Steemtrons, Softforks, Communities, Coronaviruses, weird birthdays and other weekend nonsense.

in OCD5 years ago



Yup! 'they' are working nonstop on this everyday.

«-Steem Swaps - Atomic Swaps - Asses Swaps-»

Yeah! you name it!!

«-Last chance: March 6th, 2020-»

Oh yeah! of course they all are onto something here behind the curtains. The loud buzzing can be heard from the first row if you stick your ears well close to the EXIT door. Uh-huh.. Justin Sun, Stinc staff, main devs, a bunch of witnesses, Poloniex, Binance and you know who else right?



Obviously. It's not a Whale, not an Orca, not a Dolphin, not even a Minnow. It's just a laborious bee!!

C'mon! you know a broken is never missing for a ripping. Because in our community we certainly have a large group of seamstresses who always are willing to patch your ragged rags with many stitches of fast preemptive proactivity, solidarity, empathy and common sense to prevent you from going out there with your clothes all ragged across the steem blockchain.

They manifestly wants you wander over here always #posh, neat, tidy and highly dapper sticking banners on all the walls of this enclosure with good quality content to attract new investors. Isn't this the mantra? Say OM!


Cross Posting

Yeah! it's more than evident that everyone here has lost their compasses since last January. And now can't find shit to upvote, 'curate' and comment anymore. Well, at least not good shit they wanna Resteem too.

Right now, with such amount of atomized tiny clans scattered all over the steem blockchain, it's all about "Cross Posting" as the new buzzword and fashion slogan in order to catch a pair of eyes and a couple of cents.

But the big sea mammals & big honchos here on the Steem blockchain. They all actually ignore that I know something they don't know. I KNOW they READ my stuff!! But they simply refuse to leave traces of their opulent presence in the outlandish content of an old heretic and known outcast.

I really don't know if it is a matter of ego, vanity, false pride, some sort of misunderstanding, shame, shyness or simple punishment & retaliation.

But they all clearly don't want to be publicly seen and associated in any way with odd behaviors which potentially could sprinkle on my kickass content some of their high SP drops of fresh water from the rewards pool.

Well, I suppose they don't want contract an indigestion after consuming content on rare and exotic dishes and just opt to quit palating the tasty 50% curation rewards of my stuff as dessert. But... ¿Who really knows?

I'm watching you CURATORS!!


Click Me

Oh yeah! ¡Click Me! to know more.

Well, I'm living in a poor country with a warm/hot weather and I know Coronaviruses & Covid-19s don't like in the least this kind of relaxed high temperatures. Apparently, they cannot survive for long time fluttering at the shoreline of the beautiful beaches of our peaceful Caribbean sea.

On other hand, due the arbitrary economic sanctions that Mr. Trump and US government imposed over Venezuela, I doubt these pandemic would even dare to touch our country for any sort of 'trading' endeavors.

Well, unless they want to risk becoming a target and also become victims of their US greenback's arbitrariness. Seems like they want this pandemic only for themselves. };)

In any case, I'm kinda feeling protected away from this pandemic in this cheerful remote spot of the planet simply for two reasons:

  1. The law of Logic & Randomness: Because I have a friend in China who says that it is not worth acquire Covid-19 now because in August the version 20 will be already available. Yeah! remember they are Chinese!

  2. Caution and Prevention: Because to fight against Coronaviruses and Covid-19s, we just have to eat two cloves of raw garlic and a whole raw onion. Yeah it may well be useless, but at least we will keep everyone at a good distance for a good while. :)

Yeah, I think that with only these two options, I can continue practicing my ancient Zen Art of calmness with good health on this blessed warm spot of the earthly geography. Would you agree with me?


Cranky Gandalf

Yup, I'm one of those peculiar old beasts who from time to time celebrate their birthdays twice. On two consecutive different days & two different months. That kind of wackos who many tend to call leap year babies.

So, now you know where part of my peculiarities and extravagances may come from. It's not that I am or that I always has been this way. It's simply that I was born this way. Cranky, cryptic, humorous and thoughtful.
Hence, the long-lived results you can see here below. };)

And now excuse me folks. I think this nonsense post already has been too long. And I'm afraid that now I will have very little time left to find out the right community in which drop this heavy load and take advantage of also taking a refreshing and good dip in their own & exclusive rewards pool.

In the meantime... just say out loud or simply quietly whisper:

¡Happy Birthday Cranky Gandalf!

