Five Important Lessons to Learn From @lupafilotaxia New Home Achievement

in Project HOPE3 years ago


Hello Everyone!!! I hope you are having a great time over there? It's really nice to see you visit my blog today and I must say I'm really happy to have a great personality like you visiting my blog today 😊. Thank you once again 💕

After going through an excellent publication posted by my friend post known as @lupafilotaxia, i really felt motivated and I couldn't help myself other than sharing some important lessons i learnt from his post. I also appreciate @project.hope community mods most especially @crypto.piotr for pinning his content on community blog with the sole intention of making @lupafilotaxia post more visible to the masses which also makes it very easier for other people to learn from his post.

For those of you who maybe wondering what's so special in @lupafilotaxia post that I had to create a special content for it, don't worry you'll find out very soon after reading this content completely and I'm very sure you'll also learn from this. I suggest you visit @lupafilotaxia blog and read about via Without wasting much time, let's go straight to business 😊.

Important Lessons I Learnt From @lupafilotaxia New House Achievement



The first lesson i learnt from @lupafilotaxia write up is to set goals and dream big. The concept of setting goals and dreaming big can be observed in the third paragraph of his post and that was exactly where he started the major purpose of his content for those who understand better. I will quote his words below to ensure proper clarification of the lesson learnt here.

I confess that after I graduated from college, one of my biggest dreams was to reach an economic stability that would allow me to live in a stable way with my own house, my own real estate, and that my salary income would be attractive enough to pay for the costs of life.


As you can observe from his statement quoted above, @lupafilotaxia had already set that goals immediately he graduated from college that he hopes to achieve economy stability that would allow him live in his own house comfortably. Not only did he set up such goals he also had big dreams at such a very tender stage of his life. Imagine a college graduate hoping to achieve such big dreams at such stage in his life.

The lesson I learnt here is to always set your goals first no matter how ambiguous and big they are. I'm very sure you will achieve your goals if you are dedicated to achieving such goals and never be afraid to dream big no matter what condition you find yourself.



THE second important lesson I learnt from @lupafilotaxia post is that we should always try as much as possible to overcome our challenges. There's actually no doubt that we will definitely face lot of challenges in life just as @lupafilotaxia also experienced his challenges as stated in the quote below;

Unfortunately my country Venezuela in the last 5 years has been subjected to a fierce political, economic and financial attack of international projection, which hit the stability of the country, which in some other way put in check my aspirations to buy a house, and even reduced my income to meet the basic needs of my family.


Venezuela happens to be one of the countries experiencing financial difficulties across the world even though @lupafilotaxia happens to be from Venezuela, he never allowed his country challenges to weigh him down but he was able to face his challenges and he rose above his country challenges to achieve goals.

In summary, never allow your environment or condition to distract you from achieving your goals. Always face your challenges and rise above such challenges to achieve your goals.



The third important lesson i learnt from @lupafilotaxia success story is that we need to surround ourselves with the right people or community who are also passionate about achieving success. He made it clear from his write up quoted below that @crypto.piotr had a very great impact in his life by using @project.hope community to achieve this great goal.

Over time I met this beautiful community called Project.HOPE, community to which I will always be grateful for everything I have achieved over the years, I will also be infinitely grateful to our leader and great friend @crypto.piotr because thanks to his support and trust I was able to capitalize economic resources and allocate them to run trading operations and even invest in some other project that increased my capital to the point of reaching the amount that allowed me to buy a house.


There's actually no doubt that @crypto.piotr has really impacted the lives of many people including me myself. There are also some other members of Project Hope Community who might have also achieved greater goals as a result of the support they earn for their consistent effort creating good valuable content in the community.

In summary, one of the important key factor to succeed in life is that you need to be surround yourself with the right people or community which can make you successful. Always ensure you work towards achieving success and never stop believing in yourself.



The last but not the least is that you have to be consistent with actions or deeds that will make you successful. I'm quite sure you can notice that @lupafilotaxia titled his content "Perseverance will always give us pleasant satisfactions in life". This has shown how extremely important the habit of perseverance is when it comes to achieving success.


There's actually no doubt that @lupafilotaxia is someone who has this consistent habit and high level of perseverance and this really paved more way of success for him by making him get a new house just by his consistent effort when it comes to making money online.



As you all know me to be a voracious learner, I will also love to know your thoughts or opinion about the topic at hand which has to do with the important lessons to learn from @lupafilotaxia house achievement. Feel free to share your opinion or view in the comment section below.

I use this medium to congratulate @lupafilotaxia once again for his great achievement once again.

Thank You for your time and I hope you have a great day ahead with love from @hardaeborla


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Hello friend @hardaeborla

Thank you for creating these beautiful lines, I appreciate your kind gesture, you can not imagine how gratifying it was for me to read this publication, in life we must always project our dreams without ceasing to execute actions that provide us with the necessary means to achieve each of the purposes of life we want to crystallize.

