New Year at the birds

in WORLD OF XPILAR3 years ago (edited)

Hello, my friends on Steem.

Привет, стимитяи и стимитяйки.

So it's January 1, 2022. And on such a day, new visitors flew to my feeder. Jay! I was very happy about such a visit and, of course, grabbed a camera to catch this bird in my lens.
Ha. Everything turned out to be a little as usual. The second and then the third jay arrived. They dispersed all the little bluebirds and sparrows from the feeder. Of course, I was glad that I could photograph these birds. However, the branches of the tree interfered. The birds didn't land very well and I took many, many shots with the camera.

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Вот и наступило 1 января 2022. И в такой день к моей кормушке прилетели новые посетители. Сойка! Я очень обрадовался такому визиту и, конечно, схватил фотоаппарат, чтобы поймать эту птицу в свой объектив.
Ха. Всё оказалось немного так как обычно. Прилетела вторая, а потом и третья сойка. Они разогнали всех маленьких синичек и воробьев от кормушки. Я, конечно, был рад тому, что могу фотографировать этих птиц. Правда мешали ветки дерева. Птицы не очень удачно садились и я делал много-много щелчков и снимков.

I was afraid that the birds would fly away quickly and I wouldn't have time to take the photos I needed. But 5 of them arrived! Five! And they clearly weren't going to leave. I'll say more. That it is now 13:47, and they arrived at about 8 o'clock in the morning. They periodically fly away and reappear. I have already chased them away, because they are completely insolent and do not allow small birds to peck seeds. They are not afraid of me at all and feel like absolute masters around the feeder.

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Я боялся, что птицы быстро улетят и я не успею сделать нужные мне фотоснимки. Но их прилетело 5 штук! Пять! И они явно не собирались улетать. Я скажу больше. Что сейчас времени 13:07, а они прилетели около 8 часов утра. Они периодически улетают и снова появляются. Я уже прогонял их, потому что они совершенно обнаглели и не дают маленьким птицам клевать семечки. Они совсем не боятся меня и чувствуют себя около кормушки абсолютными хозяевами.

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At first, the jays ate pork fat. They tore off one piece and tore up the second piece very violently. But then they started pecking seeds from the feeder. But this already means that they decided to leave the little birds without lunch.
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Сначала сойки ели свиное сало. Они сорвали один кусок и очень яростно рвали второй кусок. Но потом они начали клевать семечки из кормушки. Но это уже значит, что они решили оставить маленьких птичек без обеда.

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And a woodpecker flew to me. But this guy had already flown in to peck a piece of fat before.
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А еще ко мне прилетел дятел. Но этот парень и раньше уже прилетел поклевать кусок сала.

That's what happened on the morning of the first day of the year on my bird feeder.
I understand that the popularity of my bird feeder is growing among the birds and more and more new guests are coming to it.

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Вот такое получилось утро первого дня года на моей птичьей кормушке.
Я так понимаю, что среди птиц растет популярность моей птичьей кормушки и стало всё больше новых гостей прилетать к ней.

Спасибо за внимание.

Всем желаю удачи!

И рад буду снова Вашему вниманию к моим постам.


@tipu curate

Happy new year 💥💥

I wish you many happy days this year!

 3 years ago 

Happy New Year my friend 💁‍♀️ I am actually quite pleased to see another passionate bird watcher here in the WORLD OF XPILAR community. Jay birds believe it or not can bury 5,000 acorns in autumn! You don’t want them around in spring, start of summer though as they eat bird eggs and baby birds. You are lucky to have a great spotted woodpecker visiting your feeder. Over here in west London, we don’t get them but we have a few green woodpeckers. This Christmas I also got a robin teapot nester which I can’t wait to put up on the Japanese cherry tree in my garden tomorrow.

I don't even know what jays can eat in our forest. We do not grow oaks, there are no acorns. I planted 10 oaks a few years ago, but they are still small. This year there is a lot of mountain ash in our forests and settlements. But for some reason, the birds don't eat it this year. This is very strange!

Thank you so much for your comment. I guess I'll read about the behavior of jays, learn more about them.

