SEC-S16 / W6 | "The Science of Aging👩"

in Healthy Steem4 months ago

Greetings my fellow Steemians,
It's week 6 of the Steemit engagement challenge for season 16 and I'm delighted to share with you all my entries in this week's challenge. The Science of Aging is an interesting topic and I will use the contest tips below to share my participation.


The Science of Aging is the theory behind one getting old. Everyone was born as an infant and at some point, they will start growing older and that is what aging is all about.

👩 What is the medical process behind aging and from which age does it actually start?

Medically, everyone takes 9 months in their mother's womb before they are born into this planet Earth. When they are born, they are being cared for from one stage of their lives to the other.

Every child will start sitting, and then crawling before walking. This stage of life also is accompanied by age so this means that they have to reach a certain age before they can start walking.

When a child starts walking and performing different activities, they will start aging gradually. Childhood is between the ages of 0-15 years and adulthood starts from the age of 16 and above.

So when a person gets to age 40, his capabilities of doing some work will reduce and that means he is aging. So aging according to medicine starts at age 40.

👩 Are you afraid of becoming older and if yes then what are the challenges of aging that are making you afraid of getting older?

Yes, I'm afraid of becoming older, each day I wake up, I see myself coming closer to becoming old. There are many reasons why I'm always scared of becoming old and I will be sharing it with you below.


One of the major reasons why I don't want to get old is because I won't have the capacity to do a lot of things that I'm doing at the moment.

Another reason why I'm scared of aging is that I won't have the physical strength to do manual work which I do at the moment and it helps to put food on my table.

So I'm scared of becoming old because of that. If aging won't affect my functionalities, then I won't have a problem with getting old but since it will affect my functionalities I won't want to get old.

👩 Write any three nutritional items that can prevent aging.

One of the major nutritional items that can prevent aging is fruits 🍓. If a person takes fruits always you will notice that he is always fresh and young and aging will be very far from him. So that is what everyone needs to keep away from aging.


Another nutritional item that can prevent aging is vegetables. Eating vegetables often will also make you fresh and keep you from aging on time. Even if you are old because these vegetables give you blood they will keep you younger and you will not get old in time.

Last but not least nutritional items that can prevent aging is taking of water. Water is an essential item that everyone needs to keep them healthier and even younger. So it is one of the major things that anyone who wishes to prevent aging will take.

👩 Write any three exercises that can make you look young even in older age.

Running and walking are some of the major exercises I will recommend for anyone who is getting old because they help to keep you fit and stronger and you will have the stamina to stand any type of difficulty even in old age.


Playing football or any sport is another major exercise that will help keep you fit even if you are aging because that will help keep your body flexible enough to carry out different functions. When you do different sports, you will notice that your body won't be heavy to perform other activities.

Lastly, one of the exercises that helps keep you fit even when you are growing older is going to the gym center and performing different exercises. In doing so, you will be stronger and more flexible to perform activities without being too heavy.

Finally, I would like to invite a few of my friends to share their participation in the contest as well. I want to invite @josepha, @xkool24 and @steemdoctor1.

 4 months ago 

Absolutely true, friend, each stage that children go through from birth until they begin adulthood until they are 16 or so days old, but when you turn forty you begin to feel more changes because you will no longer be able to do the same things as before.

There are several reasons why you fear getting older, one of them is losing the ability to do things on your own or things that you cannot do as before.

It is important to maintain a very good diet as well as exercise, walk, among other things.

Saludos 🇻🇪👍

Thanks for your wonderful comment and contribution on my post, it is well appreciated.

Another reason why I'm scared of aging is that I won't have the physical strength to do manual work which I do at the moment and it helps to put food on my table. We all have the same idea, imagine when you can't do what you supposed to do, a frustrating life which I don't wish anybody.
Good luck @simonnwigwe

 4 months ago 

Hello my good friend @simonnwigwe, it's been so long. How is Nigeria today? After reading your entry, I'll tell you what I have told many other entries that are scared of aging, "focus more on preparation towards such moments that makes you scared". This way, you ease the process by either slowing it down or reversing it slowly.
Water and vegetables are very good and readily available nutritional items to have and take regularly. On a general note, every exercise counts for looking much younger, just as you said.

 4 months ago 

Hello @simonnwigwe hope your day is going well.Aging starts when we're born and continues as we grow older. Our bodies change over time, affecting our abilities and appearance.

Yes, I'm afraid of getting older because I worry about losing strength and not being able to do things I enjoy. Aging can make daily tasks harder.

To prevent aging, eat lots of fruits, vegetables, and drink plenty of water. These keep us healthy and youthful.

Exercise like walking, playing sports, or going to the gym can also keep us looking and feeling young.,thanks for sharing wish you success 💖🤗🌸💐🌺💞.

You have dropped a valuable comments on my post and I appreciate that. Thanks

 4 months ago 

Am also scared of getting old sir, aging isn't what people really like though everyone wants to die on their old age.

Engaging in different workout activities is definitely one of the ways to prevent old age quickly. I always do workouts because it boost my immune system sir.

I wish you good luck in this engagement challenge sir. Have a nice day.

Thanks for your valuable comments on my post my dear friend.

Aging is a natural and inescapable phenomenon that happens to people who are advanced in age. This natural process was predetermined before a person is brought to the world. Sometimes, being scared of old age because of it's disadvantages is normal but it shouldn't develop into a phobia

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