My 2020: Just a Normal Day - A day like others.....

in OCD4 years ago (edited)

With this post i intend to participate to the contest organized by @anomadsoul, followed by @blocktrades and the the @ocd team, i thank him for this great opportunity.

Here I am, on Steemit I am @ mad-runner, in real life I am a 53-year-old person, 54 in July, who lives in a charming town called Rimini, a famous seaside resort on the Riviera Romagnola. My working day, in the vast majority of cases, starts around 9 am, when I get up to get ready to go to work, for a little over a year I had to change it, as I was forced to close the last sporting goods store that I had painstakingly opened, it was a sector where without money little or nothing is done now, in addition to other problems due for example to a greater expansion of online competition, but let's go back to the current job ....

I opened a small warehouse of food products for bars, restaurants, hotels, completely changing jobs, when you exceed 50 years of age, if you don't have specific needs, you risk being cut off, that's what happened to me for almost a year and a half, then a contact through the internet, the knowledge, first virtual, then real, of a person who later became my colleague, who joined me in the departure of this new work experience ...

I hardly get up before 9, because, for the characteristic of this job, it is better not to go to the premises during the morning breakfast time of their customers, the first working contact with customers takes place around 10 am, oart the fact who do not need to receive the products, in which case I have delivered goods even at 7 am, it is self-employment where there are general rules but also great flexibility of time ...

The number of my customers is still limited, it takes time to build its own commercial network, I hope that this transition period, necessary to build and carve out a sort of salary, ends as quickly as possible, because my economic sutuation is still too unstable and uncomfortable, I can resist for a long time with this income deficit, which at the moment is unfortunately compensated by my parents, but I cannot count, and in some ways it is not right, forever on their loving support, they would really throw themselves into fire for me, but I feel a failure to have, even if partially, to depend on them for the sustenance of my family.

This is my old car, which I use in family-work dual use, I do not feel any need to change it, hoping that it will not betray me because it already has many kilometers (miles) on its shoulders, it is still fine, motoristically speaking, and to deliver the machines for cold creams is perfect, having a lot of space available between the rows of seats, where these machines fit together wonderfully ...

The lunch break usually arrives around 12.30-13, my work area has a range of about 20-25 km (12-15 miles) from my home / storage, for this reason I hardly stay out for lunch, preferring to return to eat with the family, as well as for economic reasons.

My meal today, a nice plate of pasta, tagliatelle with pea sauce and a good sprinkling of Grana Padano, I took a second send, they were too good, and I went directly to the coffee, I am not used to eating the second course for lunch , at most a little fruit.

This is another pastime game that can give satisfactions, in the spare time, as in the lunch break, I play a few games in Splinterlands, I am not a very fine connoisseur but a good practitioner, because I have already done, despite not being so much that I am enrolled , over 5000 battles ...

A beautiful panorama of this afternoon, every now and then I happen to go inland and enjoy these views ...

The resumption of work takes place, with the exception of the case, around 3 pm, the afternoon work continues until 6.30-7 pm, but a real rule does not exist, because flexibility and hourly availability is a of the necessary prerogatives of this work, I have already delivered even at 10 pm, the customer, within certain limits, must always be supported with a first level service.

This is my work bag, which I often use na not always, sometimes I go out even with a simple agenda, that taking notes or an order of products, if instead I have to make small deliveries the shoulder bag is perfect, in as it contains up to 3 packs of the various products that I market, in the attentions and in the service that I try to give to customers there is also that of buying small quantities at a time, they are not great collection figures but there were still only 2 customers per day they order goods for a few tens of euros ...

Being completely autonomous and independent, having to basically account only to myself and my family, I can better manage my working day, this is one of the main advantages of this activity, but as a counterweight it has the fact that I only earn if I sell , I spend whole days in which I do not deliver goods, being consumer products but not primary within the single room, it is more than likely that the increase in the number of customers will mitigate this fact, even if the changes between the various seasons create inevitable braking.

The evening is one of the favorite moments of the day, as I can dedicate myself to my favorite pastimes, for a couple of years he has entered the Steemit list at the top, due to the particular nature of this platform. A strong bond and interest has been created, something that goes beyond normal permanence, because I really like Steemit's operating dynamics, laying the foundations for something that goes well beyond the mere remuneration of the interactions, I love to comment, post, upvoting, leaving a mark of my presence but above all receiving interaction and mutual exchange of words, thoughts, feelings, yes, feelings, because this platform is full of good people, people who without a visual knowledge help you in many situations, to try to to make this experience positive and profitable, how many Steemians have helped me, how many I will help, many, and I want to continue doing it, I cannot forget what has been done for me and is still being done, without the others they are little , but together we have a chance to give you a better future ...

I hope you enjoyed my post, I apologize for my little more than school English and have resorted to Google Translate, without which it would have been impossible for me to do it in short terms, if you want to participate in this contest organized by the great @anomadsoul go to this link:

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Grazie mille, caro @libertycrypto27, chissà grazie a chi mi sono accorto di questo contest.... eehhh, se facciamo un ipotetico dare-avere, nonostante la tua relativa giovinezza di Steemit, sono io che sono in debito con te, mi sa che stasera faccio un giretto su steem-engine....😈😈😈

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E andiamo!!! Bellissimo 🙂
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Grazie mille, carissimo @davidesimoncini, ho visto l'aggiornamento delle tue rewards di questa tipologia di post, complimentissimi di cuore!!!

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Un bel post che è meritato leggere.
Grande Mad!

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Vorrei poter arrivare e fare ancora di più, purtroppo la mia potenza è ancora limitata, e per quello che vorrei supportare e fare lo sarà sempre, anche se è molto gratificante dare ogni tanto qualche buona spintarella, sarebbe in ogni caso troppo bello se lo Steem avesse un bel pump....

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Fuoco incrociato senza pietà!!😅😅

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