 3 years ago 

Based on your photos you have plenty of snow already out there. We never have this much snow over here so it is hard for me to say what a jay would feed on in this sort of weather. They are definitely ground feeders. So whatever you leave on the bird table and trays you will easily get them excited about. Here in west London they visit my garden early in the morning. They are crazy about crickets. I personally love their bright blue feathers. When we are sat outside here weather permitting I hear the jays hunting for food messing up with some dried leaves which the wind brought. If you ask me they behave like squirrels, they dig a bit and love to bury treasures. I am pretty sure that you will learn more about jay birds and that you will get the chance to take more photos of them.

You talk very interesting about jays!
But the trouble is that they do not let other birds to the feeder.
None of my friends have seen these birds in our area.

 3 years ago 

This sounds like a real jay behaviour. They are a member of the crow family and they are quite similar to magpies which you might have come across in your area.

The below photo is from my copy of the Collins Complete Guide To British Birds by Paul Sterry. I wish to take a photo like the one in the left-hand side one day 💁‍♀️


Yesterday I tried to take a photo like on the right in your picture.

Oh, magpies. I even posted my photos with these girls earlier. I think it's girls after all. They come to me every day. I've been watching them since they started learning to fly last summer.

 3 years ago 

Yesterday I tried to take a photo like on the right in your picture.

Make the most of the time the jay is around because you can not be sure if it will decide to stay in your area. Today a shaggy-crested belted kingfisher was spotted in northern England Rare kingfisher sighting in Preston This type of kingfisher has been last seen up north more than a hundred years ago.

You seem to have a nice variety of birds visiting you over there and you take great photos of them. I know from experience that it takes a while to capture them nicely with the birds clearly in focus. Have you tried to improvise a bird hide in your garden?

Let's see which species will have their little ones at ours this year. Last year I got a pair of great tits which nested one side of the house, near the garden shed. Robins had their little one in a prickly shrub, firethorn ​in our garden for the second year in a row. I also had a family of coal tits nesting nearby. We were lucky to also get goldfinches having their little ones at our family house outside London.

There's a forest next to me. Birds nest there. There are no tall trees in my garden, plus a lot of cats walking around. 3 years ago, the swallows wanted to make a nest in my covered yard, but my cat did not let them do it. The daughter was very upset then.

 3 years ago 

на фото, особенно на первых, сойки выглядят не больше дроздов))) видимо нахохлились))
У нас сойки скорее слышны, чем видны, очень уж осторожны, но красивы, чертовки)))
Отличные фото получились.
Я думаю, что их обязательно должна увидеть @stef1 :)

на фото, особенно на первых, сойки выглядят не больше дроздов))) видимо нахохлились))

Я бы не сказал, что они нахохлились, но как бы иногда они "сжимаются". И голова у них в такие моменты становится интересной.
Они, конечно, крупнее дроздов, но меньше сороки. Сорока прилетала тоже. Она каждый лень прилетает.

Я соек тоже видел только около кормушки. Первый раз в уже позапрошлом году. Но теперь. как мне кажется, они одолеют. Сегодня опять целый день 4 штуки были у кормушки.

 3 years ago 

по тарахтению сорокам точно не уступают)))
Но мне их размер поболе казался, может наши просто крупнее? Они и выглядят чуть иначе, но давно из близко не видел. Вот завтра в глушь поеду, может там кто попадётся)

Я кого не спрошу, так никто из моих знакомых не видел здесь соек. Видимо смена климата расширяет их ореол обитания.

 3 years ago 

у нас то сойки жители постоянные, с детства помню, вот только встречаются не часто. Но уже и в городе видел. Меняется всё.
Можно решить, что синица не меньше по размеру, чем сойка. 😂😂😂

 3 years ago 

это если по фото, я в натуре сравниваю))

ну так да. :)

You post is nominated for „Wold of xpilar“ Community Support Program, @booming account upvote. Only the posts that are not cross posted, original and posted from community page are eligible. If your post gets approval, then you get upvote within few days. Good luck!

Thank you very much @stef1 🙏

 3 years ago 

Excellent photographic shots and you were lucky to get them in a timely manner. I really liked them and I am grateful for showing us a little piece of wonderful nature that I would like to know one day. Happy New Year!

Thank you so much for your comment!

Que linda esa casita (comedero) para los pájaros, y que lindas fotos también!!!
A nuestro balcon tambiten llegaban pero desde que tenemos gatos no se acercan 😅
Saludos amigo ☺️

Mis gatos observan pájaros a través de la ventana

Jajajaja mi gata también, se queda viendo los árboles de alrrededor y le maulla a las aves

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