Women and menopause (Part 4/final series)

in Steem For Ladieslast year

Hello ladies..

Am back again this Monday to share my dynamics for Monday which is on health. For a while now, I have been discussing a topic I titled women and menopause. So far it's been amazing.

Here are some of the series I have discussed on the subjects.
Part one, Part two,Part three

I also remember breaking down the stages a womans body goes through in a life time into three. I have talked about the first stage which is puberty, the second stage which menstruation and today I will be talking about the third stage which is Menopause. This would be the last series of this topic.


When the word menopause is mentioned what comes to your mind? I will allow you to answer the question under this post.

Menopause is the third stage a woman's body goes through. When a woman hits menopause, it means her body has successfully arrived at it's finally destination after moving for a long time.

Menopause, is the stage in the woman's life and body where she stops seeing her period at least for one year which is 12 months. At menopause a woman can no longer give birth to children because their are no longer eggs produced by the woman which can be fertilized.

Most women get into menopause from age 45. But their are some women that gets into it even before the age 45. This simply shows the different uniqueness of women's body.

Things that shows a woman is getting into menopause

There things that starts happening to a woman to show that she is beginning to get into this stage of menopause, let's consider some of them.

  • Inconsistency in your period
  • Loss of pleasure or desire for sex
  • Dryness in the virgina
  • Weakness of the bones
  • Weight addition
  • Constant mood change

Increase you know other signs that shows a woman is getting into her menopause you can discuss it under this post as we all will be willing to learn.

Menopause has different stages just like the woman's body goes through stages too. Let's take a look at it.

3 stages of menopause a woman's body experience

There are three stages of menopause every woman's body goes through, do you know? Just Incase you don't, don't worry now you know.

  • Perimenopause

I don't know why this stage is called perimenopause because I prefer to call it premenopause. This stage actually comes before menopause itself.

At this stage, the woman's body begins to change, you could see changes like shortage of hormones in the womans body and also you also see that metabolic activities in her body becomes slow sometimes. This is where that dryness in the virgina happens.

This is also where the woman's body begins to experience instability in her monthly cycle. Sometimes too when the period comes, it's either scanty or unusually heavy unlike before.

  • Stage two is called the menopause itself

This stage is self explanatory. The woman's body has missed releasing eggs every month for a complete 12 months. Remember it is the eggs that are released which are unfertilized that causes her to see her period.

At this stage, having sex to some women is not fun to them rather it causes pain and makes her uncomfortable. The woman has alot of experience in this stage.

She can no longer conceive or give birth to any child at this stage except it's a miracle.

  • Post menopause

This is the last stage or the third stage of menopause. Post menopause is experienced when the woman's body has entered the second stage of menopause. After 12 months and above.

At this stage, there are things that accompany it. Some women experience difficulty in sleeping, always having mood change.

Things to do when a woman hits menopause

Generally, I would advice that a woman should take proper care of her body at this stage to stay healthy. Eat healthy meals especially meals that contains calcium to help strengthen her bones.

She should also get involved with little exercise to keep her weight in check because metabolism is slowed down.

The woman also needs to be around people who show her some form of love and she should be encouraged to do things that she loves doing. This will help in her mood stability.

If you think there are other things to do and I didn't list it here you can put it down under this post.

I have finally come to the end of this series titled women and menopause. Soon I will begin another series. Stay turned!!

Warm greetings to Steem For Ladies Team @liasteem @patjewell @ ruthjoe @solperez @mayberling @pandora2010 and @aviral123 @ngoenyi


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 last year 

Your post is nominated by Steem For Ladies for booming vote.
The community where the Steemian ladies can be free to express themselves, be creative, learn from each other, and give support to their fellow lady Steemians.
"Only posts that are original, adhere to the rules, and are not cross-posted are nominated. If approved, you will receive an upvote within the next few days."

Good luck!

 last year 

Thank you @aviral123 for the selection

 last year 

Awh! We are going to miss your series!
Thank you for sharing such a valid topic with the ladies of the community. I am sure that we have all learned from your posts.
I, for one, am looking forward to your next series. I can only wonder what it will be about. (•ิ‿•ิ)

 last year 

Thank you for your massive support thus far!!

Stay blessed

 last year 

Thank you! Blessings to you also 🎕

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