Unforgettable Trip - On the Road Again

in Italylast month (edited)


Every holiday something goes differently from planned. After all those trips it no longer bothers. I'll just sit and wait. Unforgettable? For me, that's more like what went wrong than remembering the sights of a country. No matter how great it was, that memory rarely remains unlike the one of the bad experiences. They say you have to learn from what went wrong and most of us don't.

If you want everything arranged, it is better to stay home in the own comfort zone. It saves stress and burnout abroad.


It was what I would call wet, very wet and... funny at the same time.

By car we left from Belgium and ended up in Austria at a very expensive campsite. Have you ever pitched a tent on a concrete surface? We let it be and used our weight to hold the tent in place during a thunderstorm.

No exit seen. Turning around to avoid tolls. What a queue, less than 50 meters we drove and had to pay over 5 euros.


That tent reminds me of a worse one. Together with a friend and her sister we bicycled through the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourgh. They would take care of the tents. Both were incomplete. To fight the hills we did hitchhike too. It's good to be girls if public transport doesn't exist. Back then we met really great people.

We had a lot of fun in that tent and we both hadn't laughed out loud for such a long time.

The minus| the snoring neighbour sleeping in a tiny tent on the roof of his vehicle. Next time I take his ladder away.


Very cute! 😍


Those guys watch your back if you brush your teeth. Not sure if it's sexy but worth taking a picture.

A big plus| They are all shaved and have nothing to hide @el-nailul

Let's hit the road - Italy here we come!

It's cold.


The next destination is at the end of the tunnel to the right around some famous lake





How to get up there?
Uphill or is it part of a rocky mountain.
Positive| Proof you are disabled (always travel with a friend who has a card).
Negative| The only person staying with us at this place always pees on the floor of our toilet! 🥴
Are we nowhere safe for separating trash? Garbage that will be collected and next dumped at the same place. What a waste.

The weather was bad, no beach we didn't even discover how to get there but we had a foot and face masks and our children kept calling us.





It doesn't feel like summer. Don't follow those stupid advices. Come on Italy you have no idea how long it took me to find a bikini and Korean bathing suit!

A plus| The vintage cigarette machine. The last time I saw one was over 6 years ago in an abandoned village in Germany. It's 40 years ago I saw one in the Netherlands. Italian men can still say they are going to buy some cigarretes and come back later.

Rain or not, it's a colourful country. They paint pasta for tourists and the India restaurant is good but you do need a magnifying glass to find it back on your plate.

I've been here







Italians are very honest people. They serve bugs with lettuce. No need to download the app to figure it out.
Positive| There's nothing wrong with the Tower of Pisa if you know how to hold your camera.

We had spaghetti for the first and last time. The Tiramisu was good but no idea what that ball on the other plate should be. The good news is it wasn't on mine - I don't like ice cream.

Minus| Look at that crowd! There are way too many foreigners! How to get rid of them? It's hard to find an Italian did they all emigrate?




Self is an overstatement. No way we could do it ourselves. Nothing, happened no mather how many times we tried. A nice colourful lady did the trick and we paid her with cash.

Positive| Good weather for driving, no one goes where we go, we arrived at a camping in Rome and the electric heater worked great. 👍

The Best of Rome

We all know where this ancient city is famous for.






Why are the English famous for their umbrellas if Italy has these machines?

There's a fountain somewhere behind the sea of umbrellas. It took us hours to find it.

The best thing about the Colosseum is this white ball. It looks like the piece of paper the art teacher placed on a table which we had to draw.

The musician was the best of Rome. Hours of heartfelt music brought with passion in pouring rain. I stayed to listen.
Zelensky did his best to brighten up Rome but nevertheless it kept raining.
The waiter had a nice tongue (he was sticking it out at me as my friend took a photo) and I said thank you.

Negative| giggle maps let me walk 700 miles to the entrance of the underground parking garage we nearly stood in front of while my friend drove around!

Venice offers everything





Venice is great. The water isn't blue and the sky is grey. It's a great place to be. Instead of the bus you take the boat and hop on and off.

A huge plus| You can indeed smell where the toilets are like a kind Italian told me. Pity for my friend. If you can't climb stairs you can't pee.

It's a modern city look at those statues. Men pose like women and women have male faces. In Pisa, there's a great statue as well. It's a trend and looks so much better than those fake rainbow pedestrian crossings.

A minus| I didn't see @ibesso so I skipped the Aperol. 😐








Everything about Trieste is a plus It's super cool, grey, windy and famous for it so each Dutchmen feels at home although it looks as if there's a German invasion. They have Lidl.
The Asian food is good and every 100 meters there's an optician. It can't be missed not even without glasses.
They have huge houses (see the photo) and more than one bed where I can rest. I take the one in the photo because the other is surrounded by paintings of old men. Not what you like to see the first in the morning if you open your eyes. You can skip Rome there's nothing Rome has and Trieste doesn't it's even better because they have a harbour. I wait and will check myself if the water will get frozen like they mentioned in the papers. Perhaps I even see polar bears.

If you want a beach you should go somewhere else. There's water but unless you jump it's hard to find a way to get in. If it comes to beaches and wearing my bikini - will it still fit at that time? - visiting @patjewell in Africa is a better idea, unless it rains and is windy. Sand blown in my eyes isn't cool.


