Congratulations - you found yourself a role model

in Italy3 months ago (edited)

My dear friend @pousinha and I discuss what the need of a role model is. I wrote a role model doesn't exist in my life. To me a role model is someone with a strong will, a goal, a fighter, a survivor, a person who won't hide if justice needs to see daylight.


The brain is like a closet. It can look neat, be open or the clothes, to some rags, are hidden behind closed doors. Some brains are modern, structured and organized while others are ancient or seem to be chaotic. No matter what the closet looks like it is our private domain which we should care about. As long as we can find our way it's fine even if some drawers or trunks remain closed for the rest of our lives.


This closet gets closer to my inner soul the ancient person I am. It just doesn't make sense... those cloths on the floor x the hats unless this are the wardrobes of an old theatre.

The clothes we wear can say a lot about our soul if we are able to affort buying them. In the second picture I can't rhyme the clothing dumped on the floor in combination with the dresses and hats. This picture doesn't make sense (let's ignore the fact it's generated by AI). If you see what I see you know why.
If you can't 'see it' because of bad vision you can develop your other skills like hearing or feeling the true being or by tasting the atmosphere.


The only thing that makes this closet full of clothes feel good to is me is the chair

Is it possible to always improve ourselves or is it fine to be the person you are, to accept and be satisfied with the closet your mind looks like?


This isn't my closet either. I am not a shop-a-holic, don't clutter and am closer to a minimalist

Dear @pousinha

hereby my respond to your comment

I find it hard to say other women (or men) are better than me unless I know them which I don't. Those I know from history are painted through the eyes of a certain person with his own view on life.
To me no one is perfect and there is no need to be. To some wisdom comes automatically by observing the world for years while others change as the result of life experiences. At the same time a 2-year-old can have more wisdom than a 80-year old if we are willing to listen and don't pretend we are the most wise of all.

To my opinion we always change, can improve if we keep our eyes open but at the first place know ourselves. If we do not know who we are what's the point in looking for a role model, a person who's deepest wishes, desires and needs we do not know?

I for myself can not adopt one single person as my role model. I can simply not see such a great being I would like to change myself into. I don't see myself walk in other's footsteps since I have my own pace and doubt I am able or willing to follow.

My soul is different from others and there must be a good reason why we all do not share the same soul, why each one of us has to experience life in his own way to grow and perhaps change or become our true selves.

To me the highest position one I achieve is to be satisfied with the person I am, became after all the hardships that came over me. There was never a person guiding me, my parenys/family weren't role models and friends were rare if present at all.

The one I am today is the person I grow and taught myself. I have a strong will and do not easily give up. If you ask me this is what most describe if it comes to their role models. Personalities willing to fight for what they stand for. Like you know I am an intovert and after years of silence I decided to speak out. I paid a very high price for staying alive and still am (and it's 40 years later).

I am no longer the child locked in in the closet, hiding behind a curtain, kicked outside on the street on a cold winter day without shoes and a coat being scolded, beaten up, strangled and dying for hunger.
I overcame all of this and even worse so to my opinion I am the best version of me and can safely say I am my own role model.
No one saw what I went through and if that soul is not alike meaning the experience is different.

I also believe, and this is what I saw with those I worked with as a therapist, that there is only a certain amount of weight a soul can lift. Some pitch better remained closed while others need to be cleaned. There's a limit of what a mind and soul can take before it scatters. It's a lie what doesn't break us only makes us stronger. If that would be the case not 8 out of 10 needed a doctor.

The only way to improve oneself is accept who you are and be happy with that. The person we are is our soul which to me is ancient and lives till eternity, not the body, the shell it lives in and can make us feel less comfortable or unwanted.

The only thing I want is to be able to say: I had a good life and you know what? No matter all that happened I frequently have that these days (since a few years) I stand still and say to myself: if I would die now I had a good, rich life.

So that's my wish, my improvement and what I wish for you too. It helps you to have a role model and I understand how it can inspire you to continue and it's admirable but I don't need that for me and I never had a person who inspired me enough to follow to be able to improve myself.
Can it be this is the result of a lack of love, empathy and support forcing me to stand on own feet before I could walk?

I frequently discuss why many blame the oersons they are on their bad childhood or terrible parents. I heard it all every theory and excuse why humankind behaves like a beast... Trust me I have more than anyone else reason to enter a mall or school with a shotgun, I could easily be a serial killer, an addict or... but I am not and that is the main reason no one finds excuses for me (and my behaviour).

Perhaps an interesting aspect for you to dig in deeper?

fantasy a closet full of clothes

Can it be my closet is the entrance to another world where it's free to dream? If that's the case the closet is my role model.

Thank you for the good talk. I wish you the improvement and suport you need, to me you are a great and beautiful person.

A warm embrace, luck and love to you.

