We welcome you all to this week's edition of #talkchannel in the WORLD OF THE XPILAR COMMUNITY, this week's theme: ***ABUSE AND PLAGIARY CONSIDERATIONS***( week 38) by @adeljose

in WORLD OF XPILAR4 years ago

The idea of "Talk Channel"

Maybe many of us want a place we could only talk about loosely and firmly. Ask questions about things we wonder about, for example, about the STEEM community or other things. That's why we want to create a post with "talk channel" Just talk to some or ask questions.

Talk Channel

The post "Talk Channel" will be posted weekly, every Monday and is open to everyone the whole week. And there we should all appreciate comments and responses to each other.

Yes, we need to talk to each other as well

Theme this week: "Abuse and Plagiarism Considerations".

We invite the community leader Project HOPE @crypto.piotr.


Tell us a little about these sensitive issues such as Abuse and Plagiarism of information, "and if you can", have the opportunity to answer questions from the community

We also welcome other curators and leaders to introduce themselves here at "Talk Channel "

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In the "talk channel" we or you can also post a topic that needs a review, for example tools on Steem or other things you want to know about

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Responsibility moderator for "Talk Channel" is @adeljose

@adeljose @art-venture @stef1 @myskye @sultan-aceh
@franyeligonzalez @leveuf @axeman @xpilar


Dear @adeljose

I feel honoured to be mentioned by you.

Tell us a little about these sensitive issues such as Abuse and Plagiarism of information, "and if you can", have the opportunity to answer questions from the community

Truth is, fighting with Abuse and Plagiarism never been my priority. However, I quickly have learned that you cannot manage community if you ignore those threats.

We've experienced several attacks from users like @ jaguar.force, who would claim that Project.hope (PH in short) is supporting abusers and content theft. Which prompted us to launch our own "internal" anti-plagiarism department.

Right now few members (@gbenga, @juanmolina, @adityajainxds as well as @josevas217) are responsible for finding any signs of plagiarism within our community. And we've decided that instead of punishing members for commiting such a "crime" - we will simply focus on educating them. Which (in my opinion) brings much better results (And allow to avoid drama).

There isn't much more to say about this topic. It's surely ungrateful task, consuming time and sometimes we deal with annoying users. Users who do not seem to understand concept of 'intellectual property'. But what has to be done - has to be done :)

Thank you again for bringing up this topic and calling my name,
Yours, Piotr

 4 years ago 

Greetings friend @crypto.piotr

It is a pleasure to have invited you, we know of your experience and excellent work in the block chain.

I am pleased to know that you think this way:

And we've decided that instead of punishing members for commiting such a "crime" - we will simply focus on educating them. Which (in my opinion) brings much better results (And allow to avoid drama).

Since we do not know if the user who incurs this, does it consciously or unconsciously, we must first guide him. If he continues to fall into the same practice, it is because he is doing it in a malicious way, and there should be a reaction from the curators of the communities.

I am very happy that you have heeded our invitation, I hope that the #Project-Hope community will continue to grow for the benefit of all.


Plagiarism needs to be stopped especially when it comes to the content someone is writing. if you are simply copy and pasting someone's content it is 100% plagiarism. think of something you have given hours to write and suppose someone finds your post someday and simply copy paste it to his / her post how would you feel...? not good thats what goes for you as well when you copies someone's post entirely from steemit or any other platform.
you should always research on the topic you want to write upon from various different platforms and combine that with your previous knowledge of the topic and then write a blog or post.
talking about the photos one uses in his/her post we should also mention the link to that photo or any form art we might be using in our post specially if that art or photo does not come from a open source.
i myself was heart broken some time back when someone copied my entire poem from facebook and Posted as his composition with his name Under my poem. so i can feel the pain.
and secondly abusive contents can be distributed in many types one common is reposting the same post again in different languages or with little bit of changes. we all should say no to abusive and plagiarism .

 4 years ago 

Greetings friend .

It is painful that someone wants to generate a benefit at the cost of another's work, this type of person usually has no respect for others or for himself.

It's very true, and I see that you clearly know the rules of the game here at Steemit, and I think that this applies to any environment, even in our routine work, there are those who say they have done a job or a report when it is really others who have put in the effort to do it.

