Tracking your Club75/Club100 progress and Supporting you! WK1 (Win 3 Steem each + Booming + Trail)

in SteemAlive2 years ago



After some time off, we are delighted to announce that our Level Up project is back and better! We launched this project about 3 Months ago and did it for some weeks after. But we have not continued due to some challenges that we have overcome. The essence of Level Up is to monitor and measure your power up activity for the last 7 days see how far you have done in a bid to either join club75 or upgrade to club100.

We will try to support the best 3 persons that have powered up more within in the last 7 days. With this project, we hope to encourage and support as many of our members as we can to get to the higher clubs.


Level-up (Wk1) - How to begin

We want all our community members to join club75 or even upgrade to club100. When you remain in these elite clubs, you greatly enhance your chances of getting support from the Steemit team. So here is what we want you to do:

1. How to begin: Show us how much you have powered upin the last 2 months (28th March 2022 - 28th May, 2022). By now, you should know how to check your club status. If you do not know how, ask your mentor to show you how to do it or you can learn from this tutorial below:

Race to Club 75: How to Check your Club Status using Steemcryptic (BETA)

Once you have gotten a screenshot of you last two months power up, drop it as a comment on this post. That is the first thing to do for this contest.

2. The next thing is to power up as much as you can: In the next 7 days, try to power up most or if possible, all your earnings so that you can join the race to club75/club100. Remember, winners are the top 3 persons that powered up more than everyone else.

After 7 days, we will publish the results and announce top 3 persons with the most power ups. Each of these 3 users will win 3 Steem Each, plus a curation trail vote and maximum booming support. This is our way to encourage and support them. We will consider increasing the prizes as well as adding more exciting prizes like a cash reward.


Who should Participate in LEVEL UP week 2??

Every verified member of SteemAlive community is qualified to join this project even if you are in club100 already.

From next Week, we will restart our club75/100 Exclusive top 5 posts. It means that those we will select each Sunday will strictly be from club75 or club100. This is another way we want to use to encourage more members to upgrade to the higher clubs.


Quick Tips on how to Get Steem to Power up

1. Publish More: Each serious blogger on Steemit is expected to publish at least once each day. So do not let day to pass without make at least one post. If you can make two quality posts, that would be great. From your earnings, you can get steem to power up.

2. Swap your Tron to steem and Power up: Do not allow your earned tron to lie idle in your wallet. Swap it for Steem and power up. Drop a comment on this post if you do not know how to do the swapping. One of our admins will assist you.

3. Buy Steem And Power up: This is the easiest way to get the Steem needed to power up. Why not invest some of your fiat on Steem. When you buy Steem and power up, you reduce the time it would take you to join club75


We want to soon become one of the most powering up communities on Steemit. We are really eager to boost our influence by powering up into the higher clubs. Its a win-win for everyone that would like to get involved. So please lets begin in earnest. Start doing the screenshots of you account % in the last two months.

Together we achieve more!!!


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 2 years ago 

My screenshots

 2 years ago 

Thank you @steemalive for adding this post for the top5 today, do you know I missed the post, I did not read it nor comment on it, let alone doing the right thing i need to do, i have dropped the screenshot of my power up for past 2 months, if there is anything else am longing to do now on steemit, is to step up to club75, as a leader, I need to lead from front so that I can comfortably encourage others to do so, what ever you steemalive will do to help all members of this Community to be in club75, i @ijelady will give is maximum support


Nice project, thank God we are back, this will encourage us to power more of our earnings to be in club 75 or 100.


Here is my screenshot for the two months

 2 years ago 

My screenshot


 2 years ago 

I will like to know more on tron. Mine is lieying down without me knowing what to do with it.

 2 years ago 

Let's level up and join the moving train


This is what I have done in the last two months

 2 years ago 

What a great project, cant wait to level up even more.
I appreciate this lovely idea, welcome back


 2 years ago 

Please how can I get verified in steemalive

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