#comment - touching.jpg

@ibesso @rokhani @elian23khan @sbamsoneu @yaladeeds @el-nailul @aminasafdar

Comment picture: made by me with Canva
Pictures: AI generated by me on behalf of the #italygame contest -
Search: a closet full of clothes
Tuesday prompt: congratulations see @freewritehouse

#comment #freewrite #italygame #kittywu


Beautiful pictures, beautiful read.

I must say you're your own hero

Btw did you work as a therapist? Or are you one?

P.S: These closets are a dreamy of every girl living on the planet Earth😍

I have a different closet in mind these pictures are closer to rooms. If you ask me it must be smelly inside because of all those shoes.
It can't be very hygenic to put them next above or underneat the clothing.

A I am a specialized therapist for special people and changed into one for animals who need it more.

I am satisfied with the person I am, I don't feel the need to be moulded and inspiration I receive from my surrounding.

Like the gnomes I created today (@ibesso) and the 'noise' (will never get used to that 'slogan) and the very first emoji as a #comment (@rokhani) and everyone I mention in my stories.

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A I am a specialized therapist for special people and changed into one for animals who need it more.

Now i know why your posts hit on point all the time.


  • closet in the first picture is more organized than my life😳
  • i won't mind taking all the dresses in the 2nd picture❤

I don't know about these closets shown...perhaps they are just for showing off, not allowed to touch? There are people with kitchens like these also, meant for those who can't cook.

The dresses are all yours! Feel free to take whatever you like.

So far you are the only one who asked/noticed. It says a lot about the readers but if it comes to it it's more life experiences and the art called: observing.

Oh yes beautiful things are kept for show off and not to touch.

Just like here in pakistan, we are not allowed to touch our mother's crockery which she brings in dowry. Those are expensive and if anyone dares to use or break them, it's theit last day.

Desi mothers use them only on special occasions

I observe things, i am an introvert, i am specialized in this field😅

We have had the 'Sunday' living for years. Only allowed to clean and be on special occassions. The rest of our lives we spent at the kitchentable (although the kitchen was not bad at all with carpet on the floor and closer to the stove and fridge) .

I know how afraid the deliveryman was as he had to carry the shoppings inside. He knew that after he took his shoes of he was only allowed to step on two flat 'cushions' on the floor. They always did slide over the polished wooden floor. Good for breaking your neck. I saw the guy sweat and trust me he was relieved as he left. He had to destress for at least one month till my mother showed up again to buy 40% of the items he sold.

I temember how I once had to carry an antique vase with a bunch of roses into that living. I did slide, nearly broke my back but managed to save the vase and roses. All she said was: why is it you are always so clumsy. She pulled the vase out of my hands kicked me and left me behind.


All introverts observe, they are the thinkers and now what the endresult will be. Be proud to be an introvert.


I must say, your closet metaphor makes my brain look like a post-Christmas sale wardrobe: a beautiful mess but surprisingly functional. Thanks for turning the folds of the mind into a real inner fashion show. Who knew Marie Kondo had a rival in the self-improvement field?🌈

I'll try to understand what a post-Christmas sale wardrobe looks like. To be honest I have no clue.

I guess you are the only one who knows that. Thanks for the rainbow, I think I have nearly a quartet.

P.s. I wish all those flashy colours and lights weren't added to the AI pictures it hurts my eyes.

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Just like those amazing color-saturated photos from the degenerative AI. 😎 Try including words in the prompt like desaturated colors, retro 70s-style photos, or words that hint at a soft-focus situation. But it doesn't always work; that's its characteristic. Some friends mentioned a software that generated more realistic photos, but I don't remember the name. Or there's an interesting free site called img2go that allows you to change saturation, brightness, resolution, etc. etc. Rainbows bring me luck and gnome pots. 😀

It's all way too much work it already takes me hours on my phone plus it gets more often frozen. Very annoying.

If my phone is at work - or not - I leave and do something else.

The best wifi I had was in the 80s as dialed in with a landline.

Gnomes do not bring pots of gold, dwarfs do...AI can't tell the difference but at least they wear a gree outfit.

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These dwarfs dressed as gnomes are beautiful, thank you. It’s really a shame about the reception issue. It’s true, every once in a while it’s good to seize the opportunity to enjoy some well-deserved rest. I’m taking a break now too, my eyes are turning purple from the strain. Writing in bed has its own charm, doesn’t it? Good night 💤

Good mornig. I was dragged out of bed early, one of the wolves decided it was fun time. I think my eyes are purple by now.
Enjoy your day, have a lovely time.

Thank you for your morning wishes. I'm sorry to hear that you were woken up prematurely by the antics of that rascal wolf; however, the resulting image has its undeniable charm, even though the image of the poor tweet is still imprinted in my mind. My eyes are okay, but my legs are in pieces. Remember to take care of your purple eyes, just as I will try to do with my legs. I am now at home; I have some ideas to jot down, but I have little time and it slips through my fingers. I have a dinner waiting for me; it seems that too much meditation does me harm.

There's no need to meditate just writeband make notes of each idea that pops up in your mind.

