Tit - yellow fluffy lump

in WORLD OF XPILAR3 years ago

Hello, my friends on Steem.

Привет, стимитяи и стимитяйки.

Friends, today I want to show you the main visitor of my bird canteen. It's a tit. A few years ago, only tits flew to my feeder and there were no other birds. I will say that tits come to my garden in the summer. These birds help me fight garden pests. In summer they eat beetles, spiders, caterpillars, and in winter they look out for larvae that hide in cracks in the bark of trees. These birds are our main helpers in our gardens.
And these are very beautiful birds. Their bright yellow plumage makes them very photogenic and attractive.

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Is it just me, or is it really so? This chickadee closed her eyes. Why did she close her eyes? Maybe the bright sunlight made her close her eyes.
I think that all the beauty of birds is revealed on a sunny day. And another important factor is the presence of an appropriate background. In summer, tits are poorly visible among the green foliage, although they have bright yellow plumage.
Of course not. The bird is not sleeping and has not closed its eyes. They can't just close their eyes. They need to be always on the alert so that the hawk can't eat them.

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Today the sky has become clear, the Sun has come out. Mother Nature is preparing another "gift" for us - a new wave of cold is coming to us. The temperature is predicted to be around -30 degrees Celsius tomorrow.
Why did England and the USA not want to live in the metric measurement system? For some reason, in these countries, everything is in inches, pounds, and temperature in Fahrenheit? It's inconvenient!
And why don't they speak Russian? But this is definitely a joke! 😂😂😂

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Look, friends, at this fluffy yellow lump. It's just a wonderful creature. This chickadee sat on my windowsill. The birds get used to it and completely stop being afraid of me. I'm already part of the setting for them.

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Next time I will show you another amazingly beautiful bird of our region - the bullfinch. This bird can only be seen in winter. But that's another time.

Спасибо за внимание.

Всем желаю удачи!

И рад буду снова Вашему вниманию к моим постам.


Красотка птичка 🤩


Какие красавцы!)
С Новым 2022 годом!)

И Вам Нового Счастья!

I love this picture! The colors look very bright and sensational. Successes! 😍

Thank you very much for such good words.
Come visit me again. 😂🙏

 3 years ago 

Милые птахи, хищники, однако, а по виду совсем не скажешь))

ну как хищники. Если учесть, что едят жучков и паучков, то все птицы хищники. :)

 3 years ago 

эти могут и себе подобных заклевать, кстати, мозг любят...)) выносить)

хм... мозг... иногда яндекс-переводчик tits переводит как "титьки". Это могут мозг вынести и крышу сорвать. :)

 3 years ago 

эти могуть)) не зря им сала подвешивают)

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