Meet Your New Full Time Blogger

in Project HOPE3 years ago


Everyone!!! I hope you are having a great time over there? It's really nice to see you visit my blog today and I must say I'm really happy to have a great personality like you visiting my blog today 😊. Thank you once again 💕

For those of you who were able to read my previous post about being a risk taker, I must be sincere with you that the post really changed my perception about so many things and I was really motivated the same way some other readers also felt motivated. This is why I've took the brave decision to take another great risk of being a full time blogger on both Steemit and Hive even though blogging and writing articles is one of the things I love doing.

Why Taking this Huge Risk?


As I stated from my previous post, there's actually nothing that doesn't come without paying it's price just as the same way successful entrepreneurs are meant to pay the price of risking soke certain things before they can attain their level of success today.

One of the major challenges we face here in Africa is the lack of employment opportunities. After the whole stress of studying from creche level to higher level of education, it's really so devastating that most graduate end up being jobless due to the increase in the rate of unemployment in the country. This occurrence has also led to some youth developing a bad perception about education in such a way that they start publicising the word "education is a scam" and "school is a scam". Even though some people don't really know the exact difference of being educated and being a literate and this is why I do always tell people that "you can be educated without going to school". It's really astonishing that only few people understand this statement though but the fact is that school doesn't teach you everything in life and this is why you also have to educate yourself by developing yourself personally by learning other things apart from what you've been taught in school.

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Today i see graduates who aren't worth to be doing some certain jobs now doing such jobs just because they have to feed their families and make a living for themselves too. It's really sad seeing someone who spent over a total sum of $5000 plus stress and hardwork ending up earning less than $5 per day just to make a living. I can't really imagine how such individual will cope if he has a wife and children, I'm sure you can guess how difficult making a living will become for such person. That's exactly what's really happening here in my country because getting a good full time job is now something very difficult for most youths and graduates.

As for me, its actually a bit different case for me because I'm just a fresh graduate and I was able to experience some real life scenario after school. The fact is that I always advice anyone reading this to get a skill apart from their school certificate. Always learn one or two skills that will add up to your personal development and portfolio as an individual. The reason I'm saying this is because I was able to earn some few bucks for survival during my undergraduate days in school just by doing what I love which known as blogging. I have been blogging on this great platform for the past 3-4 years and this really exposed me to so many things as regards to content writing, cryptocurrency and many other things. I was able to buy myself some important things I needed in school with the help of God just by blogging while some of my classmates were still being dependent on their parent or guardian for supportive means.


It's really great to be done with school since I'll have more time to focus more on my dreams and talent which involves sharing my knowledge, ideas and inspiring people through my writing skills and you can find this when you visit my blog. I really have this sense of feeling that I took the right decision to do what I love doing since doing what I love doing will definitely bring more happiness into my life and I also have some high level of fulfilment whenever I'm able to touch the lives of people in a positive way. So, if it requires doing what will make me happy everyday (full time), then I don't think I'll want to sacrifice anything for my happiness and goals.

Thank You for your time and I hope you have a great day ahead with love from @hardaeborla


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Well at some point we all make important decisions in our lives, evidently this one you decide is one of transcendental way given the economic and social situations in your country, as of san in that of many of us, good luck in this new stage.
thank you for sharing

Hello @joseph1956 😊

this one you decide is one of transcendental way given the economic and social situations in your country

It's not really easy surviving here as a citizen. Most people here are really just trying to do their best to earn a living for themselves and this is why I do advice every youth to always have additional skills apart from their school certificate, so that they can also make passive income for themselves instead of depending on the government or industries for job.

Thanks for your lovely comment with love from @hardaeborla and I hope you have a great day ahead ❤️💕💕

Phew! I don't know where to start, there are so many good things to highlight in your post, it overwhelms me! hahaha.

First, "it is not the same to educate, than to alphabetize". It's so simple the idea, but at the same time so true that it seems forgotten. I wish we all understood it.

You can educate yourself. I always tell that to everyone I can and even more so in this age of so much information, both in books and with the internet.

About your decision to be a full time blogger, what can I tell you, I am one too and the experience has been wonderful. So don't give up, don't give up. I love your optimism, that vision you have that the risk you are taking will pay off in the long run. That's the attitude, bro!

A hug from Venezuela, enjoy this new stage to the fullest!

PS: I'll look for you on Hive too.

Hello @garybilbao 😊💕

About your decision to be a full time blogger, what can I tell you, I am one too and the experience has been wonderful. So don't give up, don't give up. I love your optimism, that vision you have that the risk you are taking will pay off in the long run. That's the attitude, bro!

I really feel inspired reading this and I'm also glad you took such decision very early. I really can't wait to start sharing my knowledge with other people via blogging.

Thanks for your lovely comment with love from @hardaeborla and I hope you have a great day ahead 💕💗💕

Bro, what I believe is that, whatever good decision we take, it will always bring us benefits. Even the Holy Book says that:

whatever your hand finds to do, do it with your might

May God bless your decision bro. I believe you are already on the path to self-realisation.
Cheers buddy

Hi @hardaeborla

Wow reading this "I made the brave decision to take another big risk of being a full time blogger both in Steemit and Hive", makes me remember those days where I took that same decision that today you have taken as a personal goal, I tell you my experience, since then my life changed, my perspective to see things, to interpret, to write even to converse gave an impressive turn, today I find it difficult to stop writing.

Best regards, be well.

Wow! I'm really happy you were able to decide at a very early stage which has really brought great changes in your life today and I'm really glad you were also able to work on yourself by focusing more on the required skill (writing).

Thanks for your lovely comment with love from @hardaeborla and I hope you have a great day ahead 💕❤️

Hello friend, I can relate perfectly with your story, when I got my BSC few years back , I was left with absolutely nothing to do and then I found solace in writing.

Writing on steemit became a full time job for me brother and I am grateful that I found steemit at that point because I would have been completely jobless and helpless.

You are on a good path, so keep winning and I wish you all the best.

It's really great to see someone like you who understands how it feels here in this country most especially after bagging a BSc degree here. I also love the fact that you were able to diversify your activities by not limiting your whole focus on school certificate alone but you were also able to engage in writing just like what I'm also doing at this stage.

Thanks for your lovely comment with love from @hardaeborla and I hope you have a great day ahead ❤️💕❤️💗

On the point of the calculated risks I must say any random risk wont cut it. You have to do your work and then take the risk to move ahead. Having calculated risk always helps you to study the outcome and know how to move ahead with the risks. So sometimes we have to take risks to find out what may happen. Writing content and building influence is definitely something would make you a better writer and full time blogger :)

#affable #india

Yeah! This is really one of the reasons I love making my research before doing anything. It's just like I love taking "good calculated risks" that will definitely add more to my personal development and success as an individual and I'm quite sure this will definitely help me achieve this.

Thanks for your lovely comment with love from @hardaeborla and I hope you have a great day ahead ❤️💕❤️

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