[ESP-ENG] SEC - S17W5 | "Creative Photographer"

in Scouts y sus Amigos4 months ago


Dysart Harbour by @stef1



Hello my dear Steemians,


Today I wanted to invite you to this challenge by Scouts y sus Amigos Community:


This challenge gives us an opportunity to present our skills as a fans of Photography, where we can share the feeling and emotions that we have when we saw those images in reality. The main aim of making photos is to let others to experience the beauty of something at that particular moment that makes it to stop. Much depends of our own eye how to capture it so that other also see it how we see, pay attention not only to the subject itself but to small details surrounding those. Therefore, I decided to present for your attention these three images that are very different from each other but each of it has its own beauty.


Beauty of Reflection


The first photograph that I used as a title Photo for my post is the harbour that is located in close neighbourhood to our home, we usually walk to this place every now and again, it is 2,1 miles and 50 minute one way so it is a good exercising .

Every time when we visit this place it is different, first, it is because of water level. If it is low tide then usually many boats are parked in docks and there is only wet sand to see and remaining boats are on sand. The days when it is high tide is the best, because many fishermen are preparing their boats for fishing and starting leaving the harbour. The others people who have their sailing boats will be preparing their boats for sailing out and enjoy freedom, some cold breeze and maybe breakfast out on sea.

This time when we were there, we have seen this picture of these two boats that are perfectly were parked one slightly in front and another in background, still both of them were the main subjects.

What I liked in this composition were:

  • white boat had red rolled up sail that gave contrast to white
  • on the side of boat you see blue and yellow fenders, or cushions that protects the sides of the boats from damages from rubbing against other boats or docks. Those fenders also give great contrast but also great reflection in water
  • I love that smaller boat with red colour of its body again due to harmony with red of front boat and great red reflection in water

Water was very calm and we could perfectly see the mirror reflection of everything in water. Also, it was perfect to have that stone wall in background. The nature is a perfect artist, we instead have to be the best photographer for our model "Nature" to be able to capture the moment and to share with others.


Wildlife next to us



Little Fellow by @stef1

The next type of Photography that I wanted to share and that is also not easy subject to capture is wildlife. There are many animals around us, we have pets living with us and many have hundreds of photographs of our friends and family members. Some might have cattle like cows and horses, chicken and pigs who also could be the perfect model.

As to us, we are too busy to have pets, because we do not want our pets to be locked at home for half of day or to be given for the day time while we are busy with our work, no, that is not the sense of having a pet, in my opinion pets are family members and should have much of our attention.

What we are able to capture is wildlife, like seagulls, rabbits and also squirrels.

We love our walks in woods and always take our cameras with us, you never know what you can see and it is always something that we manage to capture.

Today I wanted to share this picture of a little squirrel that was on a branch of the tree and was busy with his own thoughts. I wonder what he has seen, it looks like he even opened his mouth maybe from being surprised :)

I love this image, we were lucky that the little Fellow froze for a moment and we could have a perfect image. Hope you also will love it.


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Sunset on Ameland beach by @stef1


Romantic Sunset


What could be more romantic than Sunset? Probably nothing.

This moment we have experienced on the sand beach of Ameland that is a little island in the Netherlands and it is of course, summer, hot day and perfect end of the day.

What do you need for perfect Sunset Photography? I share my tips:

  • the best Sunset photos are done on beach, because there is then horizon line and sun will be disappearing behind the horizon line

  • there should be no clouds at horizon, because then you will not be able to see the last sunset rays

  • you should make many pictures during every minutes, because each moments is different and later on while looking though on screen you can select the best one.

  • when sun is coming close to horizon line then the rays becoming orange-red and also it makes the sky purple

  • make sure you have some figures of people on beach that will bring a bit of life into the picture

I hope you found something useful for you to create your perfect image.


I would like to invite @davidad, @seikoh, @yulexys21 for this challenge


CURATION TRIAL @worldofxpilar




Trenner groß.png


  • Unbenanntg-1.png

Trenner groß.png

Planet Wild - restores the planet.



 4 months ago 

Que bellas fotografías ha tomado , la de vida salvaje es mi favorita, la ardilla se ve increíble y el atardecer muy lindo.

Felicidades y éxitos en el concurso.

Thank you for viewing and I am glad that you also like that little squirrel, we are pleased that we managed to be fast enough to capture it and so close :)

These are really amazing photographs you took I must confess. They are really looking so fascinating. You are a Greta photographer. I will be dropping my entry soon also

Thank you and yes, it is my hobby to show the beauty of nature around us :)

 4 months ago 

Saludos amigo stef1 las fotos que compartes son realmente hermosas, la primera todo está tranquilo los barcos en el muelleme puedo imaginar cuando la marea es alta y los pescados estan en su apogeo la vida es como esa foto a veces la marea es baja y otras altas.

La foto de la ardilla me encanta la tomaste en el momento justo porque ellas son muy rápidas a mi no me gusta tener mascotas en cautiverio me parece que ellas son de la naturaleza.