We appreciate your good intervention in our channel.

thank you so much for your kind words☺️

Hello @adeljose
This particular issue, I can say for a start, is something that consumes fighting plagiarism, literally.
Going through different plagiarism detectors, makes reading a publication take you up to 20+ minutes. Even if it is short.
The reason is that there are many who want to take advantage of what is not theirs, either out of ignorance or simply because they are tempted to do so.
We have seen totally absurd answers when you ask yourself why its content is identical to this other one?
I particularly made a publication some time ago to guide the newest ones on how to properly cite sources of quotations, images, etc. I use it when I first get a plagiarism in some new user. If you keep doing it, that's already a major abuse.
However, there are things that are about to be written into the *"rules" aspect of this, to call them by some sort of name. And every day brings something new. Example:
There is a user who has an account on Blutr and publishes those posts on steemit. He claims that they are his posts, from his accounts. Because they are 4 different blutr accounts with different name than the one he has in steemit, that is very rare. You have to find a way to confirm that it's really the same user. And so every day new things come up.
But for me there is something basic, if it's not yours, don't present it as yours. Otherwise it is a fault, and as such it must be assumed.

Thank you for bringing this topic up for discussion.
Thanks @crypto.piotr for the mention.

 4 years ago 

Greetings friend @josevas217.

I know and follow your good works, it's very true your opinion about how annoying it can be to verify the authenticity of a content, but sometimes it's obviously necessary to apply the corrections. We in World of Xpilar have found in several occasions publications that just by looking at them, already generate uncertainty about the ownership of information. Images with logos and names stamped different from the user's name is a clear sign of plagiarism.

Moving forward in the conservatory, one of the problems brought about by Steemit's bifurcation is this, not because of the duplication of content, but because of the duplication of identity "new users" generated to steal information and take it to another platform, such is the case of @fundacorazon, who despite not having generated a user in Hive, there was an account with the same name using the same content in that platform.

To conclude, I sincerely thank you for the time you have taken to interact with us on this subject, I hope you continue to give the platform its great work.


Brilliant comment @josevas217

Thx for sharing your thoughts

Cheers @adeljose.

In my activity as a supervisor, I have been able to detect various plagiarism techniques, from simple copy/paste cases to sophisticated "spun".

With pride, I dedicate my hours to "cleaning" our front-end. I don't like to see those kinds of posts there.

I have been able to conclude something without a doubt: in the act of plagiarism, there are no coincidences.
Everything is on purpose. Then the excuses are plenty. Instead, I would respect a user who takes responsibility and agrees to correct their behavior.

Thanks, @crypto.piotr for mentioning me.

 4 years ago 

Greetings friend @juanmolina.

It's very important what you just said, "sophisticated plagiarism," I imagine you mean they're doing everything they can not be easily detected.

I personally have seen a lot of bad intentions as soon as posts with stolen information, have detected them and immediately delete the post.

I believe, it is our duty to keep Steemit free from plagiarism and abuse, even if this is a lot of work.

Thank you very much for your intervention, my friend.

I believe, it is our duty to keep Steemit free from plagiarism and abuse, even if this is a lot of work.


Hola @adeljose sabes este tema me parece interesante y es bueno explicar como uno puede protegerse de eso de plagio, robo de identidad o robo porque esas tres se combinan, ya vi que la maestra de la fundación te contó lo que paso con nuestra página nos robaron la identidad para la plataforma de Hive y publicaban todo el trabajo de la fundación como si fuese de esta persona yo me di cuenta y de una vez realice un post notificando pero todos debemos de ser cuidadoso con eso porque hay personas mal intencionadas que quieren llevarse el crédito del trabajo que uno hace y que uno que se esmera en realizar buenas publicaciones y ser original en sus escrito otra persona quiere robárselo.

Este canal es importante para aprender muchas cosas que aun no sabemos y que tenemos que reforzar conocimiento ya que hay muchas personas nuevas en la plataforma que al ver estas cosas pueden desanimarse como nos paso a nosotros que nos desanimamos y no queríamos seguir escribiendo porque teníamos mucho coraje, gracias a Dios demostramos nuestro robo de identidad y el plagio porque lo que publicamos en la página pasa a la red social de la fundación.

Y damos gracias porque hay personas que nos asesoraron y es bueno colocar en las fotos el logo de steemit para que no las plagien, si utilizamos fotografías o imagines que no sean de nosotros colocar las fuentes eso es importante, todos debemos de cuidarnos de esto. Me encantan estos conversatorios y disculpa el discurso ya que ustedes tocaron el tema necesitaba desahogarme. Porque no queremos que le pase a otras personas.

