SEC-S17W3: "National Festival"

in Steem For Bangladesh2 months ago

"Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem"

Assalamualaikum Everyone. I am @zisha-hafiz.
From #Bangladesh

With my sincere warm and boundless love to the admins, community manager, moderators, and my Steemian friends today I am going to start my blog. I am here today to be a participant in an amazing contest 📣SEC- SEC-S17W3: "National Festival" organized in our community Steam for Bangladesh.

SEC-S17W3 National Festival @zisha-hafiz.png

Created through Canva by @zisha-hafiz


✅ What is the national festival of your country? How did it start?

In our motherland Bangladesh we have so many national festivals such as - International Mother Language Day (21st of February), Independence Day on 26th March, Victory Day on 16th of December, Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha, and most importantly Pohela Boishakh which is the first day of the Bangla year. It is a traditional Bengali day.

Pohela Baishak celebrate 02 @zisha-hafiz.png

Created through Canva by @zisha-hafiz

We celebrate this folk festival day with a lot of joy, love, festivals, and various events. Forgetting all past disappointments, sorrows, mistakes, and inadequacies, we start this first day of the Bengali year with the goal of happiness, prosperity, hope, and a new prosperous life. This Bengali New Year day usually falls in the middle of April in the English month calendar. People from all over the villages and cities celebrate this festival with fervor on this day irrespective of caste and religion.


✅ How is this festival celebrated? Are there any special rules for celebrating it.

The next day of the last month Chaitra and the first day of the month of Boishakh is known as “Pahela Boishakh”. From the ancient times, we have celebrated this custom. From the old times, agriculture is the main livelihood in our country. The farmers had to pay a large amount of their income from agriculture to the zamindars or other landlords. On the last day of Chaitra month, the farmers had to pay their land rent to their zamindars. On the next day of the first day of the Bengali year, those Zamindars treat the farmers with sweets.

Boishak celebrate -01 @zisha-hafiz.png

Created through Canva by @zisha-hafiz

Moreover, this day was celebrated through fairs and various events since then, the first day of the month of Bengal has been celebrated. In that order, we Bengalis are also celebrating this day with great joy.
This day of Bengali month is declared as a holiday all over the country. On this day, the Mars procession starts early in the morning from Dhaka University. In Ramana Botmule under the banyan tree, the students of Chayanat

Cleberation in Dhaka @zisha-hafiz.png

Created through Canva by @zisha-hafiz

and the all people welcome the first day of the Bengali year by singing the popular song written by our loveable poet Rabindranath Tagore "Eso O Boishakh Eso Eso, Taposo Nisshwayo Baye". Bengali traditional food "Panta Hilsa", various fairs, pitha fairs, and puppet games are also organized there.

Phohela Baisakh in BD village @zisha-hafiz.png

Created through Canva by @zisha-hafiz

In the towns as well as in the villages this day is celebrated with so much love by organizing many occasions such as – fairs, boat rides, cock fights, bull or horse races, snake games, kite flying, and processions are celebrated with much gaiety.


✅ Are there any special outfits or foods for celebrating your national festival?
Each day has a different outfit that highlights the significance of that day. Similarly, on this Pahela Baisakh day of Bengali love, all girls wear white sarees with red borders and boys wear white Punjabi and pajamas.
Ourfit of Pohela Baishak.png

Created through Canva by @zisha-hafiz

At the same time, kids are also wearing dresses a mix of white and red color.

Pahela Baishaks food @zisha-hafiz.png

Created through Canva by @zisha-hafiz

On this day we all Bengalis celebrate together with all our relatives, friends, neighbors, and office colleagues. We Bengalis are known as "Mache Bhate Bengali" the significance of these words is that on this special day, we all have panta vaat with fried Hilsa with green chili and onion which is called in our native language “Panta Hilsa”.

Bengali Dessert items @zisha-hafiz.png

Created through Canva by @zisha-hafiz

Apart from this popular food "Panta Hilsa" there are other folk preparations such as sweets, Pitha, Payesh, Naru, curd etc. On this day the shopkeeper closes by paying the previous dues by their customer and opening the new account. They treated them with sweets.


✅ Tell us about your favorite memory from celebrating your national festival.
When I was in the final year of my university life we all the final-year students had celebrated this day. By taking permission from our English department we made an attempt to celebrate the day for the first time in our university. Before the celebration day we all the students decorate our classroom, teacher’s room, with colorful paper handmade craft items, and make masks. On the day most of us bring many folk foods from our own homes and represent them one by one it in our lab room. After that, our honorable principal Sir, all of our teachers came there and they were very much pleased to see our all efforts. In the end, by surprising all of us our principal and all the teachers gave us a wrapped gift. We were overwhelmed by opening it there was a little ladies' pouch, a pen, and a diary. In every year in time to celebrate the “Pahela Baisakh” I can recall the memory.


I would like to invite three of my Steemian friends to participate in this contest- @nabilanusrat, @rajusam and @safdarali.

🐤 Thank you for reading my article so patiently 🐤

 2 months ago 

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

 2 months ago 
Dear @zisha-hafiz,,Greetings to this contest,,

Pahela Boishakh is one of the festivals celebrated by us Bengalis and it is unique from other festivals as it is nationally celebrated. People from every strata of the country participate in this festival making it more joyful and colorful.

The Pahela Boishakh festival celebrated by your English department in the last year of your university life is memorable for you because on that day all the students of your class decorated the classroom together and celebrated the Pahela Boishakh with various fun activities.

 2 months ago 

Thank you so much dear fellow for reading my post. Yes, the "Pahela Boishakh" is our traditional remarkable proud day. I still remember the fresh memories that I have mentioned in my post. Best wishes for you.

