My Top 3 Favourite Pets and Why I Choose Them || by @fredquantum || (100% Powered Up)steemCreated with Sketch.

in Fur-friends3 years ago

Hello, Steemians. It's a great privilege to jump on another contest yet again. Many thanks to the admin of @fur-friends for bringing this contest our way. In this piece, I will be highlighting three pets in order of my ranking and tell why they are my favourites. Be my guest on this ride.

Dog is my favorite among the top three I will be talking about in this post followed by Cat and lastly Rabbit. Below is the list from number one to the third of my favourite pets;

  • DOG

Dogs has proven to be a very important pet in my life after having several encounters with them. One of the characteristics I so much cherish about dog is loyalty. We have a dog at my parent's house named Smart, just as the name sounds she is really smart and loyal.

Dogs are loyal, smart and easily head to correction. That's makes training impacted on them to be so effective. I've always likened dogs loyalty to what human should emulate, it would be great because dog loves and gives total submission to their owners.

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Sometimes ago, I went to the farm and I came so late. According to the information I got when I reached home, I was told Smart has been barking for quite some time knowing fully that the house occupants are not complete yet. Her barking shows her way of showing concern for my absence, I got home and she ran to meet me and threw herself all over me. It was then they realized it was my absence that got her worried earlier.

That's how wonderful dog relationship with the owner is. I love that loyalty.

  • CAT

I've admired cats for their calmness. Calmness is the first thing that comes to my mind when I speak about Cat. As I was growing up, I used to go to my grandparent's house and they have several cats in the house. I was always amazed with their way of moving gently all around the house without disturbing anyone.

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I will say cats are stoical in nature, they are calm and uncomplaining. I wish human can exhibit that stoical part of a cat and it will be a great deal. When we have a world where people love each other and calmly do things around their loved ones without disturbance.

Lest I forget, cat is a good hunter inside the house especially in a house where you have several rodents disturbing. Cats are cleaning agents (laughing out loud), I've seen in several occasions when cats hunt down rodents inside the house and I really love them for that too.


If there is anything I've loved about Rabbits, it's nothing but their meekness. My dad has always been a farmer rearing rabbits and I've been of help to do the rearing together.

I love rabbits for their submissive nature when you have them in their cage while cleaning the cage up, they don't struggle to leave but rather hang in a tight corner till you are done.

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It will be of great deal if human can be that submissive and obedient to comply with some certain reasonable rules over a period of time.

I was cleaning up the rabbit cage one day and I was called by someone I rushed down to attend to the person leaving the cage open. I went for about 30mins before I realized that the cage was opened and I became so bothered because my house is very close to the bush such that if the rabbits enter the bush, they might become food for a hunter. I ran back to the cage and the rabbits are just intact as I've left them without exiting the cage, that's submissive.

And this brings us to the end of my top 3 favourite pets and why I choose them. I hope you enjoyed this piece of writing. Thanks for reading this far. See you in subsequent ones.

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Special regards;
Cc: @steemcurator01
Cc: @steemcurator02
Cc: @trafalgar

Written by; @fredquantum

 3 years ago 

I used to go to my grandparent's house and they have several cats in the house.

Hello @fredquantum, is a nice pets, but it seems grandparents love keeping cats around them than any other pets. Because as for me I never joke with cats each time I visited my grandparents.

You are right @josepha. The old people kind of like cats to be around them. Thanks for the genuine observation.

Hello @fredquantum, nice post, your dog is caring and it Miss your absent that's the dog it barking.

@fredquantum, nice contest entry here.
Actually, dogs are really loyal and caring if well trained.
That attribute of calmness exhibited by cats are worth emulating by humans. I really love their gentle nature.
I never knew much about rabbits, until this post.
Thanks for sharing.
Best regards

Thanks for reading through my post @talktofaith. I hope you are having a great day. Stay cool.

@fredquantum. Wow!! I like your top 3 pets. And I agree with the fact you said"cats are cleaning agents ". True words actually.

@fluzzy, thank you. They are truly cleaning agents, ,lol. Trust you have been having great day.

You have made a very good selection @fredquantum, especially dogs and cats. Fur-friends are making me like bunny with all the post I have read about them.

Thank you. I think you might need to get a bunny for pet, lol.

Cool choice there @fredquantum especially with rabbits. They are the most gentle and obedient pet you can have. They are always so lovely. I love rabbits do much.
Cats and dogs are good too and playful. Thanks for sharing your choice of pets with us
#twopercent #cameroon

Thanks for reading and sharing your side of the matter. Do have a blessed night.

I love this that you wrote quote" I will say cats are stoical in nature, they are calm and uncomplaining. I wish human can exhibit that stoical part of a cat and it will be a great deal. When we have a world where people love each other and calmly do things around their loved ones without disturbance." I own a kitty myself and I don't understand this behavior at first 'Cause I'm more a dog person but you're so right! My cat teach me to give space and amaze me more and more everyday.

It's so nice to have you read this piece, thanks for visiting my post. It's so amazing how you stated the way your cat amazes you day in day out, that's awesome. I wish to see a picture of it someday.

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