Quedé enamorada del atardecer primero porque me encanta la playa es súper romántico y segundo porque me encanta las puesta de sol

Bendiciones 💛💙❤️

Thank you for your nice comment and I am please that you also like my selection, I love all three and it was difficult to decide what order to put them in, because they are all nice and have their own beauty :)

 4 months ago (edited)

Hola stef1
Después de ver tus fotografías ahora todos tendremos arduo trabajo para encontrar unas fotos tan bellas como las tuyas .

Felicidades por capturar tan hermosas imágenes amiga, la que más me encantó fue la de la ardilla 😃 es impresionante ver cada detalle plasmado allí resaltando lo natural y lo sutil del animalito .

Saludos éxitos y bendiciones amiga stef1

Me urge escribirte para comunicarte que Hoy recordé que me llegaría una recompensa de benefactor de una publicación tuya pero que en realidad no es para mí y debo devolverla a cymolan.

Pero cuando fuí a revisar dice que tú publicación tiene 9 días y no sé exactamente cuánto debo transferir a ese otro usuario en SP y todo lo que le corresponde ?

Espero tu respuesta @stef1

Hi Mile, it is nice to hear such words, we are lucky having good cameras for the photography despite of having camera on phone we still using photo cameras as some of them have great features that make it easy to capture on a distance or when it is dark. But who knows there could be some others who also do photography as amateur.

Yes, you are right, here is what I noticed in Steemworld:


Also it is this user: @zekanem

Thank you Mile :)

Thank you very much @stef1

Also thank you @mile16

I'll be expecting the SP and SBD

Hi @zekanem, do not worry it will be transferred

CC: @mile16

 4 months ago (edited)

Hello @mile16


I am the one you should send to

According to the steem market 4.28 SBD is equal to 55 steem

So you are to send 55 steem and 14.7 steem power.

Please do not send all as SP , thanks.


My dear friend how lovely photography you have shared its out of words and also shows your love with nature and its beauty.

The harbour beauty you have captured is so amazing to view close to your house and i can see how attractive its looking.

The wild life beauty you have shared clearly shows your love with nature and its beauty and its so artistic you have captured it.

Moreover the sunset i have often seen but tye way you have captured its very dreamy and attractive in view.

Good luck

Thank you for visiting and I am also glad that you enjoyed my selected images. Often the nature prepares everything for us and we simply need to make sure that to catch the right angle or the best position. Yes, sunset was great :)

Hola, buenos días 🤗. Que bellas todas sus fotografías, me encantaron todas, las del muelle, la ardilla y ese atardecer 💖. La felicito.


Thank you for visiting and I am glad that you like different styles of our photography and different subjects :)

Sus fotografías estan muy lindas, los colores se ven tan naturales 💕.

Felicidades muy buenas imágenes captadas por el lente de su cámara, las tomas quedaron espectaculares y cada imagen habla por si misma, la primera fotografía de los barcos en el puerto es muy hermosa y realista parece que los barcos fueran de juguete colocados con las manos en las mansas y cristalinas aguas del lago sin duda quedó perfecta.
La imagen de la ardilla es muy bonita y quedó como posando para la fotografía pero sorprendida, la naturaleza nos brinda toda su belleza y la oportunidad de captar momentos especiales que perduran para la eternidad.
Los atardeceres en la playa son muy hermosos y el momento propicio para una volada romántica.

Saludos y éxito en el concurso.

Yes, you are right those images are best to get with real camera and for some of them needed certain lens or even filter when sunset needs to be captured. We often take our camera with when we go walking and I must say it is not always that we capture something. Those three were real success capture :)

 4 months ago 

Hola amigo. Todas las fotos me han gustado. La primera en ese puerto se puede percibir un ambiente multicolor que me fascinó. La segunda muestra una figura única de esa pequeña ardilla con la boca abierta que tal vez nos esté hablando pidiendo mayor atención y cuidado para su hábitat.

La última fotografía de ese atardecer me pareció genial y me trasmite mucha serenidad a pesar de la gran muchedeumbre de personas en el ambiente, los contraste del sol en su luminosidad le dan ese toque mágico.
Te felicito por esas tomas.

Thank you for such detailed description of each of the images, luckily we were in right time to get those moments and also thank our camera it was able to capture the details and the intensity of the colours. I also love that reflection and glad that the colours remains as bright in reflection as in reality. The little squirrel was a good model who stayed still for a moment for us. As to the sunset it is wonderful to experience that with many other people and to count down when the sun is going down :)

My friend I already know the photography skills you have but I really like how much creativity you have shown by expressing your love for photography in these three pictures and I like all of them but the last picture is my favourite which is about sunset at a beach in which in sea and in beach I can also see reflection of sunset and this is a great skill and great scene you captured and second most beautiful picture I really like in which you have shown squirrel as wild life that is behind branches of tree and then at my third choice your first picture comes.

I am happy by your nature reflections I wish you much success in this challenge

Thank you for reading and viewing, photography is very important and great possibility to stop the moment and to share that with others. Sunset is a magic moment and it is a special feeling to share it with others :)

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