Achievement 3 by @sweet.colours task complete: Content about Etiquette copy others content plagiarism

in Newcomers' Community3 years ago (edited)


i have completed my 1 and 2 achievement on newcomers' community
now i upload my 3rd achievement.

My post link below

#1 achievement link below

My first achievement post about introduction I told about all of my hobby and all of my personal data

#2 achievement link below

I complete my achievement2 about my keys like a posting key active key memo key master key

3rd post about plagiarism


what is plagiarism

  • If a person uses another person's material instead of working for himself without his permission and without revealing his name, we call it plagiarism.

That content can be in any case, for example

  • Pictures
  • Article
  • video
  • Writing
  • Ideas
    There are many websites on the internet that upload a lot of content on a daily basis. A lot of people keep writing articles about different people on the internet. On the internet you will find all kinds of content which is very easy to copy but this content belongs to some person and using this content without the permission of that person is plagiarism.

Own plagiarism


  • Mostly people did not want to work again
    He copy his ideas and writing photos videos and documents again and paste in new article peoples think he never do plagiarism
    But it is on plagiarism
    He want to save time and did not do effort
    Peoples think it is own work
    people work once online and repeat his work for complete tasks or projects to save effort is called own plagiarism


our responsibility

Our responsibility to stop any kind of plagiarism like a videos photos article writing documents extra
We support original work and rail content we never spot copy paste work it is our responsibility
If we need to copy something so get permission are are given linked below under the the content

Ethics Idea theft

  • It is wrong to steal someone else's idea. Someone works hard for their idea and spends a lot of time on it to complete their idea. On the other hand, stealing this idea is very bad and wrong. We do not support such people and neither should we. We should always use our original idea


copy with permission or mention owner or giving source

  • If you need any kind of data like a pictures videos audios writing article so you
  • take a permission to data owner
  • if not possible to take permission so you mention his data owner name with source and link below under the data
  • it is right way to copy paste

I have read and understood the Steemit Etiquette on Steemit Community and will do my best to embrace them

Special mention



Always post your original data and ideas

 3 years ago 

I am from Pakistan can i participate in night photography contest?

 3 years ago 

Yes, I give two contests every day. You can participate in all my contests. No problem.

Hey ya! Hopefully you have got what is plagiarism and it is a crime in writing to steal other people's content without giving credit. And I believe with the completion of this achievement you must have learned the sourcing and citing method.

Please add this remark at the end of your achievement as mentioned by cryptokannon.

please put remarks,
"I have read and understood the Steemit Etiquette on Steemit Community and will do my best to embrace them" at the end of this task post.

 3 years ago 

@hassanabid plz visit and verify me

Congratulations you have been verified your achievement 3 by @vvarishayy which means you know the ethics of the platform and understood all.

you can move forward towards the next achievement. Best of luck.


 3 years ago 


 3 years ago 

Sister i don't receive achievement 2 snd 3 vote plzz help me plzz!!!!!😕

Begging for votes are not allowed 😔
You don't have to worry for your vote, I would give it, even if the post expires

 3 years ago 

I did not ask for a vote i know begging for votes are not allowed sister.
Plz try to understand my problem
Now my achievements2 post has expired without vote I'm not worried
No vote on my achievements 3 post i just find reason why steem team ignore me !!
With in 24h my 3rd achievement post expire i can't receive vite .
Just finding reason therefore i need your help because you are a greeter .
Plzz help me
I haven't had a vote in a long time

I've saved your links before. We have a lot of users to vote. We will compensate this vote.

 3 years ago 


Hello there;

We will be voting on the active success post as we have overlooked the success 1 mission. Keep doing your achievement task

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