la belleza de la naturaleza, agradeciendo haber leído la revista de turismo en donde conocieron la existencia de este lugar, ellos, aprovechando la luz del Sol decidieron acomodar sus carpas para quedarse esa noche en el bosque.


The night arrived, and with it, a strong smell of pestilence. The young people began to walk through the forest, curious to find the origin of the smell. Maria and Jose decided to walk in a different direction while Karla and Paola stayed with Miguel. Suddenly, a zigzagging is felt between the branches, Karla is frightened and hugs Miguel.
La noche llegó, y con ella, un fuerte olor a pestilencia. Los jóvenes comenzaron a caminar entre el bosque, curiosos por encontrar el origen del olor, Maria y José decidieron caminar por otro rumbo mientras Karla y Paola se quedan junto a Miguel. De repente, un zigzagueo se siente entre las ramas, Karla se asusta y se abraza de Miguel.


Mary and Joseph, are walking admiring the beauty of the trees but trying not to smell the stinking smell, Mary from one moment to another feels weak and fades, falls to the ground, Joseph tries to revive her but Mary does not react, Joseph shouts helplessly for support. Instantly, a shadow falls from the trees and drags the bodies of Mary and Joseph hard, while Joseph continues to cry out desperately for help.
María y José, van caminando admirando la belleza de los arboles pero intentando no oler el pestilente olor, María de un momento a otro se siente débil y desvanece, cae al suelo, José intenta reanimarla pero María no reacciona, José grita desesperadamente en busca de apoyo. Al instante, una sombra baja de los árboles y arrastra con fuerza los cuerpos de María y José, mientras este sigue desesperado gritando pidiendo auxilio.


The other young men hear the scream, they immediately recognize Joseph's voice. Miguel, sensing the danger they were in, decides with Paola and Karla to leave the forest. Nobody knew what was happening, but they saw the danger and ran away. Paola was left behind and was attacked by a kind of branch, she fell in pain while Miguel and Karla did not notice what had happened, Paola tried to get up but when she tried she was dragged by a shadow, giving her only opportunity to cry out for help.
Los otros jóvenes escuchan el grito, inmediatamente reconocen la voz de José. Miguel al sentir el peligro en el que se encontraban decide junto a Paola y Karla salir del bosque. Nadie sabía lo que sucedía, pero evidenciaban el peligro y salieron corriendo. Paola se quedaba rezagada y era embestida por una especie de rama, cayó adolorida mientras Miguel y Karla no se percataron de lo sucedido, Paola angustiada trata de levantarse pero al intentarlo era arrastrada por una sombra, dándole solo oportunidad de soltar un grito con llanto pidiendo auxilio.


Miguel and Karla stop and notice that Paola is missing, they realized late that Paola had been left behind and was in danger. Miguel and Karla don't turn back and keep going, Karla falls because of a piece of half-buried trunk, Miguel helps her to get up while a shadow quickly walks through the trees. Karla and Miguel try to run but some branches get tangled between their legs and fall again. Miguel manages to see a kind of snake that grabs Karla and drags her, Miguel desperately runs as fast as he can and manages to get out of the forest.
Miguel y Karla se detienen y notaron que faltaba Paola, se dieron cuenta tarde que Paola se había quedado atrás y que estaba en peligro. Miguel y Karla no dan marcha atrás y siguen adelante, Karla cae por culpa de un pedazo de tronco semi enterrado, Miguel la ayuda a levantarse mientras una sombra se pasea rápidamente por los árboles. Karla y Miguel intentan correr pero unas ramas se enredan entre sus piernas y caen nuevamente. Miguel logra ver una especie de serpiente que toma a Karla y la arrastra, Miguel desesperado sale corriendo lo más rápido que puede y logra salir del bosque.


An old man was waiting in the tents of the young people and came to see Miguel all tired and frightened. The old man approaches Miguel and says, "It was a mistake to enter that forest," he continues, "who enters doesn't leave. There lies the soul of a witch trapped in the body of a snake.
Un anciano aguardaba entre las carpas de los jóvenes y llega a ver a Miguel todo cansado y asustado. El anciano se le acerca a Miguel y le dice, -Fue un error entrar en ese bosque, -quien entra no sale, continúa diciendo. Ahí yace el alma de una bruja atrapada en el cuerpo de una serpiente.


Miguel, incredulous at what he heard, asks the old man. And why is it so beautiful if a wicked woman lives there? The old man answers, "It is his way of attracting the attention of the visitors and then he catches them. Miguel closed his eyes with his hands, saying, "how foolish we were to come here. When he took his hands off to talk to the old man, he was gone, Miguel thought it was an illusion, but when he saw the floor he could read a message that said, "Go, before it is too late for you.
Miguel incrédulo ante lo escuchado, le pregunta al anciano. Y porque es tan hermoso si allí vive una malvada?. El anciano le responde, -es su manera de llamar la atención de los visitantes y luego los atrapa. Miguel cerro los ojos con sus manos, diciendo-que tonto fuimos al venir aquí. Cuando se quita las manos para hablar con el anciano, este ya no estaba, Miguel pensó que era una ilusión pero al ver el suelo pudo leer un mensaje que decía, -vete, antes de que sea demasiado tarde para ti.


Esta publicación está basada en la imagen creada por el amigo @xpilar.
This publication is based on the image created by the friend @xpilar.


I am a member of the community Knitrias-Project

Soy miembro de la comunidad Knitrias-Project

I hope you enjoyed it, if you have any recommendations, please can leave it through a comment

This has been all for the moment.


Terror y mucha adrenalina en esta narración inspirada en las imágenes de Xpilar. Ahora se sintió el aliento acelerado y el corazón a reventar de la huida. Siempre hay misterios en los bosques bien guardado de los que hay que tener precaución.

Abrazo y buen viento para cada día!!

Amazing horror story. It was very fast paced, to be honest, I thought they would all just get dragged off and never be heard of again, but you managed to create a good open ending. Although I do wonder how miguel got out of the forest but still ended up back at the tent, maybe you can explain that one to me, hehe. Overall great story!

Please add the #Rashia-Contest then you will be the first participant to abide to all the rules :P Thank you very much @Jadnven

Greetings friend @rashia, I'm glad you liked it.

Miguel and his two companions had not gone into the forest, so they were relatively close to where they decided to camp.

Ready the label #Rashia-Contest

 4 years ago (edited)

Great now it's a fully valid contribution. Thank you 🥰

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