[Steem talk] Understanding Crypto Trading - Episode 5

in Project HOPE4 years ago (edited)

Ahh... so I heard some news from the market, it's called the hive dump. More news of #steem frozen their ex-witnesses who doesn't run the latest softfork patch? Also, someone mentioned about the 100 days steem activities by their officials(seriously, the project just launched unsigned! Where is Eli?). Don't get me wrong. I'm here to continue posting on #steem since I still have some audience here.

I know right?! There's so many things going on in the market, be it hive or steem, whilst everybody is worrying how their hive will end up, am I the only one taking advantage to accumulate hive? I'm just chilling, and telling you, there is this way called cost averaging. Wait a minute, aren't we learning about buying the denominator? That's exactly where we're heading to, but first you gotta get your head wrapped around with a proper investor mindset, and throw away your dollar before you can start to accumulate cryptos.

Here's how it goes, when we talk about investing, we'll be looking forward to buy a deal at a lower price, and hopefully later the deal gained value so we can sell it high. However, once again you'll have to refer back to Episode 2 of our lesson, which everybody's mind are so fucked up because we've been BIND with DOLLAR. Which means our mind has been conditioned to "think for dollar" first, instead of think for the denominator, in this case #hive.

Dollar Cost Averaging

Is an investment method that divide the total investment, split them into different entry price and or timing so to averagely divide the risk of entering at the same price. I'm sure you'll be saying it's boring and I'm going too fast. So, please do your own reading from Investopedia. All I'm trying to say is, even an investment strategy has been using the numerator(DOLLAR) to teach. Hence people are always thinking of dollar and missing the main ingredient, crypto.

Crypto Cost Averaging

As the above, but now we're using numerator and denominator to trade cost averaging. If you skipped the above paragraph, please go back up and grind it through. Somehow you will have to understand the concept of buying on a disciplined, regardless of time or price range. The difference is, now we use one type of crypto buying another type of crypto. Vice versa, using one type of crypto selling for another type of crypto.

We all know buy low sell high means profit, but when is low and when is high?

So, why do we crypto-cost average trading? That's because, crypto market are very volatile. There are way too many parameter that may affect one crypto price, on top of that, it's even worst because on the other side of the trading party could act on an entire opposite way. If one going up, the other one going down, which means the price difference will be drastic! We all know buy low sell high is the way to trade profitably, but how often do we really buy low, and how often do we sell it high? The answer is, almost never. Because we all have the greed and fear living inside of us. When we saw it low, we fear it can go lower and might lose out. Once we obtained some assets, we started to pray, hope it go high enough to cover our cost. Usually I heard people pray something like, "Let this go back to breakeven, I swear to God I will sell it and will never touch crypto again." But then woke up the next day figured the deal is in profit, "Oh well may be I should wait a little, if it drop back to breakeven I will sell it, but if it continue to rally, I might make a small fortune?". Note that, even if it's "high", people tend to WAIT.

No low is too low

So, the concept is simple, no low is too low. If you have some HBD in the wallet, do remember to split them into several portion, so you can divide them to enter the market at a different price. Here is what I do.
I have abouy 200Hive and 20HBD in hand, I can choose to power it up and earn curation reward. So tell me, how muhc 200Hive can vote? 0.001? What is the curation reward you're getting back? 0? What I can do is, trying to make the best out of it, but let the buy sell justify by market movement itself.
I break my 20HBD into two portion. 10HBD I used it to park at 0.15. Notice the yellow arrow pointing at the current trading range, the blue arrow indicate the most recent deal done in the market. Someone buy/sell at 0.21. I can sit here all day and wait for a good deal, but I don't got all day. The next best thing I can do is, put up my expectation, which is 0.15. Red arrow indicate where my price is. Was it ridiculous to park a position so darn far away?
Here you go, the trade history told me, moment ago it was already 0.19. Despite the recent deal was done at 0.21, I am not bending over just to grab a 0.20 deal because I know the position of it going down is there. So, I parked 10HBD to be traded at 0.15 for 66.667HIVE.
Once again, no low is too low! Since I broke the HBD into two parts, the second part I used it to speculate an even lower price at 0.10. Once again, you're asking the same question, is it even possible?
I don't know, you tell me. My question to you is, do you have enough to buy, when there's an opportunity for you? Will you be able to justify if this is the lowest? I'm telling you, I have got not enough HBD now, if I have another 20HBD, I would so parked them individually at 0.05 and 0.001. Once again you'll question me, why would I buy if it's already 0.001?! It's dead. The answer is wrong, because I'm not looking at DOLLAR. I'm looking at crypto. 0.001 does not mean it will die, 0.001 means the numerator gain strength! 1HBD can buy more HIVE! No low is ever too low to buy, when you have enough numerator to buy the denominator!

