Achievement 5 Task 1 || Review steemworld. Org by @b-naj

in Newcomers' Community3 years ago

Warm greetings to everyone. Here links to my achievements 1 - 4.
Achievement 1
Achievement 2
Achievement 3
Achievement 4

@steemchiller created the site, so as to enable steemians manage and oversee their account's activities, all in 1 place.

We proceed

Going to, you land on this page as shown below. The sign in button is at the top left as circled in green.

Once you sign in, your profile picture is seen at the top right as circled in green below. To manage your account, you click on the Dashboard

Explain how to check reward summary for all time, last 30 days and last 7 days for your account.

To accomplish this goal, you simply need to follow the fore mentioned steps; that is
• Go to the site.
• Sign in with your account details.
• Click on the dashboard.
• Now just scroll a little downwards and you will stumble on Reward Summary as shown below.

Explain what is delegation, types of delegation and how to delegate SP.

What is Delegation

Delegations are created as a means of rendering support to another steemit account. These accounts could be owned by an individual member, or a community account.
To delegate is a process whereby users allocate a portion of their SP to a another user account, as a means of rendering support, which can be withdrawn at anytime by the delegator.

Types of Delegations

3 types of delegations exist.

  1. Outgoing Delegation:
    This is achieved when the user allocates a portion of their SP, to another user. Such a user is the delegator.

  2. Incoming Delegation:
    This is attained when a user receives Sp delegations from another user. Such a user is the delegatee

  3. Expiring Delegation:
    This contains the delegations that have been withdrawn, and a always placed on a 5day probation, prior to the day of expiration.

How do you delegate SP to another account

After going to and signing into your account, click on the dashboard and move down to the delegation sector. Now click on delegation as shown below.

Now, click on delegatee as shown below.

A fill out will pop up wherein you fill in the beneficiary account username (highlighted in blue), as well as the amount of SP to be delegated (highlighted in green). You then proceed by clicking th ok button and confirming with the required key, and the delegation process is completed.

How to check incoming and outgoing votes, please explain this with screenshot of both votes of your account.

Incoming votes are those votes that a user acquires from other users, by means of curation.
Outgoing votes are votes given out by a user by means of curation.

To check on incoming or outgoing votes using the site, go to the stat sector and click on Inc. Votes (highlighted in green) for incoming votes to pop out on your screen.
For outgoing votes, click on Out. Votes (highlighted in blue) and the list will pop out as demonstrated in the screenshots below.

Outgoing votes

Incoming votes

How to check account operations for part 7 days, and with all informations that can be checked.

To achieve this, you go to and sign into your account. You click on the dashboard and go down to Account operations and click on it. Here, you have active posts, finished posts, and a search sector.
The active posts are those awaiting payments, while the finished posts are those that have already been paid out.
click on account operations


Please explain author's reward, curation and beneficiary reward. Also, mention author and curation rewards for your account for the past 7 days.

Author's reward refers to the payments allocated on posts created by a steemit user, since users on this platform are assumed to be authors.

Curation reward is the reward a voter or curator gets from a post he voted for. It is a certain percentage of the total value of his vote.

Beneficiary reward is the reward another user get from your post when you set them up as beneficiary. The percentage allocated can be manipulated to the suit of the author.

How to check your upvote value and at different voting weight using this tool.

To check this, log in to your dashboard. The view on the left hand side with percentage percentage values, has details of your upvote values.



 3 years ago 

Hi, @b-naj,

Your post has been supported by @sm-shagor from the Steem Greeter Team.

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