Nobody said it was easy but nobody said it would be this hard

in OCD5 years ago

I've cried myself to sleep a couple of times and it's not something I enjoy talking about but here I go anyways. I recall those nights because they all seem to proceed with the same overwhelmingly dreary pattern. The first thing that comes is the reminder of how futile life is, then what comes next is discombobulation from within and then finally the inevitable tears that drop to my surprise.

Coldplay stands out as my all time favourite music group and musician as a whole because their lyrics and symphony usually pierce through me. The words of the chorus of The Scientist always reverberates in my senses because it feels like a rendition of my life.

When the day starts, I feel renewed hope surging through my veins and as the moments turn into minutes, I somehow manage to deceive myself that this baseless hope is actually reality. However, when reality strikes, I feel the heavy boulder placed on me without warning or permission and find that that hill was actually a mountain to climb.

It got so hard on me when I needed a soft touch

Everything that happens in life happens for a reason and that includes all the pain and sadness life magnanimously bestows on this poor fool. If wishes were horses, I'd be the beggar riding them straight to the home of Life to enquire why it had to be so hard on me when I needed a soft touch.

I’m not crying too hard though, I sort of knew it was going to be rough. I saw all the potholes and bumps along the way even before I got into the vehicle, and I chose this path so being a whingy baby is out of the option. I guess what I struggle with is coming to terms with the fact that this is how it’s always going to be and even when life gives an olive branch, it’s only fleeting because the status-quo always prevails.

All I’ve ever needed is an opportunity and a second to take it. I can feel the seconds ticking me to my grave but the opportunities waning. Perhaps the glitter of optimism blinds me from seeing the clandestine hope shining brilliantly in the dark alley or I’m just swimming in the wrong pool but I feel like time is all I have and even that is fleeting.

I’m keeping my fingers crossed in permanence, keeping hope alive and praying inwardly that something good will happen. It’s a tough journey but I paddle this canoe in this ocean and hope that when I see the shore, I’ll be the solution to the SOS signal the castaways pray for.


This is a beautiful piece. It resonates with me. If it is worth anything, youre not alone on this path especially in this part of the country where opportunities are scarce. But I see light at the end of the tunnel for all of us

Well its always good to know I'm not alone but damn, the situation is a real downer at times. I'll be keeping my fingers crossed and hoping for the best

I wrote almost something like this a day ago and sometimes in my life I feel I might not even be as successful as I wish to. It's a really saddening condition but what can one do

@tipu curate

I really understand you. Life sometimes keeps hitting us again and again. Just like checking how long we don't give up. But, everything in life has it's price. If you keep hoping for the best and doing something to change the situation, it will always change. It may not change the way you like to see it, but it will change for an other situation for sure. The most important is to never give up no matter what. Be strong, be like a rock. Even if the rock is not moving, it's standing in that place anyway. If the rock can't move itself, it will change during the time. So, just push yourself to your limits and keep going no matter what. Music also helps a lot. Sometimes movies as well about those people who left even a worse life in the past. We always can find who is living worse than us. For example people who are in a war area like Iraq, they never know when a missle will kill them and their families. I hope you understand what I mean by all that. Be stronger !

I do Clixy and I like what you said about persoective and never giving up. Sometimes i get so worried and cornered by ny own problems and forget that others actually have issues bigger than mine.

Thanks for sharing your experience with us!

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