 2 months ago 

I hope to celebrate Pahela Boishakh in such a festive atmosphere in the coming days as well. Keep up the good work.

 2 months ago 

Among all the different national festivals in your country you've mentioned such as International Mother Language Day which is celebrated on 21st February, Independence Day celebrated on 26th March, Victory Day on 16th December, Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha, respectively and most importantly Pohela Boishakh which is the Bengali new year, so which one would you suggest I should come? Note tell me the one that there would be enough food and drinks to eat especially meats, I love tasteful meats. Please consider me

 2 months ago (edited)

Please accept my gratitude for reading my post. Honestly, we Bengalis are foodies anytime we can visit our country to taste any food items you don't need to delay for any specific occassion. Among the meat you can try here - Beef Kala bhuna, Beef Korma / Rezala ,Chui Jhaal Gosto (If you love spice) and for dessert you must try Payesh or Jorda. I am sure you will love this item. These items are better in our great "Puran Dhaka" (Old Dhaka).

 2 months ago 

I'm sure I'll love them, thank you for your recommendations

 2 months ago 

You're warmly welcome in our country dear !!!

 2 months ago 


 2 months ago 

এতো সুন্দর একটি প্রতিযোগিতায় আমাকে আহ্বান জানানোর জন্য ধন্যবাদ। আপনার লেখায় আপনি আমাদের দেশের জাতীয় উৎসব গুলি উল্লেখ করেছেন । এই উৎসব গুলো বিভিন্ন ভাবে পালন করা হয় । তবে সবচেয়ে মজাদার দিবস হলো পহেলা বৈশাখ । আমাদের দেশের মানুষের পহেলা বৈশাখ একটি গুরুত্বপূর্ণ দিন। এই দিবসে সাধারণত পান্তা ইলিশ খাওয়া হয় । আমার কাছে এই দিবসের সব চেয়ে মজা লাগে রাস্তায় বিভিন্ন খাবার দেখা যায় , মেয়েরা সাদা শাড়ি লাল বডার শাড়ি পরে । ছেলেরা সাদা পান্জাবী পড়ে । যা দেখতে খুবই মনোমুগ্ধকর । আপনার লেখা পড়া খুব ভালো লেগেছে ।আপনার জন্য শুভ কামনা রইলো ।

 2 months ago 

আপু আপনাকে অনেক ধন্যবাদ এতো সুন্দর মন্তব্যের জন্য। পহেলা বৈশাখ সত্যিই আমাদের বাঙালিদের জীবনে একটি অত্যন্ত ভালোবাসার ও আনন্দের উৎসব। এই দিনে রাস্তায় রঙিন প্রশান্তি ও উৎসবের বাতাস দেখতে খুবই মনোমুগ্ধকর । আমি অনেক আনন্দিত যে আমার লেখাটি আপনার ভালো লেগেছে । অগ্রিম অনেক শুভকামনা আপনার জন্যই কেননা আমি নিশ্চিত আপনি অনেক ভালো কিছু নিয়ে আসবেন আমাদের সবার সামনে।

 2 months ago 

ধন্যবাদ আপু আপনার অগ্রিম শুভকামনার জন্য । আমি চেষ্টা করবো ।

 2 months ago 

Me resulta bastante interesante cuando leo sobre la celebración del comienzo de un nuevo año que esta fuera de la costumbre del calendario gregoriano u occidental.

Generalmente es el primero de enero el día de comienzo del año en el calendario occidental, pero en tu pais es a mediado de anbrl.

Parte que el comienzo del nuevo año Bengalí posee un significado que va mas allá de celebrar una vuelta mas al sol. Existe una tradición cultural que envuelve esta festividad que la hace mágica y única.

Te agradezco que me educaras mas sobre las costumbres de tu pais. Siento que he sumado un gran conocimiento a mi vida y que hace sentir feliz por saber mas de tu pais.

Hasta la próxima...

 2 months ago 

Wa Alaikum Assalam, @zisha-hafiz! I would love to read about your enthusiasm for the “National Festival” challenge and how you celebrate Pohela Boishak in Bangladesh. Your vivid descriptions of the celebrations, including traditional foods like Panta Hilsa and colorful costumes, bring the celebration to life. The memory of celebrating Pohela Boishak during your final year at university is truly poignant. The way you and your colleagues came together to honor this day speaks volumes about the love and respect you have for your culture. It is gratifying to hear how your efforts have been appreciated by your teachers and principal. Thank you for sharing this vibrant slice of your life and culture with us. Good luck in the contest!

 2 months ago 

Thank you so much for reading my post by heart. Your kind words in my post encourage me a lot. In our Bengali's hearts, this Pohela Boishakh holds a special place. The colorful road decoration, all the people wearing new dresses, people’s full energy of celebration and traditional food give a new life to this festival. May Allah bless you always.

 2 months ago 

Hello friend, @zisha-hafiz
Pahela Boishakh is the festival of our life without doubt I also participate in organizing this festival since childhood. This Halkhata custom of Pahela Baisakh is no more, all people are now dependent on the English year. Now when hilsa fish is cooked in our house, mother says that the smell does not spread like before or before, the smell of hilsa cooking could be found from far away. Now everyone has the ability to eat panta-hilsa, but the situation is not affordable. It's really like reminiscing that you drew an alpana in college and sir liked it and gifted it to you. Did you rejoice that our first Baisakh passed on April 14? I don't know why I didn't do it. I don't have joy like when I was a child. Best wishes to you.

 2 months ago 

Thank you so much bhaia for giving your valuable time by reading my post. Yes, aunty has told the truth our national fish has not smelled or tasted as we found in our childhood. I feel sorry to say as like you I also don't celebrate this day. I think this happens with us because maybe our environment or our mind has changed a lot with ages. Lots of dua for you.

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