Header/Photogrid: Canva
Photos taken by me
I am a mobile phone user only

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I just LOVE this post of yours.
I wished for it to never end.

It is always nice to see the image and then read what is said about it. It is as if I had formed my story before I read the words. Well, neither your photos nor your words disappointed me.
It was so typical of you. One of a kind!

Venice offers everything

How glad I am to read this! This is number one on my bucket list of places I still want to visit. I truly hope to be able to do it... one day.

Jy kan maar kom kuier, met bikini of sonder bikini.
Geniet jou dag!
🐬˚˖𓍢ִ໋ 🐋✧˚.🐟⋆

It took me over 8 hours to make this mainly uploading the photos, scrolling in my phone through over 2000 photos to find the right one. My eyes hurt as I entered Rome and thought I better give up since it takes too long. I feel nauseous.

Venice felt like home and so did Trieste. But next time I need better weather, Sicily? I'm afraid it is no longer the same. 🥺

So I better backpack to Africa I don't need much just a bittle of water and sunglasses.

Het enige wat je nodig hebt is je tandenborstel en portemonnee, zei mijn opa altijd.

Fijn dat jij er was. Als ik weer een onvergeetlijke reis heb last ik je het weten!

Een fijne dag, ik hoop niet dat het regent.

Jou oupas was 'n baie slim man. (•ิ‿•ิ)
Jy kan maar jou beursie vergeet as jy hier kom kuier. Jou sonbrille sal voldoende wees.

Well I am glad that you made the post, 8 hours and all. I truly enjoyed it.

Ons het lieflike weer. Terwyl die ander in die land sit en koud kry sit ons met somersklere. Hoe gelukkig is ek nie!

🏝️🍹⛱️🌞 🌊

Dat is inderdaad geluk hebben. Mooi weer is belangrijk. Ik heb gemaaid. Ik dacht dat het ging regenen maar tot nu toe niets en nu lig ik even voor dood op bed.
Misschien dat ik daar wel een dagboekie over kan schrijven 🤔. Ik dacht dat ik bijna mij beet kwijt was.
Ik heb mijn zonnebril net weer gevonden!

My ma het altyd gesê ons moet bietjie uit ons kamers kom want ons gaan vrot word. MAAR, vrot word is ook party kere baie lekker.
Soms net wat ons nodig het.

Ek is bly jy het daai sonbrilletjies gekry. (•ิ‿•ิ)

Dat is een liedje op mijn lijf geschreven. Een gekraakte zonnenbril is niet fijn.
Het is alsof ik Belgen hoor. Ik zeg tegen mijn zoon nee, hoor wij hebben ook uhmm... Jij moet niet geloven wat die man zegt ik ging hierop echt niet dansen.

Sexy bewegen is die zonnebril dans niet. Doet mij denken aan een ander lied waar ik wel om kan lachen: Ik ben Anton uit Tirol (Austria)

Nederlandse uitvoering - die Anton past beter bij de tekst 🤣🤣🤣

Belgie - Urbanus

Nou zegt mijn zoon dat rare liedjes iets van Germanen is. 😂

Een fijne avond met of zonder Urbanus. Ik heb lekker gelachen met dank aan jou! ❤️🍀

Ag hoe lekker en vrysaam kan die lewe nie wees nie!(•ิ‿•ิ)
Ek weet nie hoekom moet ons dit altyd so gekompliseerd maak nie.


"It's hard to find an Italian did they all emigrate?"
Dear friend, a lot of Italians (from the ordinary regions and the islands) yes, they emigrate. Cause no job for them despite postgrads and PHDs. The only things that counts in the ordinary regions to get a good job is the family where you have born. If your family is influent, well acquainted, you have smoothed the road. If you are an economist and own a finances PHD, but your parents are simple workmen, very well, you'd better emigrate to New York and if your English is fluent, you'll get a job at Wall Street. In Italy, if you are lucky, you get a job as insurance agent, ill-paid, bosses yelling at you, envious colleagues and similar amenities.
And yes, it's a country very full of migrants, most of them staying illegally, especially during the left politicians in the government who favours them very much above the Italian population.
But Trieste is very, very beautiful. it's the capital city of the region I'd like to move if a day I'll get forced to repatriate. Friuli is one of the 5 autonomous regions and like Trentino-Alto-Adige, its culture comes from Germanic environments (in fact, German is one of the 4 languages spoken in Trieste). Autonomous regions in the north of Italy don't face the same issues of the ordinary ones. A Reddit user told it's the best city in Italy where to live (I'd add Bolzano and surroundings too, in the list of the best❤️❤️❤️❤️).

We can all meat in Trieste! Austria, Slovenia are nearby. I heard Slovenia will no longer join Schengen they keep the border control.

The jets fly over from 7 or 8 pm every night a few times at daytime. I believe I am in a soon to be war zone if not already.

I will look on the mapfor Bolzano.

Ps you are a good reader 😉


Bolzano (Bozen) is the capital of Trentino-Alto-Adige and it's bilingual (the official and compulsory languages are German and Italian, with a group that also speak Ladin, but this latter isn't official nor compulsory). Trentino borders with Austria. University degrees of Bolzano are recognised at Innsbruck.
War zone in Netherlands? Oh, no! What can be done?

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