📷Covid-19 for the 2nd time | 冠病第二次😎(by @ace108)

in WORLD OF XPILAR7 months ago
I attended a few major event last two weekends. There was wedding lunch. Then a pickleball section dinner party. Sunday was this big "Celebrating Healthcare Heroes" event at F1 Pit Building.
过去两个周末我参加了一些重大活动。 有婚礼午餐。 然后是匹克球团晚宴。 周日在 F1 维修站大楼举办了一场盛大的“庆祝医疗英雄”活动。

🎶Meanwhile, some music for you to enjoy as you read. This piece is part of Vivaldi’s The Four Seasons, particularly the first of the 4 violin concertos, called Spring.
🎶让大家继续读的时候,欣赏一点音乐。这件作品是维瓦尔第的“四季”的一部分 - 4小提琴协奏曲中的第一首,名为“春天”。
Source | 来源: https://musopen.org/

Source | 来源: https://musopen.org/music/2213/antonio-vivaldi/the-four-seasons/
When I left I saw Marina Bay Sands lighted up.

Then zoom in a bit for a closer look.

On Monday morning, I wasn't feeling too good. I tested for COVID-19 and it was bad news. So, I guess my luck ran out. The sore throat came and then bit of cough, followed by running nose.
周一早上,我感觉不太好。 我进行了冠病检测,结果是个坏消息。 所以,算倒霉了。 喉咙痛,然后有点咳嗽,然后流鼻涕。

The fever lasted a while and came down after I took paracetemol.

This time I have some Chinese medicine on standby. Sad thing is have to be missing this Wednesday pickleball game.
这次我有一些中药备用。 遗憾的是必须错过周三的匹克球时间。

Please see my other posts: @ace108
请看我其他帖: @ace108

I See👀. Shoot📷. I Blog it👆😎


Was it milder than the first one, or worst. It seems Covid cases are creeping up again.
Take care and get well soon.

Less body ache and the sore throat and cough milder too but the running nose was still quite bad. I think the Chinese medicine works quite well. I took mainly that and the pipagao and some left over running nose medicine at night. It think it's going to get worst because there are simply less restriction and more activities. No mask, everyone going to office/work and attending big events and/or dinners and concerts that people paid for and travel that already book plus all the Christmas, New Year and Chinese New Year gathering coming up. We didn't really learn from the spanish flu. I think like the Bloomberg report said, it's going to take 7 years. At least, I'm now spared from the vaccination for a while. Sorry thing is I think my wife got it the first time from me.

I am glad to hear you are feeling better. Yes, the numbers are creeping up - due to the factors you mentioned. I think we just have to take care of ourselves. Maintain personal hygiene, wash hands regularly and wear a mask in crowded areas. Taking care of ourselves is also taking care of those around us.

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