SEC S16W6||The science of aging

in Healthy Steem4 months ago

Assalamualaikum steemians

How are you? Hope so everyone would be safe and sound just like me as I am also if Alhamdulillah...

The science of aging is one of the most interesting and great topic that I am going to share today with all of you.

The science of aging.png

👩 What is the medical process behind aging and from which age it actually starts?

Aging in simple words we can say is the process of getting older with the passage of time. First a person born and coming to the world and with the passage of time as he get mature then it means that he is moving much closer to the process of aging and the passage of time human body metabolism get slower because human body is just like machine,the more we would use it the more it would get older and sick.

After 35 years of age human body functioning internally starts to decline and it appears after the age of 40 on face in the form of different wrinkles and losing of skin because collagen starts to disappear as it is important for tightness so it's disappearing cause losening in the skin.

👩 Are you afraid of becoming older and if yes then what are the challanges of aging that are making you afraid from getting older?

Yes honestly speaking I am afraid of getting older but first of all I want to highlight that aging is must for everyone and we cannot stay young for lifetime but we can delay the process of aging and prevent ourselves from early agree by taking care of ourself and now I am explaining that what are the reasons of getting afraid from aging process.


As I'm saying that with the passage of time and with the age human body metabolism start to slow down so there are different issues related to human body physiological functions arise and muscular skeletal issues also develop especially we have seen practical examples in old age people that they complain joint pain and it occurs due to the loss of synovial fluid quantity in joints that provides lubrication.

👩 Write any three nutritional items that can preventing aging?

There are many foods which prevent early aging so when I talk about antioxidants then it was always deals with free radicals produced in our body so that's why they always prevent agent so we should take all these foods in which there are antioxidants in rich amount like lemon and olives are one of them.


Omega-3 fatty acids are very important for delaying the process of aging and these are very helpful in the production of brain cells and that's why these are highly recommended in pregnancy for protecting the newborn from neural tube defects and third one of the most important and last but not least is vitamin E which makes the skin moisturize and hydrated and that's why it don't let the skin to lose.

👩 Write any three exercises that can makes you looking young even in older age?


Smile is one of the most important exercise if you don't want to get older before time because it naturally produce happy hormones from your body which are dopamine and other happy hormones that makes you feel better and keep stress away from your body and automatically keep you stay away from aging.


Walk is one of the most important aerobic exercise in which you inhale fresh oxygen everyday so it makes your all body tissues stay alive with fresh oxygen as well as it also increase your lungs capacity and overall oxygen capacity of all the tissues present in your body so it makes you glowing and prevents early agents.



Strengthening is one of the type of resistive exercise which is important for make the human body strengthen as it is indicated by its name so if you want to make your body strong even in older age then strengthening is best exercise that don't let your body to weak and through this even in older age you feel that you are much active.

I want to invite here @pathanapsana,@jyoti-thelight,@enamul17,@pelon53 to participate


 4 months ago 

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

 4 months ago 

Recognizing aging is vital plus you have actually articulated it well. While aging is unpreventable dealing with ourselves can postpone its impacts. Nutritional things like anti-oxidants in lemon as well as olives, omega-3 fats together with vitamin E-rich foods can battle aging. Straightforward workouts like grinning and also strolling can additionally maintain us really feeling younger and also vibrant.

 4 months ago (edited)

Thank you so much for giving your time at my post. I am happy that you are considering all of my words well articulated as well as it is up to us that how and in which way we can postponed the effects of aging and certain nutrients like olives Omega 3 fatty acids and vitamin E in our diet as well as topical implementation of these things is also great for feeling us and for making us younger.

Grinning workout is your personal suggestion to me and to all those who want to looks young even after 40 so this is your great contribution that you comment at my post in such meaningful words I wish you good luck to you too 😄

 4 months ago 

Thanks a lot for the response. Appreciate your effort

 4 months ago 

Hello my friend, I hope you are doing alright. Your fear is actually not on growing old, but on the challenges old age brings. Many many steemians fear old age for the same reason, but I think we ought to replace that fear with courage and gain focus to prepare for such times. Smiling helps reduce wrinkles on the face, and as a result slows down the aging process. Also, walking like you listed, helps the body both in young and old people. I enjoyed your entry, have a blessed day

 4 months ago 

Hello @khursheedanwar hope you are having a good day.Thanks for sharing this insightful post. Aging is something we all go through, and it's important to understand how our bodies change over time. Your explanation about the process of aging and the tips for staying youthful are really helpful. Taking care of ourselves and staying active with simple exercises sounds like a great way to embrace aging gracefully. Keep sharing such valuable information🤗💞🌺🌸

Aging is a natural and inescapable phenomenon that happens to people who are advanced in age. When an individual crosses the borders of adulthood into aging, most body performance and tisdurs begin to decline with age. Omega-3 fatty acids is an excellent choice for an individual who wish to slow down the rate of aging. Also, the underrated smile can be one of the most powerful tools used by the aged. Good luck on your post.

 4 months ago 

Greetings to you also!!

I agree with you that aging is one of the most inevitable and national process and we cannot deny and cannot totally deprive of it but can delay it's process by having good nutrition and exercise as you really like my choice of Omega 3 fatty acids and underarated smile.

Thank you so much for wishing me good luck I also wish same for you...

 4 months ago 

¡Holaaa amigo!😊

No tengas miedo de envejecer... Puedes verlo desde la vertiente de que, son tus experiencias durante el transcurso de la vida además de que, es tu madurez ya que, si lo enfocas de esa manera, no te sentirás amenazado con el transcurso del tiempo.

Te deseo mucho éxito en la dinámica, un fuerte abrazo💚

 4 months ago 

Hlo friend 💕

I am basically not afraid of becoming older because I am afraid of my health issues that can increase and post challenges for me related to my health in future as with the passage of time I would become older.

I wish much success to you in this engagement challenge...

Hey friend you've done so well by properly analyzing the content of the contest and producing amicable entries that I really educative. When I saw you mentioning smile as part of a way of decreasing the chance of aging I was like yes you got the point because one reason why you look old than our age is the fact that we frown too much and which uses more muscles on the face than smiling .

Thank you so much for sharing such quality article, wishing you the best. Please 🙏 also engage on my entry through the link below 👇

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