SEC- S16W1 - “Which is very important for children's brain development: Studying or Playing?"

in Hindwhale Community5 months ago

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Assalamu Alaikum, I hope you all are doing well and enjoying your life. First of all, I am grateful to The Steemit team for giving us a new week and a new engagement to write and share our thoughts. Thanks to Hind Whale Community for this beautiful contest. Let's share our thoughts on this topic.

Why study is important to children?

Education is very important to move forward in life. Education is necessary so that a person realizes his responsibility, his duties, and especially the rights of his servants. Education is necessary for a person to respect his parents. Education is necessary for a person to be a part of the development of his country.



Education for children is also important so that children can be educated well and lead their best life. Children receive moral training from their parents and their role in developing them is important. The influence of education given in childhood lasts for a lifetime, so it is very important to continue teaching and explaining to children.

Why play is important to children?

There is a famous saying that a healthy mind resides in a healthy body. Health is the real companion of man. If health is left, human relationships become a burden. Sports are very important to motivate yourself to lead a healthy life.



Regular participation in sports also improves memory and cognitive abilities, which improves academic performance. Sports help students develop teamwork, leadership, and communication skills, which are important for success in all areas of life.

What is more important for children in their childhood, playing or studying?

Sports and education go hand in hand. Sports, art, literature and other fine arts cultivate teamwork and competition in personality. Therefore, both sports and education are very important for children. Sports play an important role in education as they offer most of the benefits regarding physical, mental and social development of students.



Engaging in sports helps students maintain a healthy lifestyle, build endurance and increase their physical fitness. Therefore, it is important to include education and sports in life as it enhances the overall well-being, academic achievement, and social development of children.

Are today's children lagging behind in studies and sports?If yes explain the reason.

Yes, today's generation is behind in both sports and education. The bad reason is mobile phones and the internet. There is no doubt that the world has progressed with the invention of the internet, but it has also hindered the development of our children today.



Today's kids are mobile and hence they are drifting away from sports and education. Physical sports have now been replaced by video games and social media. Children are always immersed in social media and video games, due to which their mental health is deteriorating.


It's time to invite my friends @steemdoctor1 @impersonal, @sahmie , @suboohi and @wilmer1988 to participate in the contest. Thank you very much for reading my post.

👨‍💻👯⛹️ Best Regards 👨‍💻👯⛹️
👨‍💻👯⛹️ @aaliarubab 👨‍💻👯⛹️

Indeed education is more important than play. Education takes one to their greater height in life. I believe in play while you learn, with this, the children are better in learning and develop a healthy mental state.
I also feel the children of today are lagging behind in studies due to the pattern of teachings in some schools. I believe sports helps their mental and physical health state in a better way.

Success to you!

Upvoted! Thank you for supporting witness @jswit.

Greetings friend,
Education is important for personal growth, responsibility, and respecting others. It's also crucial for children's development and the benefits of sports and teamwork. Let's encourage both education and sports for a well-rounded life.

Thank you ma'am for the invitation and the explanation how play and education go hand in hand in child development. Wish your success in the dynamics.

 5 months ago 

¡Saludos amiga!🤗

La educación online es una herramienta que debe ser usada de manera cuidadosa porque, si se concentra al 100% dejando de lado de manera radical las clases presenciales, no habrá buenos resultados ya que, esta modalidad impide que los niños adquieran roles de responsabilidad y, se formen siendo aislados al igual que, retraídos.

Te deseo mucho éxito en la dinámica, un fuerte abrazo💚

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

 5 months ago 

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