No high is too high

Time to mind fuck again. Conventionally, we buy a share with dollar, when the share price goes up, we sell them for extra dollar. And therefore we make a profit, correct? In crypto, we sell the denominator, but we buy back denominator! There's no dollar here, there's only volume and holding power! Remember, I have 200Hive in hand. So, here's what I do.
It's simple from this point onwards. Because we're now selling the denominator, naturally we are getting less numerator. If you remember we previously talked about now low is too low, take a look at the current bid and ask price, both went below 0.20 already! Therefore, don't rush! Give the market some space. Good deal is ahead, and best part is we do not need to sit here and hawk starring the market all day with this limit order tool.
I am selling my HIVE all the way up to 1.00. Which means 1Hive for 1HBD. Once again, no high is too high. Who is here during end of 2017 and beginning of 2018 where SBD suddenly rally up to 15 bucks? It's impossible? It could not happen? Well guess what those people who curse BTC crash at $100 say?


Why would we do this David? You asked. The answer is simple, the sole purpose of crypto is to rule out the banks! Decentralized. Get the dollar out of the window, until you use your CRYTO to buy a lots of dollars! Dollar is a service, put them back into the numerator! I have my orders in the market, and I'm always ready to anticipate any sudden change. There is no good news or bad news in crypto trading. Any news is good news.
Market is always there, but only the people who is ready will be able to receive the blessing. What happened yesterday was, no high is too high. The bottom 4 deals are all from selling high at 0.25, 0.30, 0.35 and 0.4 that makes me 13HBD, and later on I parked everything back to hive with 10HBD at 0.2 and sold for 50.012HIVE.
Whilst it may not have the exact same ratio of trading because I do not have enough SBD, but generally they worked exactly the same.

Previous Episodes
Part 4 here
Part 3 here
Part 2 here
Part 1 here

*Today's episode has been originally posted on another blockchain due to the event taken place there first. Original source from here. It will be criss crossing between two blockchain as the method I used to trade cryptos are exactly the same and I used them in both platforms.


Hello @davidke20

Thank you for posting within our hive. I upvoted your content already. Please spare few minutes and read how project.hope is organized and learn about our economy.

That would help you understand more our goals and how are we trying to achieve them. Hopefully you will join our community and become strong part of it :)

Do you use telegram or discord? If you do then join our server and give me a shout. I would gladly share with you goals of our community and introduce to others from our team.

Our discord sever: https://discord.gg/Y8R5xA

@project.hope team,

Thank you for curation

a really interesting concept that I'm willing to practice. I thank you very much for this publication as it is a good guide for trading. I hope that you continue contributing with this type of content in @project.hope, as the ideal site to share this knowledge.

Thank you very much. Start saving your crypto, even 1STEEM or 1SBD. Then start juggling them around.

聚贤阁群友互动,您中奖了! 聚贤阁小乐透传送门


Hi~ 金鱼佬!
@steemscanbot has gifted you 1 SHOP!

Currently you have: 128 SHOP

View or Exchange SHOP Please go to steem-engine.com.

Are you bored? Play Rock,Paper,Scissors game with me!

Hello dear @davidke20, thanks for being here, welcome to Project HOPE.

You really have to understand this market well to claim that there is no good and bad news in the crypto market.

I need to read more about this, thanks for sharing, I will be attentive.

Thank you very much. There is difference between good and bad news, but that will only affect the DOLLAR worth. My only concern is, whether do I have enough crypto when we need to sell them. Take a look at tron, how much is the price in USD? 0.01, it's even cheaper than STEEM by unit. Guess what happened today? Tron bought Steemit Inc and owned 70mil of stake across the #steem #blockchain. Tron worth how much against USD is one thing, how much TRON you own is the key, to define your spending power.

 4 years ago 

Hi @davidke20

In other words, what I can fairly understand is that Tron can benefit more from Steemit, than what Steemit can benefit more from Tron.

By the way, thanks for choosing our beehive for your excellent publication. Greetings from venzuela

Hi @lanzjoseg, thank you for your comment. I don't usually study the real fact of who benefit with who with what. I only study how possible the SWAP can make profit for me.

Source from TradingView

Last month STEEM once capable to swap for 25TRX, had we really swapped that, what have we today? To at least doubled what we have from this SWAP. I hope you understand what I mean.

 4 years ago 

Hi @davidke20

I'm not much into trading, however I can clearly see great value in your publication buddy. I will share it on our PH telegram channel to help you get some more exposure and traffic.

ps. How many tags did you use? I didn't know that many can be used. Wow.

Cheers, Piotr

Thank you Piotr for sharing it. This post was modified with steem.buzz but I couldn't use it now as I'm not sure whether my country has firewalled it. Maximum tag for all post is actually up to 25, depending on whether the app allowed it. I used it to accumulate steem-engine tokens.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 63811.18
ETH 2610.29
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.83