Achievement 3 : Content Etiquette @marwan emam

in Newcomers' Community2 years ago (edited)

Definition of plagiarism

Stop here This is plagiarism

The source must be mentioned 👉 Source

A form of plagiarism

(The Common Types of Plagiarism source )

1- Without mentioning the source:

Paraphrase or plagiarize the first sentences


There are different types of plagiarism and all are serious violations of academic honesty

This is plagiarism, but it should

There are different types of plagiarism and all are serious violations of academic honesty " source

The second example is paraphrasing without mentioning the source

Original sentence

Direct plagiarism is the word-for-word transcription of a section of someone else’s work, without attribution and without quotation marks. The deliberate plagiarism of someone else's work is unethical, academically dishonest, and grounds for disciplinary actions, including expulsion " source

after change

Direct plagiarism is that the literal transcription of a part of somebody else’s work, while not attribution and without quotation marks" source < The deliberate plagiarism of someone else' work is unethical, academically dishonest, and grounds for disciplinary actions, as well as expulsion

This is plagiarism. You must cite the source and enclose it in quotation marks in the original sentences ( as described above)

2- Cite the source:

direct source, and when the author is impersonated, he is not mentioned, and authorship rights are given to him by mentioning him. The source must be mentioned directly


When mentioning the source, it should not be from a public source such as this topic from (Google)

You must mention the exact" source

plagiarism is the acceptance of ideas, results, methods and words written by other authors without crediting them to the source. A person who refers to an idea and writes it in his analysis without mentioning the first person who wrote each of them, so that person is considered as a thief . Also, spreading the same idea of ​​the topic that the writer is looking for in many websites, books, magazines and other places made it easy for the writer to steal intellectual property and the ability to expose it due to repetition

Plagiarism is considered academic cheating and a breach of journalistic ethics. Recently, cases of plagiarism have been discovered in an exaggerated manner. Plagiarism is not a crime in itself, but copyright infringement. Industry and the academic community consider plagiarism a moral offense. Plagiarism and copyright infringement are very similar, but they are not equivalent, and there are many forms of plagiarism that are not copyright infringement, as copyright infringement is defined by laws and penalties and may reach judicial trials, while plagiarism is not subject to legal penalties , but rather sanctions from institutions such as professional and educational associations and commercial institutions such as publishing houses......

Achievement 2

Thanks to all of the reviewers in the newcomer's community


Hi I hope you are well, after reviewing your achievement 3 i must inform you that this does not meet the requirements established for validation according to the Newcomers' Community.

Do not forget at the end of the post to put the sentence at the end:

"I have read and understood the steemit etiquette on steemit community and also will do my very best to embrace them."

“You must use one of the citation examples described in the explanation of achievement 3, For this you must make a post of no less than 200 words of your authorship about what plagiarism is and additionally include the aforementioned examples (they will not be counted within 200 words)”.

“All the content used that is not 100% of your authorship must be cited according to what is described in the protocol of achievement 3”.

Use the citations to identify the content that is not of your authorship, remember that the other part of the post must be of your authorship and not less than 200 words.

Make the corrections and I will come back to verify your achievement


 2 years ago 

Hi good that you have successfully completed achievement 3 corresponding to the program "500SP Minnowsupport"and you are proving to be a steemians with the potential to add value to the steemit platform, in this way I want to congratulate you and encourage you to take those final steps to achieve your goals within Newcomers' Community and show that you are 100% trained.

I want to invite you to complete Achievement 4 that will bring you closer to your goal and provide you with better knowledge.

The title of your publication should be "Achievement 4 by @yourusername - Slogan: Applying formats"

Please tag me / your mentor: Add tags, such as # achievement4 and a hashtag for the country you are currently residing in

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Greetings 👍

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