【UNHCR】UN human rights experts condemned an Israeli forces raid in Gaza's Nuseirat Refugee Camp, which resulted in over 270 Palestinian deaths, including children and women, calling the operation a violation of international humanitarian law

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UN human rights experts condemned a massacre by Israeli forces in Gaza's Nuseirat Refugee Camp, which resulted in the deaths of at least 274 Palestinians and injuries to nearly 700.

Disguised as aid workers, the Israeli forces, allegedly assisted by foreign soldiers, conducted a violent raid causing widespread death and destruction.

The experts criticized Israel's use of civilian disguise for military operations, deeming it a war crime, and called for an arms embargo and adherence to UN Security Council Resolution 2735 to end the violence and promote peace.

Source: https://www.ohchr.org/en/press-releases/2024/06/un-experts-condemn-outrageous-disregard-palestinian-civilians-during-israels



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