Tips to control the rise of cortisol: the stress hormone

in Project HOPE4 years ago
In these times it is very common to hear that people get stressed frequently. Especially in this past year when the pandemic has brought great changes to our lives.

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However, we must take into account that constant or chronic stress can generate a condition in our body related to a high production of cortisol.

Being a person who does not escape from this condition, especially because of the situation in my country, I thought it would be interesting to make this post and show some ways to reduce or control their levels and live with less stress.

Do you know what cortisol is?

Cortisol is the hormone known as the stress hormone or aging hormone, it is generated by the adrenal glands. On the one hand, it is the one that allows you to be prepared to cope with daily activities but on the other hand if its production is elevated it can have negative effects on both our body and our mind and that is where we must pay the necessary attention.

Cortisol levels tend to be different throughout the day, however, at night and shortly after waking up in the morning is where there is an increase.

The more activities we have to do, the more cortisol is produced within minutes of waking up. When we know we have a lot of tasks to do, we start to feel worried and that keeps us awake and ready while we are doing what we have to do.

However, when the level of stress is prolonged or intensified, the high production of cortisol causes an increase in the level of sugar in the blood, which in some cases leads to overweight, and other effects such as increased blood pressure, drastic changes in appetite, anxiety, depression, irritability, among others.

There are several factors that can influence such as the time we wake up, the lighting when we wake up, day or night work, and the economic situation.

So, what can we do?

The most important thing is to be alert to the changes that occur in our body and analyze the possible causes to take the necessary measures to solve it. Gathering information I was able to find that there are several natural ways that can help us to lead our day to day less stressed. Among the most outstanding are:

A healthy diet is very important, as well as maintaining a regular schedule in your meals.
Hydrate frequently, the most recommended is water, we should avoid sugary drinks and can include some infusions. Reduce caffeine consumption.

Maintain a healthy sleep routine, since not sleeping well causes more irritability, trying to have a light dinner.

Perform relaxing activities that we enjoy, practice a regular low-intensity sports activity, with just a daily walk we can relax and stay in shape.

Spend a good time in the company of people who allow you to share pleasant moments and disconnect from problems for a while.

Image designed by @yusvelasquez, contains public domain images: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.

Other tips!

Perhaps you have heard these tips thousands of times and have not dared to follow them, however from my experience I can tell you that they help to keep us active and in a better mood, the important thing is to be consistent in order to obtain the desired results by applying the appropriate changes.

Particularly I have chosen to do exercises at home, since due to my quarantine period we can hardly go out to do these activities, I download videos of exercise routines that keep me motivated. I enjoy relaxing activities such as baking, listening to music and dedicating moments of the day to meditation.

And an activity I started last year was planting medicinal plants such as albaca, lemon balm and zabila which are highly recommended to combat stress, stimulate the immune system, regulate blood glucose levels, blood pressure and hormone levels, fight insomnia and are sources of antioxidants.

Truly, the experience of growing these plants has been very rewarding, as well as consuming them especially in infusions already allows me to improve my health, taking care of them daily is an activity that allows me to disconnect and release stress. Here is a sample of what I have grown in my home garden.

Image credit: @yusvelasquez.

I hope you liked it and that the information presented will be very beneficial for you, until next time, cheer up!


Hi @yusvelasquez
Our body is commanded by emotions, in turn these by a set of chemicals that produce us good or bad depending on their concentration in our body.
Cortisol is indispensable for our life, as well as adrenaline and noradrenaline, but as you say, in excess it does a lot of harm.

In the end it depends a lot on a mental attitude, on the way in which we assume different situations.

That's right @ josevas217 mental health is very important, as is controlling our emotions in each of the situations that come our way in life, as that in the long run is reflected in our body sometimes unfortunately in diseases . Thanks for reading!

I am going to take into account many of the tips you give in this post, as I think I may have these elevated cortisol levels because as you say it is impossible not to get stressed under the current situation in the country. Greetings friend and thank you for sharing such an important post.

thank you @carlos84 for your comment! Any advice that is followed to improve our physical and emotional health is very important, the body will thank you for it. greetings

great recommendations I did not know about cortisol and I appreciate what you have shared.I find the tips you offer us very useful,and I must recommend what is very positive to keep focused and have a positive mind.

Thank you very much my friend! I've been hearing a lot about it lately so I thought it would be interesting to share it and recommend some ways to lead a healthier life despite the circumstances. Thanks for reading!

Hello friend, excellent advice to manage that hormone that sometimes destabilizes us. Knowing how to manage our mood is very important, constant stress does not benefit us at all, on the contrary, it affects our body in large quantities, both physically and mentally. Greetings!

That's right friend. That's why we must seek advice and appropriate tools to help us stay healthy. Thank you very much for your comment, greetings!

Hello @yusvelasquez, I'm thinking in my cortisol levels, just right now, thanks for this post.

I'm thinking that I have "sleep a lot", too.

See you soon...!

Thanks for reading @tocho2!

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