Achievement 3 by @alokroy647 | Content Etiquette

in Newcomers' Community3 years ago (edited)

Hello Everyone,

I am @alokroy647 from Dhaka, Bangladesh

How are you all??? I hope you all are safe and sound by the blessings of Almighty. Since I have completed achievement 1 & 2 successfully. Now i am going to complete achievement 3 about
"Content Etiquette".


If anyone uses any image, writing, song without mentioning the name of the owner's name then that's counted as plagiarism. Actually, stealing someone's creation without proper citation is considered as plagiarism. Stealing someone's creation will not be counted as your own work that's plagiarism.


Types of Plagiarism :-

1. Mosaic Plagiarism

Paraphrasing someone's work without giving him credit is considered as this type of plagiarism. It's really hard to identify this kind of plagiarism because the plagiarised work's look is being modified by the person. That's why it's tough to detect this kind of plagiarism.

2. Paraphrasing Plagiarism

This is the most common type of Plagiarism very similar to mosaic plagiarism but the difference is not combined with new idea or thoughts.

3. Complete Plagiarism

Complete Plagiarism is a severe plagiarism where someone copies and pastes the full work without changing it. This kind of plagiarism is easy to catch.

4. Accidental Plagiarism

Sometimes someone doesn't know that his work is plagiarised . It is not happening intentionally. This type of plagiarism is totally a accident.

5. Self-Plagiarism

Posting your own post more than once is counted as self-plagiarism. In this kind of plagiarism someone thinks that he will be voted twice for posting twice but it's considered as plagiarism.


Source Based Plagiarism

When someone uses any image or writing for his post without mentioning source is considered as source based plagiarism.

How to Avoid Plagiarism??

If you show your own creativity in your work then is very less chances of plagiarism. We should always try our best to write the whole post ourselves. Even if we take any info then we must mention the source of the original owner. And try to think and do brainstorm before you do any work then your work will be combined with new thoughts and ideas. Another thing is we must use copyright free images and music in our post if needed. By this way, we can tolerate the chances of plagiarism.



(Note: I understood my mistake of my previous post after knowing about plagiarism . Thanks @boss75 for alerting me about plagiarism.)

Thank You

 3 years ago 


Dear @alokroy647 you have not updated your previous post. Kindly update and remove the plagarised part of the task. After that reply me so i can verify your task.

 3 years ago 

thank you ❤️

 3 years ago 

@sumit71428 Please, review my post .

 3 years ago (edited)

@sumit71428 bro, i have removed my plagiarised part on my post if you review it i would be grateful .
Thank You


Helloo @alokroy647. I am Alejandro, one of the Greeter Helpers team members.

I stop by to inform you that I have successfully verified your achievement. You can now continue with the program and perform your achievement #4, which is called applying markdown. Here I leave you the link to a publication about it, so that you can develop your next activity. Remember that the achievements' posts must be posted within the Newcomers' Community. Success for you.

Important information: remember that completing your tasks up to achievement #4 of the achievement program makes you eligible to be part of the support program for newcomers called 500SP Minnowsupport. I invite you to continue performing your other achievements.

: 1

Notes: none.

 3 years ago 

Thank You ❤️

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