Luck saved my life

in OCD5 years ago

Depending on who you ask and scenario, luck is either an abstract or something tangible that can be manipulated. It is one of those concepts without an affirmative definition because it's existence is based on a host of factors including time, location and even context, particularly in literature.

It is often used interchangeably with the word "blessing" and for good reason too. The thing about luck or blessing is that we can't necessarily measure them. However, as I mentioned earlier, they can both be manipulated and studied, in a bid to increase one's chances of experiencing them without any sort of guarantee of success or failure.

Over time, I've come to the conclusion that luck and blessing are two different roads moving side by side and if your stars align, either one will lead to your destination. But for clarity, I defined luck as an unexpected or shocking event that may or sometimes may not occur on the way to your destination, while blessings are somewhat more predictable and relates to certain traits, ability, and situation you find yourself in.

Whenever I reminisce, I recall various events in my life that happen and sometimes I wonder if it was because I'm blessed, perhaps I was just lucky or maybe a combination of both. I recall a ghastly car accident I experienced on the 6th of July 2017. This date is etched in my memory like my birthday and it was the closest shave I ever had with death.


There were 7 other people in that vehicle with me but I was the only one who survived, and I walked out of the car accident with three fractured ribs and some blunt trauma caused by being plunged out of the window, I presume. The truth is I still can't say for sure because I was asleep and that was because I had had quite a lot of alcohol to drink and wanted to sleep it off during the trip.

That event gave me a new lease on life and while depression, sadness, and suicidal thoughts bother me every now and then, I find solace in that memory. I keep wondering about different things that happened on that day; my seat position, how I leaned on the window to sleep, my timing, the fact I drank, etc.

Was it luck because I sat where I did, decided to take a nap, drank a little bit too much that day? Or am I just blessed because of all those same things? I survived because I was lucky and you know, that’s not such a bad thing.

“Well, luck is for fools. It's all they have to hope for, poor devils.” ― Stephen King

People look at luck as the absence of skill and believe that those who ride their luck aren’t putting in enough work. Perhaps you’re right and luck is just the fool’s tool but it does exist and if the stars align, there’s no logical obstacle that can stop this poor fool.

Thank you for making it this far, please check out some of my older posts;


I remember hearing a little about the story of your accident but didn't realize you were the only survivor. You were chosen to survive for a purpose you may not understand yet, but that is no fluke.

I got to the hospital with three other survivors but they sadly suffered some terrible injuries. I still don't know what to make of that event because I literally walked out of the hospital on that same day.

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BDvoter Team

Wow, thank you to share your testimony with your fight and your strength.

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