Feedback and Suggestions : A Survey on Loop DEX V2

in Project HOPE2 years ago


Hello Everyone!!! I hope you are having a great time over there? It's really nice to see you visit my blog today and I must say I'm really happy to have a great personality like you visiting my blog today 😊. Thank you once again 💕

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There's actually no doubt that the Terra ecosystem and blockchain has been one of the frequently talks in the crypto space. Even though the Terra community seems to be developing and expanding with lot of crypto project built on Terra blockchain.

One of my favourite project on Terra blockchain is Loop Finance. One of the major reason i love Loop Finance is due to the fact that you can engage in crypto transaction, farming, staking, swapping and even claiming of airdrop with the help of LOOP DEX. The team has also decided to upgrade the DEX and make some new changes just to satisfy the users and the community as a whole and I must say this is really something I'm very happy about.

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Today's content will be mainly focused on my feedback and review after exploring the latest version of Loop DEX (LOOP DEX V2) and once again I really appreciate the developers and team behind the project for coming up with the upgraded version of Loop DEX. Without wasting much time, it's time i let the cat out of the bag and I suggest you grab some delicious pop corn and juice to digest this content as you read through this post ☺️😊.

How can the DEX V2 Designs Be Improved?

Firstly I want to commend the developers for taking their time to come up with such a very great UI/UX design for LOOP DEX V2. I must say I'm really impressed with the team and developers for coming up with such great design for the latest LOOP DEX. I was able to explore the Demo version of the DEX and I think making some necessary changes in the features listed below will definitely add more to the improvement of the latest Loop DEX V2 design.


I noticed some of the features located at the upper part of the website such as the "Community", "Learn", "NFTs", "Defi" and the "Wallets" button aren't functional. I was expecting to see a new page showing a detailed representation of the buttons i clicked.


There was a slight difference when I switched from mobile view to desktop view. I noticed some of the features were functional as you can see in the screenshot I shared.

I also encountered similar situation when i tried clicking on the "aUST-LUNA", "LOOP-LUNA", and the time interval (1hr, 1day, 1wk, etc).


The same effect can be observed in the farming wizard feature. I was unable to select other pools such as the "UST-LOOP" pool.


I also encountered the same scenario when I clicked on the "Buy UST" and "Mine Loop" button.


I think making these keys or buttons functional will improve the LOOP DEX V2.



Another important feature i will love the developers to work on is to adopt candlestick chart and include analytical tools such as MACD, RSI, MA, BOLLINGER (BOL), KDJ and others. This will be a great advantage for most crypto analyst and traders using Loop DEX. This will also assist or aid users to give accurate predictions, generate more data and boost the level of crypto analysis using Loop DEX V2.



There's actually no doubt that LOOP token itself was built on Terra(LUNA) blockchain and the project is also known to be one of the top crypto project in Terra Ecosystem. I love the fact that Loop DEX supports nearly all Terra project by adding them to the DEX but i think it will be more appropriate if other coins apart from Terra coins are also considered to be added into the latest version of Loop DEX.

I suggest adding some coins like BTC, BNB, ETH, POLKADOT, AVAX and many others may also increase the number of users utilizing the DEX. I also commend the developers for their great work and effort for coming up with such an excellent idea which has to do with supporting most Terra coins.



One of the core or important factors to consider before storing your assets on any DEX or exchange is the level of security of such exchange. This is one of the reasons you see most top exchanges adopting different security measures such as the use of 2FA, Google authentication and many others.

I think it will also be okay if the security level of Loop DEX is well tightened to avoid users loosing their funds to hackers or fraudsters. I hope the developers will find a way of making this happen.



The last but not the least is that I suggest the new DEX should have a calculator which help users to make necessary calculations required when engaging in crypto transactions on the DEX. The calculator can also help to generate the total profits and losses on daily basis.


Also, since Loop DEX will definitely be utilized around the world as time goes on. I suggest having multiple currency option(Naira, Euro, Yen, etc) apart from USD will also go a long way to improve the DEX.

Things I Love About Loop DEX V2 and Feedback for the Devs

Before sharing some of the great features i love about Loop DEX V2, I firstly want to commend the developers and team behind this project for taking their time to come up with such amazing features included on the DEX UI/UX design which includes the aesthetics, functionality and other great amazing features included.

These are some of the features i love about the latest Loop DEX V2 design and I really commend the team and the Devs for their hardwork and time.



The first feature I'm impressed about in the latest DEX design is the ability of users to learn some aspect related to utilizing the DEX such as staking, farming and many others. The ability to educate users about some activities related to cryptocurrency is one of the best features I love about the new DEX Design.



This goes to the developers or designers. I really love the way the elements were also arranged. I love the fact that the website looks beautiful and there is orderliness in the level of arrangement. The portfolio, airdrop, farm, stake, etc were all group at one side while other features were also grouped accordingly.



There's actually no doubt that NFT has been one of the top talks in the crypto space. I love the fact users will be able to create, sell and mint NFTs in the latest DEX V2.

Thank You for your time and I hope you have a great day ahead with love from @hardaeborla


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Special thanks to @crypto.piotr (Founder) and the team.

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Hello @hardaeborla
I have heard a lot about Terra, however I have never invested a dollar in that project.
You make some incredible contributions, I'm sure if the programmers of the loopDEX team read it they would feel very grateful for it.
Generally speaking DEX are always very similar, I am sure that as soon as we can learn to work in one, the others will become very easy to use.

Greetings @josevas217 💕❤️

I have heard a lot about Terra, however I have never invested a dollar in that project

Terra is really one of the top project i suggest you watch for in the crypto space. The team behind LOOP Dex really did a great job coming up with such new UI/UX design and features.

Thanks for your lovely comment with love from @hardaeborla and I hope you have a great day ahead ❤️💕❤️


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