#MondayMotivation: Avoid Self Comparison, Just Do Your Thing

in Project HOPE3 years ago


Hello Everyone!!! I hope you are having a great time over there? It's really nice to see you visit my blog today and I must say I'm really happy to have a great personality like you visiting my blog today 😊. Thank you once again 💕

As you all know today is another lovely Monday and I'm quite sure everyone of you know what I do on Mondays like this. This is actually a part of the week I post motivational content just to brighten your day for the week and I hope you'll definitely feel motivated after reading this.

My content today will be majorly on a specific habit in which almost everyone of us possess even though this habit or character can serve as a means of motivation to some people and it can also serve as a killer of joy or depression to some other people. Before i let the cat out of the bag, i will love us to learn from my personal experience I'm about to share with you.

An Experience i can Never Forget


I could remember back then during my undergraduate days in school. I am a bit shy and also kind of introverted and this limited my level of socialisation in school back then such that I didn't have many friends. Most of the friends I had back then were the serious type and we all love reading our books with the aim to perform excellently in all our exams.

We maintained this style during our first year in school, second year and everything changed when we got to our third year in school since we were close to graduating from school. I noticed a drastic sudden change in the habit of a particular friend of mine such that he didn't walk with us anymore, he had to make new friends with some rich youngsters and he abandoned us just because we haven't started making much money unlike the other rich youngsters.

This friend of mine started skipping lectures or classes and he started living a kind of wayward life by doing drugs, fornicating with ladies, partying, going to clubs and many other things. During our days as a fresher in the school, we were warned about such type of lifestyle and we all agreed to live by example but unfortunately that friend of mine deviated from a good - holy boy lifestyle into a bad-evil boy lifestyle such that he became rich. It actually got to that point whereby he started ignoring the rest of us such that he doesn't want us to meet. He started showing off his flamboyant lifestyle on social media.

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There was this particular day police officials came into the school environment looking for fraudsters and I noticed the way most of the people we do call big boys and rich boys were running helter skelter and I had to ask someone that "why is everyone running"? and this person replied by saying most of the teenagers you call big boys or rich guys in this school are making money illegally through cyber crime and this is why the police men are here to fish them out and arrest them.

It was at this point i understood what my friend was doing to make money and i was also able to know why he left us for the big boys in campus. I began to have a rethink about my life because I always thought I was a failure due to the fact that I used to compare myself with him but not anymore!


The rest of us started trying our best not to fall into the category of people who make money illegally, we started doing legitimate things that will fetch us income to feed ourselves and family. I decided to go into content creation (blogging) while some of my friends are into other digital marketing skills and I am very happy to tell you that they are really doing very fine today with the help of God. In addition to that, we all excelled with excellent grades in school and some of us were also awarded with prizes and gifts from the school.

As for the guy who left us for the big boy, he didn't show up on the graduation day probably because he failed woefully and he was feeling kind of shy or ashamed to celebrate with us. I also heard he has always been in a scared state due to the fact that the government are deploying security agencies to fight against fraudsters in our state as this means that he can be arrested any time by the government security agencies.

Lesson Learnt/Summary


The important lesson to learn from this brief experience or story is that you should never compare your life with others. Always keep doing your thing and focus on what you are doing provided you are doing the right thing. You really can't don't know the evil things some people are doing just to make money which will certainly come back with it's repercussions.


Never compare your life with anyone just as Bill Gates once said that you're insulting yourself whenever you compare your life with someone else. Just be yourself, be contented with what you have and be happy or proud of yourself. There's high chance that I may also be living in regret today if I had decided to walk through the destructive path my friend took but I'm really thankful and happy for the kind of life I'm living today as a blogger/content creator.

Lastly, comparing your life with other people life can be a killer of joy to you and at the same time it can also be a means of inspiration for you to achieve your goals and I definitely hope you adopt the later option.

I hope this content will serve as a means of motivation to you through out this week and I also hope you won't forget to visit my blog same time next week for another motivational content. Feel free to share your opinion with me via the comment section below.

Thank You for your time and I hope you have a great day ahead with love from @hardaeborla


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Greetings @hardaeborla,

We as a human have a tendency of judging ourselves compare ourself with others and all,

But it is not good for our mental health, I personally agree with on doing our thing rather than comparing to other,

Thanks for sharing : )

Greetings @winy 💕❤️

We as a human have a tendency of judging ourselves compare ourself with others and all,

Yeah! This is really normal and natural for every human beings but the way you react to such act matters a lot as an individual.

But it is not good for our mental health, I personally agree with on doing our thing rather than comparing to other,

This is really why it's advisable to just be yourself and avoid comparing yourself to others because it will have more severe effects on one's mental health.

Thanks for your lovely comment with love from @hardaeborla and I hope you have a great day ahead ❤️💕❤️

Hi @hardaeborla I lived something similar to your experience, and now with the passage of time I am satisfied to have done it because I have parameters to measure the learning I got from it, very interesting your story really thoughtful and clear example of life, very well, much success.

Greetings @aplausos ❤️💕

I lived something similar to your experience, and now with the passage of time I am satisfied to have done it because I have parameters to measure the learning I got from it, very interesting your story really thoughtful and clear example of life, very well, much success.

