SEC S16 W1- “Which is very important for children's brain development: Studying or Playing? "

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Hi all stemian friends, how are you? I hope you are well and blessed. On this occasion I would like to participate in the hindwhale community in a good and educational contest about "Which is very important for children's brain development: Studying or Playing? "

Before continuing, I want to invite some of my friends @chefdanie @pecintabunga20 and @ahsansharif to come along and have fun 🤗.

Which is more important for children in their childhood, playing or learning?


It is important for each of us as parents to understand the condition of our child's growth and development at an early age. This is necessary so that the child's development, both in terms of character, emotion and intelligence, develops optimally and well. In early childhood, from 0-7 years or more, they experience a period of rapid growth and development ranging from physical, cognitive and social growth and development.

At an early age, a child's world is play. For them at an early age, life is for playing, they cannot think like adults, for example studying and working. In fact, playing for children has benefits for them, playing can help children's brain and physical development. They can play while learning, they can freely explore new things and hone their children's abilities and creativity.

Of course, learning is important for children, but we should do learning in early childhood when they are playing, such as teaching vocabulary and letters and numbers, showing interesting paintings or pictures, and reading fairy tales to them, this is a form of interaction between parents and children to achieve the child's growth and development.

Are today's children behind in studies and sports? If yes, explain why.


Yes. Millennial children today are behind in their studies and are no longer very interested in sports, because technology continues to develop and sophistication has made children busy with their gadgets. Whenever they feel they have the time and opportunity, children will spend their time playing on cellphones, such as playing games, watching films and other activities. Because of this, they are lazy to move and do physical activities such as walking, running or just playing ball with friends.

Likewise, in their studies, today's children are left behind because they are busy playing with cellphones, which disrupts their concentration in learning and they lack focus on lessons both at school and at home. We as parents should be wiser and pay attention to what activities our children do, we must accompany and assist them in the learning process and provide guidance so that they are able to differentiate between what will have a positive and negative impact.

Is online education beneficial for your child?

In my opinion, currently online education is very beneficial for children because they get an easy or practical and fun learning experience. With online education, children can easily get information on all the subject matter they want and children are more knowledgeable.

And we, as parents, must supervise our children's learning process well and help them increase their motivation in learning.

How ​​does online education affect your child's mental and physical health?


Online education really has a positive impact on the learning experience, mastering various materials and having a broad insight. However, online education can have an impact on children's mental health, children will find it difficult to interact with the social environment or other people, easily get bored and depressed because of the large number of assignments given, which affects children's psychological and mental pressure in online learning.

Online education also affects children's physical health, such as children being lazy about moving and exercising because they experience fatigue in the learning process so they experience a lack of enthusiasm for learning and physical activity, lack of quality sleep and eating, muscle tension due to lack of movement and headaches due to frequently staring at the monitor screen. or screen time.



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Hello dear
It's great to have your invitation in this Challenge
It is important to provide basic education to our children especially when they are in their growth and development. "Learning and play" are two important elements that we must apply in educating our children.
Learning online is also very good for children's development and knowledge, but it also exists in its bad. For this reason, it is important for parents to always supervise and pay special attention to their children.

Keep your spirits up and succeed 💕

Terima kasih sayang atas waktu dan komentarnya.

This comment has been upvoted through -Steemcurator09.

TEAM Newcomer: Curation Guideline for February 2024 Curated by - <@ashkhan>


Upvoted! Thank you for supporting witness @jswit.

You're very correct. Understanding our child's growth and development is crucial as parents. When they're young, play is their world. It's how they learn and develop their brains and bodies. And guess what? Play can also be a way to learn. We can teach them vocabulary, numbers, and even read them stories while they play. It's a great way to interact with them and support their growth and development. So, let's embrace the power of play and learning together.

Iya teman, kita sebagai orang tua berperan penting dalam periode tumbuh dan kembang anak, kita bisa mengajarkan pengetahuan dasar kepada mereka melalui bermain. Terima kasih teman atas waktu dan komentar yang Anda tinggalkan.

Semoga anda sukses 💫

 5 months ago 

¡Saludos amiga!😊

Cada niño aprende de manera diferente y, lo hace a su tiempo por lo que, para garantizar que esta eventualidad tenga una repercusión positiva, es vital apoyarse del juego ya que, esta herramienta tiene la facultad de despertarle la creatividad a los niños.

Te deseo mucho éxito en la dinámica, un fuerte abrazo💚

Dengan bermain sambil belajar, anak dapat mengasah kemampuan dan kreativitas anak itu berdampak pada kekuatan mental dan fisik anak.

Terima kasih atas waktu dan komentar yang Anda tinggalkan👍

Truly, at early stage a child's life is built in the atmosphere of play, but as parents we should be able to dictate at early stage the type of games these children loves and help them in it. I discovered my son loves driving cars, anything cars entice him and it helped me know the type of play and toys that gets him attracted.

I believe in online learning, just like you mentioned, it helps children develop their learning skills faster. I wish you all the best!

Terima kasih banyak teman atas komentar yang Anda tinggalkan. Berkah💫

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.


This post has been upvoted through -Steemcurator09.

TEAM Newcomer: Curation Guideline for February 2024 Curated by - <@ashkhan>

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Terima kasih banyak atas dukungan anda 💕

 5 months ago 

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