HWC Contest #7 || What activities do you do for fun with your family? by @lavanyalakshman

Namaste 🙏 to all of you. My name is Lavanya and I am from India.

This is my entry post for the on-going contest by #HindWhaleCommunity.

Spending time with family alone provides a lot of memories and enjoyment. I strongly believe who family having happy faces always their family is most wealthy than others. Also, it signifies their love and affection for their family.

Prepare Using Canva

In my family, we live as a combined family, so some small issues are quite natural, but finally we live together, share, and eat together. That's why those issues do not disturb our relations at any cost.

One more thing is that in my family, we have three kids under the age of 10, so they always do lots of funny activities to keep an enjoyable atmosphere in my home.

Kids always love sweets and chocolates. That's why we always prepare different sweets in my home. We prepare rava kesari, gulab jamun, and more. Some times we buy out sides too. On seeing sweets, we get a smile on our faces. I don't know why, but sweets suddenly change our mood too.

Crazy Dressing Style

Some times my daughter wears a very funny costume as per her creation. When we see it, we don't stop laughing. If you don't believe me, just see this picture, and you may understand why I say Like that. Those activities we may see from my daughter each day, On seeing my daughter, I could not stop laughing.

Crazy Drawing by My daughter

Besides funny costumes, my daughter does very funny drawings too. Here colour selection is also something unique. That's why I always encourage her. If you ask her to draw the same drawing once again, she con't. That's the magic in her drawing.

Playing Carrom Board All Together

I always encourage indoor games like cardboard games, carrom board, snack and ladder, along with outdoor games like cricket, ball games, and many more. All three children play together. Some times we also go with them to enjoy our free time.

Happy Faces 😍

My daughter also has good skills in story telling with experience. By listening all together, enjoy a lot. Like those activities, they are very common on weekends. In my home, each kid is different, so we get a lot of new stories each week.

Funny Movements with their Father

I am living in a combined family, so we each have good relations with our elders. That's why they always play a lot with their father, uncle, aunt, and grandma. They also dress up their father or uncle like a doll. They even comb, do different hair style to them. Like those activists who always give a lot of fun to kids, we also get good enjoyment from watching and taking those funny picks.

Some Collection Of Toys

My kids always play with toys when they get free time.In their playthings, we may find different items like wedding cards, paper flowers, papers, and many more. which we consider waste but which they convert into one of their toys. Now a days, kids are very smart and also think differently. Each and every waste thing, they utilise wisely. On seeing those, I feel so much pride and joy.

Enjoying Outside
Playing In Park

Besides these, going outside to exhibitions and parks always gives them a lot of fun. If they leave them, then enjoyed through out the day also, they don't need even food also. Like that, they play. I know very well about it. That's why I always try to do my best to give them healthy enjoyment.

Those funny activities are very common; besides this, our kids do dancing, fight each other, play mobile games, and much more to keep our home atmosphere happy.

Note: All Images Taken by Me,Using Samsung Mobile

I would like to invite my friends to participate in this contest: @ikmalhariamuna, @ripon0630, @ternuritajessi, @zulhendra, @msdbitco, @shohana1, @simonnwigwe, @chiabertrand, @nevlu123, and @harferri.

Thank you so much for reading my article!

 last year 

Hello sister,

Glad to read your wonderful content. Family is everything to us. We can get more joy with our family members. And then we can spent more time with them. Good Luck for the contest! Have a nice day to you! ❣️

Thanks for the compliment

Upvoted! Thank you for supporting witness @jswit.

Hola amiga, que hermosas actividades realizan con los niños y tu niña tiene varias ocurrencias para hacerles pasar momentos felices entre ellos sus dibujos, es bueno que le sigas ayudando a dibujar.
Los dulces y chocolates no pueden faltar en estas actividades.
Gracias por la invitación
Te deseo éxito en el concurso

Thank you my friend

So interesting contest,also happy to see your participation. Thanks dear friend, stay safe best of luck

 last year 

As a perent I know the feeling when our children having fun at outdoor , thanks for sharing such great post

Thank you my friend

 last year 

Greetings, you have been supported by @hindwhale account for your post. To know more about our community, you can visit our introduction post here. To contact us directly, please visit our discord channel.

Moderator/Curator : @pea07

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 last year 

Great post, Lavanya! It's wonderful to hear about all the happy moments you and your family share. Your emphasis on the importance of spending time with family and creating memories is inspiring. Your daughter's funny costumes and drawings are adorable, and it's heartening to see that you encourage her creativity. Your appreciation for indoor and outdoor games and your kids' imaginative play with toys is also lovely. Overall, it seems like your family is full of joy, laughter, and love. Keep sharing your memories and experiences!

Thanks for the compliment

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