Achievement 1|Perkenalan Diri Saya @containercell disteemit | 30 September2021

in Newcomers' Community3 years ago (edited)

Halo sahabat Newcomers' yang saya hormati khususnya kepada senior senior dikomunitas ini.

Salam hangat juga kepada kawan steemians semua. Saya @containercell ingin menyelesaikan tugas pertama saya dikomunitas ini yaitu Achievement 1 .


Nama saya abizar wali, umur saya 23 tahun, saya bertempat tinggal di desa menasah meucat kecamatan Nisam kabupaten Aceh Utara, provinsi Aceh indonesia.


Profesi saya sekarang ini adalah pembisnis kecil kecilan. Saya membuka toko ponsel didaerah saya. Hari hari saya berjualan disana. Saya sudah menggeluti dunia bisnis sejak tamat SMA. Tamat SMA, saya tidak lagi menyambung kuliah karena keterbelakangan biaya sehingga memaksa saya untuk bekerja.


Pangalaman saya dibidang kripto kurang sempurna karena saya baru mengetahui tentang platform ini.

Hobi saya punya banyak hobi mulai dari memancing, olah raga sepak bola, batminton dan lain-lain. Namun yang paling saya geluti sekarang adalah memancing bahkan saya mengambil waktu luang dihari libur untuk memancing. Saya juga suka menulis, makanya saya bergabung dalam platform ini.

Postingan yang suka saya cari itu postingan tentang hal hal yang berbau bisnis dan pengalaman.

Jenis postingan yang akan saya buat di platform ini adalah juga tentang bisnis dan pengalaman.

Saya tau steemit ini dari kawan saya @mujibrahman yang merupakan sahabat karib saya sejak SMA dulu. Saya melihat apresiasi yang sangat layak diberikan kepada penulis penulis. Jadi saya tertarik untuk bergabung.

Terima kasih juga kepada @anroja , @heriadi selaku senior saya atas bimbingannya dikomunitas ini dalam hal memandu pendatang baru membuat tugas pencapaian.

Mungkin hanya ini yang dapat saya sampaikan. Mohon maaf atas segala kekurangan wassalam.

Salam @containercell

 3 years ago 

Selamat bergabung sahabat, jangan lupa tetap konsisten dalam berkarya. Salam hngat dari sahabatmu@mujibrahman

 3 years ago 

Hi @containercell,

🤩 Welcome to Steemit!🤩
Steemit is a blockchain-based social media Dapp (decentralized application) that creates communities where users are rewarded for sharing their views. It's a new kind of attention economy.

To help make your experience more enjoyable, we made a list of useful tips, links, and fun games to play on the Steem Blockchain. Continue Reading..

(And thanks to steemingcurators and cryptokannon for making the original post)

Do Not Forget To Follow steemitblog & Twitter(Steemit) To Get The Latest Updates.

If you want to share daily dairies and participates in the contest then you will happy to join our community Steeming Diaries

Let's Connect👉 @mayureshpandit😁
#india #steemit #steemexclusive

Hello @containercell,

🌺🌸🌺🌸You made it! Welcome to Steemit🌺🌸🌺🌸

For a great start on Steemit, we recommend all the users to complete the cryptokannon's Newcomers Achievement Program. By doing so, you will come to know Steemit functions and what other resources are available for you.

Steemit is a blockchain-based blogging and social networking site that pays users in STEEM cryptocurrency for posting and curating material. Do participate by making posts, commenting on other users' posts, and voting on others' posts.

We invite you to join us in Steemit Nursery Community specially created to support all the newcomers. Aside from the Steemit Nursery & Newcomers' Community, you can check the List of Steemit Communities Categorized by Their Subjects and find a community that is a good fit for you.

We encourage you to take part in the Beginners Level Introductory Courses on Steemit Steemit Crypto Academy. For more details, you may check the 📢Announcement : Join The Beginners Level Introductory Courses 📚.

Remember to follow @steemitblog for the most recent updates.

Thank You!
Newcomers' Community: Steemit Greeter Helper Team


Halo @containercell
Selamat datang dan bergabung bersama kami di Steemit ♨️ Tugas Anda telah di verifikasi oleh Tim Greeter Indonesia🇮🇩 Anda dapat melanjutkan ke tugas Achivement 2. Untuk panduan penulisan Achivement 2 dapat Anda lihat di sini 👉 Panduan Penulisan Achievement 2

Greeting @heriadi

Curators Note : Rate 2

Gunakan #tag baru, baca Attention : Penggunaan Tagar (tag) Khusus Untuk Newcomers Indonesia

Setelah anda menyelesaikan tugas achievement 4 anda diharap dapat mengukuti kursus SteemitCryptoAcademy dengan mengikuti : Steemit Crypto Academy Update [ September 13th, 2021 #2 ] - Season 4 : Week 2 Courses

 3 years ago 

Terima kasih

 3 years ago 

Hi and firstly I'll WELCOME you wholeheartedly on this beautiful platform of STEEMIT.
Here you will earn by producing some good quality content but keep in mind it should be your own I mean original content.
Secondly I invite you To complete your all Achivements tasks in Newcomers community given by @cryptokannon.
These all tasks will enable you to know much about Steemit and you will get good experience of publishing quality content hence chances of getting reward will be increased.
Moreover you will also learn that what is content etiquette and how to avoid from plagiarism,and also how to attract Authors on your Posts by applying Markdown.
In Short you will learn each and every rules and regulations of beautiful STEEMIT Platform.

At last I'll also suggest you some good communities where you can publish your content.Although there are many good Communities which you can join on the base of your interest,it depends upon you that in which kind of community you are interested but here I'll list some Communities and still if you find any problem in finding community do mention me surely I'll guide you.

Moreover I'll also suggest you to follow SteemitBlog in order to get all new updates on Steemit.
Regards @arrowgate A team member from greeter team! And have a nice day🙂

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