Achievement 3 By @jani786 Task: Content ETIQUETTE

in Newcomers' Community3 years ago (edited)


I hope that you are all ok and enjoy the good health.I have completed my first two Achievements and now asked me to make 3rd one .it's topic is content etiquette.The second Achievement verified by @sumit71428 and he asked me to make third content etiquette.
So,let's start our topic.


what is plagiarism?

Steemit is a platform where fraud is to be prevented and not allowed. Behavior is an abominable and illegal act that is totally unacceptable anywhere. This includes requesting to copy the work of others and present it on your own. You steal someone else's ideas and make them your own without giving them credibility. Fraud reflects someone else's opinion as personal. You present it as yours, but in reality it belongs to someone else. But just copy the work, circle the words and present them because it's your job. Stop being rude.
Education In the present age there is no such thing as secret copying which is a shame and there is no power to think of new things because the types of secret copy do not break the copyright law unconsciously, which is done through copyright law. Has been formed and the courts can be made capable of this. Those who travel from countries to the United States and other Western countries where covert copying is not offended often find the change hard.

Give me a lever long enough and a fulcrum on which to place it, and I shall move the world

How to avoid from plagiarism?

Keep track of the past movement of the starting points while giving.
One of your starting points is the phrase or name (and also add your own ideas).
Trust the extraordinary, well-known author in the direction list, in the statement and statement in the text.
Use aplagiarismchecker before taking orders.
Take care of it and put it in your words and thicken it with a thin liquid.
Take words or ideas from the beginning and combine them directly into your writing.
Put the trace in other words.

Secondly, if something from the internet affects you a lot and you want to use it in your content, then you have to give a complete reference to the copied text, image or something else. The word 'reference' here means that to avoid plagiarism, by pasting a link to the item, the appropriate source of the copied item is given.

Another thing that is considered useful in this regard is that if we want to take a picture from the internet, we should use copyright free images.

Allow website to free pic:


Disadvantage of plagiarism.

Plagiarism content is not supported by any party.

Literary plagiarism is discouraged in such a way that if plagiarism is discovered, the post will be taken down and considered immoral.


Stealing is also a bad thing when it comes to literary respect. Community members and the estimate team look at the theft with a black eye.
It is a complete post I hope that you will like my this post.
This sentence asked me to put in the end:

" I have read and understood the Steemit Etiquette on Steemit Community and will do my best to embrace them"

Achievement links

Achievement 1 Link

Achievement 2 Link

Special Mention




 3 years ago (edited)

Please add one citation method in your post. To achieve that you need to add the > sign before the text.
For example
>there is no darkness but ignorance_william Shakespeare=

there is no darkness but ignorance_william Shakespeare

Add one to your post.

 3 years ago 

Please check again

Hi @jani786, I am pleased to inform you that your achievement 3 task has been verified, you may now move to the next achievement task which is about applying markdown.
I encourage you to complete all the Achievement posts by @cryptokannon. Click here.

Thanks for your successful completion of this task!!!

task rate:2

 3 years ago 

Hi, @jani786,

Your post has been supported by @edlili24 from the Steem Greeter Team.

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