It's really great to know we both experienced similar occurrence and I'm glad you also learnt from your experience too.

Thanks for your lovely comment with love from @hardaeborla and I hope you have a great day ahead 💕❤️💕

I also think that self-comparison is not good, especially if we assume that the best thing to do is to create our own original personality that allows us to be genuine in our style.

Greetings and thanks for this contribution.

Greetings @sandracarrascal 💕❤️

It's always advisable we create our own original personality as this makes us genuine just as you've stated. Avoid Self Comparison is really the key to live a fulfilled and happier life.

Thanks for your lovely comment with love from @hardaeborla and I hope you have a great day ahead ❤️💕❤️

Hello @hardaeborla!
Thank you for sharing your story and especially the experience learned. Certainly when we are young it is very easy to fall into comparisons with those around us, however, we must maintain authenticity in any place and at any time, what we achieve depends on us and work to improve every day taking advantage and exploiting our abilities and skills.

Greetings @yusvelasquez ❤️💕

Thank you for sharing your story and especially the experience learned. Certainly when we are young it is very easy to fall into comparisons with those around us, however, we must maintain authenticity in any place and at any time, what we achieve depends on us and work to improve every day taking advantage and exploiting our abilities and skills.

We must really maintain our authenticity in any place we find ourselves because there's nothing more better than just being real and being oneself.

Thanks for your lovely comment with love from @hardaeborla and I hope you have a great day ahead 💕❤️💕

Hello friend, it is true, we are all very different and have different abilities. Each person is unique and should focus on strengthening their skills and abilities. Some people waste their time wanting to be like everyone else and that is a big mistake. Regards

Hello @hardaeborla!

self-comparison is for sure one of the biggest mistakes we might ever put ourselves into, it mainly makes us change and try to be like other people we aren't supposed to be thinking that could make us successful. Moreover it is one of the most negative ways of comparison and it can only be good when we aim to be as successful as someone without copying them or what they are doing to be a copy of them.

Thanks for sharing!

Greetings @lennyblogs ❤️💕

self-comparison is for sure one of the biggest mistakes we might ever put ourselves into, it mainly makes us change and try to be like other people we aren't supposed to be thinking that could make us successful. Moreover it is one of the most negative ways of comparison and it can only be good when we aim to be as successful as someone without copying them or what they are doing to be a copy of them.

I strongly agree with your point here as regards aiming to be successful whenever we compare ourselves to others. It should serve as a motivational tool to work towards achieving success.

Thanks for your lovely comment with love from @hardaeborla and I hope you have a great day ahead 💕❤️💕

 3 years ago 

Dear @hardaeborla

As you all know today is another lovely Monday and I'm quite sure everyone of you know what I do on Mondays like this.

Nah. Monday is a history already. It's friday today! :D

It has been a while since I read one of your publications. As usual - solid read (upvote on the way).

Thanks for sharing your experience with us all. Are you sure you will never forget it? :P

I always thought I was a failure due to the fact that I used to compare myself with him but not anymore!

I found this topic to be quite interesting. Especially since I've noticed that most people who often use social media platforms are also the ones who compare themselfs to others. A lot. And most of the time those comparisons are making them feel unhappy about their own lifes.

After all, instagram is nothing more than a DEMO version of our lifes. I even tell my own wife to look at her own instagram and tell me if what she sees is our REAL life?

However, I'm not sure if we should NEVER compare ourselfs to others (just like you said). "Never" is a big word. It's also quite an extreme approach.

We defineyly all should compare ourselfs to ... ourselfs. To see how did we change. Did we progress or not? Are we happier with ourselfs than we used to be? Or unhappier.
Those kind of comparison do seem to make more sense in my opinion. Wouldn't you agree?

ps. Enjoy your weekend buddy :)
Cheers, Piotr

Greetings @crypto.piotr 💕❤️💕

It has been a while since I read one of your publications. As usual - solid read (upvote on the way).

Wow! It's really a great privilege having great people like you visit my blog 😀💕

Thanks for sharing your experience with us all. Are you sure you will never forget it? :P

Lol... I can never forget 😂😂

I found this topic to be quite interesting. Especially since I've noticed that most people who often use social media platforms are also the ones who compare themselfs to others. A lot. And most of the time those comparisons are making them feel unhappy about their own lifes.

I think that's really one of the side effects of some people not knowing how social media is to be utilized. Some people get more intimidated which makes them start feeling oppressed whenever they don't use the social media the right way.

After all, instagram is nothing more than a DEMO version of our lifes. I even tell my own wife to look at her own instagram and tell me if what she sees is our REAL life?

Hmm... This is really how most people should start thinking. It's really great to notice how you developed that great question for your wife.

We defineyly all should compare ourselfs to ... ourselfs. To see how did we change. Did we progress or not? Are we happier with ourselfs than we used to be? Or unhappier.
Those kind of comparison do seem to make more sense in my opinion. Wouldn't you agree?

I strongly agree with your opinion here.

Thanks for your lovely comment with love from @hardaeborla and I hope you have a great day ahead ❤️💕❤️

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