I am thankful that life has put me in the way of great people like my friend @crypto.piotr who in some way has positively influenced me, and also for having the blessing of having virtual friends like you @hardaeborla.

Thanks again, may God cover you with infinite blessings.

Greetings @lupafilotaxia ❤️💕

in life we must always project our dreams without ceasing to execute actions that provide us with the necessary means to achieve each of the purposes of life we want to crystallize.

Hmm... This is really very deep! I strongly corroborate with your point here. We should never be ashame or scared to project great goals but what really matters most is by working towards achieving those goals.

Thanks for your lovely comment with love from @hardaeborla and I hope you have a great day ahead 💕❤️💕

Greetings @hardaeborla
No doubt that @lupafilotaxia is synonymous with perseverance, dedication and overcoming, this shows that when things are done with optimism and dedication, they are achieved.

Thank you very much for sharing your publication

Greetings @dgalan ❤️💕

No doubt that @lupafilotaxia is synonymous with perseverance, dedication and overcoming, this shows that when things are done with optimism and dedication, they are achieved

He is indeed synonymous to perseverance as you've stated because he is one of the top consistent members in the community and I'm really glad he was able to achieve his goals.

Thanks for your lovely comment with love from @hardaeborla and I hope you have a great day ahead 💕❤️💕

Hello dear friend @hardaeborla, I find the motivational description you made of my friend @lupafilotaxia's article excellent. It certainly highlights the perseverance, perseverance, passion and positivism that she had during all this time to achieve her goals.

It is gratifying for us who are immersed in the crypto world, how great achievements can be reached in this great economic area of blockchain.

See you later, have a great week !

Greetings @amestyj 💕❤️

It is gratifying for us who are immersed in the crypto world, how great achievements can be reached in this great economic area of blockchain.

You are absolutely right. There are greater opportunities to generate more income when it comes to the world of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology. I'm just happy we joined the system very early.

Thanks for your lovely comment with love from @hardaeborla and I hope you have a great day ahead ❤️💕❤️

Good lessons you have there, when we set goals and pursuit it no matter the obstacles we will definitely achieve our goals.

Greetings @great-a❤️💕

Thank you for your lovely comment and I'm really glad you were also able to learn one or two lessons from this write up. Thank you once again and I hope you have a great day ahead with love from @hardaeborla 💕❤️💕

Hello @hardaeborla.
Indeed @lupafilotaxia's achievement has attached so many lessons for most of us and I love every point you have made. Indeed, project hope is a community helping like-minded people to record growth.

Greetings @gbenga 💕❤️💕

, project hope is a community helping like-minded people to record growth

This is one of the ultimate goals of Project Hope community. The community grants more hope to users who are doing the right things (creating good quality and valuable content and engagement) by supporting them the right way.

Thanks for your lovely comment with love from @hardaeborla and I hope you have a great day ahead 💕❤️💕

 3 years ago 

Dear @hardaeborla

Im trully happy for @lupa achievement and it brings so much joy to know, that I have been part of his journey. In a way - we all were. Project.hope allowed him to make enough savings to fulfill his dream.

The concept of setting goals and dreaming big

That's a good strategy. Set your clear and reasonable goals. Dream big. But remember that those big dreams and ambitious goals can be achieved by making many "babysteps". Do not rush, just stay firm and steady on your course towards your goals.


You nailed it. It's so crutial to find people who would be supportive and encouraging. Project.hope luckily is packed with such a members.

And I'm pleased to hear that I impacted your life (and life of some other PH members) in positive way. I intend to continue doing so in 2020 :)

Chers, Piotr

Greetings @crypto.piotr 💕❤️💕

Im trully happy for @lupa achievement and it brings so much joy to know, that I have been part of his journey. In a way - we all were. Project.hope allowed him to make

I'm not really surprised or astonished with this statement because you are known for making positive impact in people's lives and you always tend to support people when you have the opportunity or chance to do so. Your impact will never be forgotten in our lives @crypto.piotr 💕❤️

That's a good strategy. Set your clear and reasonable goals. Dream big. But remember that those big dreams and ambitious goals can be achieved by making many "babysteps". Do not rush, just stay firm and steady on your course towards your goals.

Hmm... The baby step method of achieving one's goal is really one of the best practice to adopt because when you may end up getting overwhelmed and devastated by your goals when you decide to achieve them all at once. The work load plus the pressure will definitely make it look really ambiguous to you but when you take it step by step you can definitely achieve any goal you set for yourself when you do the right thing towards achieving such goals.

You nailed it. It's so crutial to find people who would be supportive and encouraging. Project.hope luckily is packed with such a members.

This is why Project Hope is one of the best community to be part of and I'm really glad I'm part of this great community.

And I'm pleased to hear that I impacted your life (and life of some other PH members) in positive way. I intend to continue doing so in 2020 :)

Lol... Buddy please don't take us back to 2020 😂😂😂

Thanks for your lovely comment with love from @hardaeborla and I hope you have a great day ahead ❤️💕❤️

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