Achievement 3 By @aizeeck// Task : Content Etiquette

in Newcomers' Community3 years ago


It is with great pleasure that I am gradually coming back after a long period of inactivity. I really thank all who have considered it necessary to reach out to me and offer encouragement. Like I said the other day, I want to use my achievements to kick start fully my activities back again. I have done my achievement 2 and today, I am presenting my achievement 3.


What is Plagiarism?
Oxford dictionary defines it as:

"The practice of taking someone else's work or ideas and passing them off as one's own." Source

Another source list the following as what plagiarism is:

  • To steal and pass off the idea or words of another as one’s own.
  • To use another’s production without crediting the source.
  • To commit literary theft.
  • To present as new and original idea or product derived from an existing source. Source

From the above quotations, I simply say that plagiarism is a situation where one's work/product or idea is presented by another person without acknowledging or giving credit to the original owner. To produce something or develop an idea is not easy which may require days, weeks, months, sometimes even years of effort, yet another person will take it and present as his/her own. That kind of take is pure stealing!

IMG_20210715_145151.jpgImage Source

Although some might tend to justify such an offensive act that is punishable, by saying it is "learning from," "imitating....." Arguing that we learnt everything from someone, like language or dialect, which we use all the time without making reference or crediting the original owner. Dialect or language is often called the "Mother Tongue"
On this, reference has been made to the mother who has her own mother too and when being followed, it will surely get back to the first person who started it all.
Plagiarism is seen in all aspect of life today, in various schools of learning, in business places, and in religious establishments. Many never care about the effect of stealing one's idea/work/production.
Despite how popular and common place it has become, plagiarism is totally unacceptable. It hurts! Imagine someone copying your work in exam setting and scores higher than you when the result comes out. Or in connection with steemit, gets high votes than the original owner.
Although plagiarism has eaten deep into our system and has engulfed many people, with collective efforts, we can stop it in various settings. I learnt that on this platform, an account/user can been suspended as a result of plagiarism. If that is the case, no reasonable person will want to be suspended from steemit. It's now hanged on our collective efforts to spot out any within this platform. Once an example is set, others will learn.


From this achievement 3, I learnt more on the need to acknowledge the original owner of whatever idea, picture or quote I will use from now henceforth.
I once again thank the admin for making this provision which affords the newbies the opportunity to learn the dos & don'ts of this great platform -STEEMIT!

I have read and understood the steemit etiquette on steemit community and will do my best to embrace them.

Below is the link to my achievement 1

c: @cryptokannon


Hi @aizeeck, I am pleased to inform you that your achievement 3 task has been verified, you may now move to the next achievement task which is about applying markdown.
I encourage you to complete all the Achievement posts by @cryptokannon. Click here.

Thanks for your successful completion of this task!!!

task rate:2

Hi @aizeeck, good that you have successfully completed achievement 3 corresponding to the program "500SP Minnowsupport"and you are proving to be a steemians with the potential to add value to the steemit platform, in this way I want to congratulate you and encourage you to take those final steps to achieve your goals within Newcomers' Community and show that you are 100% trained.

I want to invite you to complete Achievement 4 that will bring you closer to your goal and provide you with better knowledge.

The title of your publication should be "Achieved 4 by @yourusername - Slogan: Applying formats"

Please tag me / your mentor: Add tags, such as # achievement4 and a hashtag for the country you are currently residing in

Rate 3

Greetings 👍

 3 years ago 

Hi, @aizeeck,

Your post has been supported by @abuahmad from the Steem Greeter Team.

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