Achievement 3 by @asmara01, task; content etiquette

in Newcomers' Community2 years ago (edited)


Hello everyone and welcome to my achievement number 3 that deals with content protocols in the steemit community, which we must take into account when writing and uploading a publication, whether for a task, an achievement, a contest or for the game of the diary, as in other reliable platforms, steemit has a series of guidelines that are recommended to follow to have a good quality of post within the platform and improve as a content creator.


It is committed when people take as their own ideas, words that someone else has created without giving them any credit or at least mentioning them as part of the process. The plagiarism that people commit most frequently is when they copy and paste information either into written papers or analysis for schools and universities.
There are several types of plagiarism:

Copy and paste: It's called copy and paste when we directly copy a sentence or paragraph completely and publish it as our own without giving credit to the author.

Paraphrasing: it is similar to copy and paste but here we change some words or other so that others believe that it is our authorship and not have to create new content that is quite tedious for many.

Mosaic:It combines paraphrasing with copy and paste but with the difference that here information is copied from various sources creating a new one based on plagiarism taken from the internet.

Regardless of where we find the work we should never stop, to cite the sources from where we get this information and leave the links correctly where they correspond so that people who see the information and are interested in investigating more can access it.


Here are some examples to cite the sources correctly:

Plagiarism is the representation of another author's language, thoughts, ideas, or expressions as one's own original work. In educational contexts, there are differing definitions of plagiarism depending on the institution. Plagiarism is considered a violation of academic integrity and a breach of journalistic ethics source

It is always best to cite the sources from where we get this information to avoid being part of the crime when trying to steal information of someone else's authorship, always look for information, analyze and interpret in your own way something about what you want to express, that way you will be learning.

I don't want to say goodbye without first telling you that "I have read and understood the Steemit protocol of the Steemit Community and will try to abide by it as best I can." And I leave below the links of my previous achievements, I hope you liked it and until next time.

Achievement 1
Achievement 2

"I have read and understood the Steemit Etiquette on Steemit Community and will do my best to embrace them"

 2 years ago 

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