Are you eating again! 🤯 unbelieveable.


Dear friend, I'd like to be as the first picture (extremely tidy), but I know it's really a big deal. It's true no human being is perfect (since Adam's fall, all human being is a sinner and the most righteous sins 7 times per day, says the Bible). Only Jesus Christ lived a perfect and sinless life while He was between humans. Until we'll live in this world we'll be sinners, but improvement is possible. Predestined (it's the meaning of Calvinist predestination) will do, one day or another.

The only way to be extremely tidy is to be a minimalist. There's no other way.

I know I once saw a docu about Matilda Willink tje oainter's wife and muze. I found her impressive especially as she said she didn't care about collecting small stuff the cluttering... She had a goal (an expensive one - a dress) and went for that no matter if she had money to eat. Her place looked very tidy.

I wonder if a muze is a role model or is it inspiration, inspiring?

I don't think all people are sinners if that would be the case Jesus died for no reason.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts

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Jesus stated clearly he came to save sinners (sinners who want to reject a sinful life), that a doctor is useful to sick people, not to healthy ones. If the human being would have been100% righteous, no need of an extreme sacrifice as the death in a cross. Only an extreme love for humanity is capable of such a sacrifice❤️. We didn't deserve God's grace, but He gave His grace in any way for love❤️

The fact that you have learn to embrace who you are and happy with what you have achieved so far… has conquered the need for a mentor although for someone like me, I will actually need one for their guidance and motivation.

secondly, for someone like you who has a strong will and have gone through the eye of a needle and still came out strong, no one can make you do shit that you don’t want to especially carrying a short gun…. 😊😊😊

Watch me young man, be aware I will carry a shotgun and pull the trigger if necessary to defend what's mine or dear to me.

Inspiration is not the same as being taught how to fit into someone else's mould, being the copy diesn't feel good and isn't necessary either. All you need to do is figuring out what fits you. If you can't find your likes, list all your dislikes. Life itself will tell you what to do.

It was a struggle to find a way through the eye of the needle lost in a haystack (boobs and bottom got stuck can you imagine that?) but I made it.

You can generate with AI a picture about this fact while I keep myself busy with the soldier (thanks for inspiring me).


A beautiful closet role model you have there , people do change and sometimes the appearance we see could be a different person inside. As we see what we want to see cus we choose to, having a role model is not for everyone you can just admire some and move on cos at the end of the day, we are people that must live our own lives.

I think it's a huge difference if people or something inspires you, 20 at the same time can do so, or we are talking about a role model.

The word 'model' has a certain meaning to me... Modeling/teaching something into a certain waybs/he fits into a mould..
or something like that. That doesn't feel good to me plus it takes away the freedom of thought,'s hard to explain but I believe you understand what I mean to say.


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Where do you get your colourful pictures from, the sites I use doesn't seem happy enough

I use
I type a word or short sentence.
Most of the times I add 'digiart' or add 'fantasy'
On you see pictures like these too. At times it needs a day to find somethimg good or even two.

What did you use?@ibesso uses something else and @pousinha too. Both their pivtures look good too. I am not crazy about the closet results. The first ones I generated were better but I lost them.

#comment - gnomes thank u brigade noise.jpg

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Because of you and @ibesso, I’ve gone to register for an AI image classes… you guys keep oppressing the whole of Steemians with your beautiful images!!😊😊

"Great @sbamsoneu, you've made the right choice, it's really cool to write the photographs, you can use your creativity for this as well, get inspired by great photographers, and play with your imagination. A piece of advice for your journey: analyze the basis of reasoning well to formulate the prompts, and you'll create beautiful photos. Good luck."👍


I just started... One month ago I didn't even know it existed. I'm joining a worldbuilding group to figure it out and am happy if the masters tell me I succeeded and wrote something brilliant. It does eat a lot of my time and the pictures are rarely what I have in mind but if you can figure out why AI shows what you don't want to see, know it has tunnelvision, judges and discriminates, the most simple words are blocked! you might puzzle out how to trick it.

Btw takes it time but I fill out the prompt and come back later if the puctures do not show up within a minute.

I like to see your first try.

Tip: if your prompt/description is blocked start with 'fantasy'

I've already been reprimanded by a moderator for using these pictures! As if emoji, free and paintings used from the public domain are not stolen 'goods'.
If it comes to it each single word we type is.


Oh these lovely dwarfs, where is their snow white?🎀

Snowwhite lives in Germany if you ask me with 7 dirty abusive little guys using her for a slave.

These green ones are Irish. They are good for 🍀🍀🍀 and pots of gold which you can find at the end of the rainbows @ibesso is collecting and sending plus they drink

#comment - gnomes noticed good luck(1).jpg

German dwarfs glamorised exploitation of a women, dumb snow white🙅

So it's a wise idea to befriend @ibesso for his gold fortune.

Yes, stick around with him he gave me a chocolate boat already, three rainbows and the pots of gold are never empty.