Cookie Update #club 100steemCreated with Sketch.

in WORLD OF XPILAR2 years ago

I remain unmotivated to do anything. The husband even had to make his own cookies. I don't mind about that as I earlier complained that he pre-emptively warned me off making gingerbread cookies. I told him that I would never make cookies again.


These are his sugar cookies. I didn't eat any and was sure to tell him they didn't look appetizing. I guess I am bitter that way.


He also made the Christmas dinner. All of it, while I laid around doing nothing. The dogs were very keen and they got a lot of leftovers as it was just the two of us.


I almost got excited after I managed to get some friends to commit to coming for dinner on the 27th. I cleaned the house for 2 days and cooked a lot of stuff. Then they cancelled at the last moment because it was snowing hard.

So that's it. My Christmas holiday in a nutshell. What did you do?

This is a #steemexclusive 100% POWER UP! post for #club100


And my New Year's holidays are just beginning.
But this year I really started to rest again on the eve of Catholic Christmas and will finish after Orthodox Christmas. This turns out to be more than 2 weeks.
I had a very good vacation in Dagestan since December 22.

Why have you been attacked by despondency and where has the motivation for the beautiful gone? If I made cookies, my wife would definitely be happy.

We spent our Christmas at the hospital, so bah humbug! But she continues to improve, so I think I'll get her home soon.

Still think you should tie him down and force feed him dry cookies with no milk!

Your puppies radar Shure is working well. Mine figured out that when I put on my shoes, I'm leaving again. So yesterday, he stole my socks, and put them in the corner of my chair..and pushed them in with his nose. Then he moved my boot, and layed down on it to hide it!

But they're allowing me to treat her some with herbals. That's making a large improvement in a bit short time!

I'd eat your cookies, LOL.


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