 4 years ago 

Saludos amiga @rosanita,

Quiero comenzar diciendo que es difícil evitar que otros traten de robar nuestros trabajos, lo que si es posible, es ir monitoreando nuestras cuentas y nuestros trabajos tal como lo has hecho, en este caso, es aún más difícil ya que el usuario es el mismo. Lo primero que se debe hacer, es realizar una publicación denunciando este delito.

Me da alegría saber que han resuelto el problema, este canal está dispuesto para todos los steeminianos, tenemos la voluntad de leer y atender cada comentario.

Estamos a la orden para atender sus inquietudes, igual que todo el equipo World of Xpilar encabezado por nuestro amigo @xpilar.

Hola amigo adeljose es interesante , yo soy nueva y no conozco mucho espero aprender de todos ustedes y estar pendiente de cualquier cosa para no equivocarme.


 4 years ago 

Saludos @mireyalongart.

Me gusta que pienses así, siempre debemos estar consciente de lo que hacemos, toda institución tiene sus reglas y políticas que debemos respetar y Steemit no escapa a ello.

Gracias por su participación en nuestro canal.

Hola @adeljose el tema de verdad que es importante porque hay que conocer mas sobre eso pero considero que el abuso, el plagio y el robo de identidad debería de ser sancionado o sancionar a la persona que lo hace.

Lo digo porque hace unas semanas atrás pasamos por eso que otra persona se quiera beneficiar o llevarse crédito con el trabajo de otro y no solo eso que robe hasta la identidad de uno para usarlo en otra plataforma eso no debería de pasar. Nosotros estamos en contra de eso ya que uno debe ser original, hacer las cosas por su propia cuenta sin desacreditar a otras personas con su actitud.

Gracias a Dios nosotros pudimos solventar el problema ya que lo hicimos por todos los medios pero hoy fuimos nosotros mañana puede ser otro y tenemos que estar pendiente de esas personas que quieren plagiar nuestro trabajo y hacerlo pasar como suyo, eso debería de tener una sanción fuerte para la persona que lo hace.

Y quisiéramos saber como debemos proteger nuestro trabajo para que no lo plagien a nosotros nos dieron algunas recomendaciones pero debe haber mas formas.

 4 years ago 

Saludos @fundacorazon.

Me entristece que hayan sido victimas de un plagio de información y de identidad, esto normalmente es penado hasta con eliminar la cuenta Steemit a los culpables, la información que nosotros dejamos acá se queda insertada en el, si alguien es capaz de robar sus publicaciones o trabajo, fácilmente será reconocido, solo se debe informar a los testigos de tal situación para solventar el problema y que las autoridades tomen las decisiones al respecto para amonestar a quien lo hizo.

Gracias por compartir con nosotros su caso por nuestro canal.

Hello friend @adeljose, as you know, I'm new to this platform, and I have been explained that if we use an image from the Internet we must place the reference link, because if we do not, it is plagiarism, but now, what do they mean by "abuse".

 4 years ago 

Greetings friend @casamia12, I'm glad you're participating here, it is considered abuse when a user publishes two or more times the same content in one or more languages in Steemit, that is, seeks to duplicate the reward options by placing the same content.

It has also been seen that they publish two or more times the same content in the same language but in different communities.

Cheers @adeljose.

In my activity as a supervisor, I have been able to detect various plagiarism techniques, from simple copy/paste cases to sophisticated "spun".

With pride, I dedicate my hours to "cleaning" our front-end. I don't like to see those kinds of posts there.

I have been able to conclude something without a doubt: in the act of plagiarism, there are no coincidences.
Everything is on purpose. Then the excuses are plenty. Instead, I would respect a user who takes responsibility and agrees to correct their behavior.

Thanks, @crypto.piotr for mentioning me.

hi @juanmolina

Everything is on purpose. Then the excuses are plenty.

Indeed. It's quite amusing to listen to excused coming from those that plagiarize. And indeed - it's hard to find users, who admit to wrong-doing.

Strange, isnt it?

Cheers, Piotr


Hello friends, greetings to all, a very interesting and central topic for the creation of content, it is important to touch on these topics in order to face many doubts about it.

 4 years ago 

Hello friend @renataboreal, it is also, it is very important, more than all for the new members of this platform that are starting and learning to publish in Steemit, that is why we bring it to consideration for its interpretation and study with the friend @crypto.piotr

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