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Hello to everyone in this wonderful community today and in this great platform. I salute you all are in good health and spirit, if so then praise be to God.

I welcome you all to yet another beautiful season of the engagement challenge known as the season 8 and the week 1 that has been brought forward by the steemit team in other to improve engagement among users in this platform.

In regards to that, I would be participating in the engagement contest that this community has set for users to participate in this platform and it has been titled How much of a scout are you. I urge us all to relax and stay put as I drop my entry regarding this contest today.

I have gone through the contest article and among the the''Law scout code'', a particular code of conduct captured my heart and it would be the code of conduct I will be talking about today and it is the number 4 which says The scout is a friend to everyone and a brother to any other scout.

The scout is a friend to everyone and a brother to any other scout

The reason why this particular code of conduct regarding the law scout code is because it tells more about who the scout is to people either around or far from him or her.

This implies that even if the scout doesn't know you, he or she is still your friend and will care so much foe you by giving you a helping hand and doing important things that are necessary to be done for you.

The scout gives a helping hand to those around his location without even getting to know those people he renders help to as though that is part of the duty of a scout.

The scout shows no segregation or tribalism for he or she doesn't the things that seems right to be done and he the scout sees everyone with equal eyes.

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It means that the scout is indeed a friend to anyone that come across the scout and the scout is considered to be a brother to other scout as though their share a particular bond in common.

It means that scouts are good and wonderful workers of God who always do the needful that is expected of them by rendering services to eberyone and to both people they do not know and in turn they see themselves as brother of same arm. This is a wonderful charisma of the scout and with these law, helps them to stay faithful and true to serve humanity.

They see themselves as brothers of same flesh and as such they care for themselves too, they support themselves and encourage themselves in the act of their service and they equally tend to assist those people they do not know as they always offers a hand of friendship to all.

This is my little understanding regarding the law of scout code that interest me so much and I like this code so well as though it explains the nature of their behavior to a fault.

Share with us an anecdote or an experience that you have had in which you can demonstrate the affinity with said article of the Scout law.

My late dad had a friend who's son was a scout and according to my dad he said that the boy's father told him about an adventure his son hard during the days of his scout. He said that they had a scout camping and the boy attended a long time ago.

The boy went to the scout camping where they were told the rules and regulations of the boys scout and so among the rules is to help strangers when need be and to always be their brother's keeper at all times.

He also said that they regularly walk in peers incase of eventualities. So he said that one faithful day, they all split and decided to go for a long walk just like an adventure in the bush, although in peers. And that was how they saw a farmer weeding his farm, so they greeted the farmer and decided to help him out with his farm chores.

After their labor, the farmer then asked how much was the cost for their labor and they smiled at him and bid him farewell. The farmer was surprised as he watched them leave but unknowingly to the scouts, the farmer followed them to their camp.

The next day, the farmer brought foodstuffs for them all and they were so happy and thank the farmer. On that note the farmer asked the superior if he could enroll his son to also be a scout, with smile on the face of the superior he consented. The farmer became so happy and that was the farmer's son became a scout too.

So with this story from my the son of my father's friend has create a conviction in me regarding this law of scout code.

Tell us if you know of any scout?

I do not know the boy in person because this was a story from my father about the son of his friend. So we literally never met ourselves plus according to the story, the boy in question was already a man when I was told the story.

Identify the motto of any of its units.

Since I have never met him for ones, I sure do not know the motto of the unit where he served. As I have just said earlier, this was a story I was told by my late father a long time ago before he passed away.


In no doubt, scouts are good individuals with the fear of God and with a good mind to serve humanity to their fullest without complaining in the point of their duty and that is why I respect them so well beyond doubt.

Thank you all for haven me in this community. I want to use this medium to invite some users to also participate in this contest and they are @v-brainer, @great-grace and @skilocy.

 2 years ago 

Hola amigo. Gracias por unirteal concurso!

El artículo que seleccionaste El scout es amigo de todos y hermano de cualquier otro scout, es un artículo que nos dice que un scout le tiende la mano a cualquier persona que lo necesite aun sin conocerlo, sin esperar nada a cambio.

Qué bonita historia la que te contó tu papá esos scouts ayudaron a ese granjero en sus tierras y luego el granjero los retribuyo, aún son ellos pedirle nada, y lo mejor fue que el granjero logró que su hijo perteneciera a la organización, que maravilloso.

Los amigos que invites deben ser usuarios activos, además te recuerdo que cada post debe tener por lo menos tres imágenes referenciales del tema.

Saludos y bendiciones!!

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Upvoted! Thank you for supporting witness @jswit.

 2 years ago 

Gran participación amigo, resaltando el sentido de fraternidad, lealtad y altruismo que bien identifica a us scouts en esencia. Exito en tu entrada, saludos cordiales!

Scout members are very good at adapting to new environments. Because the book has never questioned someone's background. Scouts are family. Good post. Good luck for the contest. I have also participated in this contest.

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