Leave a comment. Share your experiences and feedback. ¡Be part of the conversation!


"Follows, Comments, Resteems & Upvotes will be highly appreciated"

Cranky Gandalf



I would never recommend complaining as a pathway to getting support, but then, no one really cares what I recommend anyway, which is fine, as we all choose our own path on Steem and live with our decisions.

I would never recommend complaining as a pathway to getting support

Well, according my 'veteran' perception, I'm never complaining about anything at all. I'm too old for that. However, maybe you could stop and step back for a minute and under a quick second glance at my speech, perhaps you could catch that my usual pathway almost always has been one of denounce and report real facts fearlessly & shamelessly through a perpetually healthy and humorous constructive criticism. :)

But yeah, then you well know my cranky elderly way of thinking is not too common, popular nor orthodox in the least. ;D

I am not sure if they are real facts at all though, or just your perspective on things.

Oh! then after all these years you don't trust me yet?

Yeah my friend! you can say it's actually both cases. Downright plain-spoken facts and also my very own perspective. ;)

I don't trust anyone's emotions, even my own :)

Hahaha, then you've been doing this very well my dear friend.

Emotions rarely inspire trust indeed. And much less on people with a mindset logical & reasonable.

However as you can see in the picture which I use as a sig at the end of my posts, my general semblance is not that one of emotional chaps. :)

Happy Birthday Cranky Gandalf!

Thank you mate. More than welcome my friend!! :)

I noticed something while scrolling through your post.
I went back to check it out after reading the whole thing lol
how many posts have you linked to this : )

how many posts have you linked to this : )

Oh! that's a tough question indeed. But I think I've embedded nine different yummy links on this post. As usual in each one of my articles, almost always every picture & image hides tasty extra and complementary info behind. As well as in any colored texts you can find along my cryptic ramblings.

And yeah, on weekends, I certainly could abuse of dropping & hide way more of these rare easter eggs a little bit. Since I'm always assuming that on Saturdays & Sundays you always will have more free time and willingness to actually READ thoroughly something not as much average. };)

haha that is really cool

Is it better to click each link as i go through your posts or is it better to read your post then go back and check out the links ?

Well, you actually could do both without derail too much your attention from the main narrative and order of the events. Since the links always are pretty well concatenated with the rest of the speech.

However, if the article is too long and if the memory in the rooftop of your head is slim, then I'd recommend you read the whole post first to build a solid foundations of the basement and after rest a bit from that significant huff & puff effort. Then go ahead with the links to try to figure out the beauty of the entire home built up with all its ornaments, appliances and whatnot. :)

Cranky, cryptic, humorous and thoughtful.

Wraps it up in a nutshell, yes all the hype around so much, bad news always travels fast. Good news never so much speed as bomb diving into the pool.

@tipu curate

Wraps it up in a nutshell

Thank you mate!! Yeah, that's exactly what my great great grandma used to tell me back in the good days. Hahahaha

And of course, swimming around this sea of bad news, we always should be ready to execute a good Bear belly flop into the pool to splash everyone around with a few unexpected cents sometimes.

And also thanks for your generous tipufication. Ha, if you just knew it has been the first time someone dropped a @tipu curate message on one of my posts.

Cheers!! :)

Crank away amigo, good to see youre still here. I think I’m back.

Glad to see you again over here too my dear amigo.

Where the heck have you been? I couldn't enjoy your groovy fine tunes for a good while mate. I hope everything is fine with you and you now are willing to delight us all with your unique style & musical stuff longer.

Thank you for your visit and welcome comment buddy. Yeah, I'm sure you are back!! :)

Life is crazy man, I’ve been trying to find someplace to call home. Settle down and all that. With someone who doesn’t have the same passport as i do so dealing with statists and bureaucracy and whatnot 🙄

I have no frame of reference for why you would think people are reading you but not voting, or who you think you've pissed off.

In anycase the post was reasonably interesting, I just think people are caught up in different battles and not really scouring the site for content at the moment.

Cheers, things will settle back down.

I have no frame of reference for why you would think people are reading you but not voting, or who you think you've pissed off.

Well babe, it's just matter to click a bit more on the images & colored texts above to find the easter egg that would lead you to such "frame of reference"

You are also a veteran old steemian on this blockchain same as me and at these heights of the game, I suspect you already know me pretty well. However, I'm gonna throw you an additional shortcut here that prolly will clarify a bit more this indecipherable mystery. :)

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