Steemit Engagement challenge season2 week 4 |Worst day V.Best day of your life

in SteemAlive2 years ago

Hullo dear steemians of the @steemalive community, I greet you all.
This week's topic has got me remembering all sorts of memories, the bad and the good.
Life is full of ups and fuzzes of which we got no option of choosing only the good.
As I grow, I learn how to face the bad that life brings with a mindset of positivity because without the bad we wouldn't appreciate life at all.

Worst day of my life

My friend getting covid 19, he got an overdose prescription.

What went wrong?
The worst day of my life happened last year when a friend of mine tested positive for covid 19. He got a medicine overdose prescription which he took for a week. It caused his brain to switch off due to overdose and chemical imbalance.
It caused him to lose his mind and he was taken to a psychiatric hospital. He switched off and the family went through so much that time.
The family thought they were going to lose him, up to now he hasn't yet switched back to normal but hope still we hold.

What lessons did you learn from that worst day experience?

  • I learned that with faith everything is possible and that we humans cannot predict what our lives will be the following day but only have hope.

  • I also learned that prayers are the mover of mountains because we prayed and had faith that God was going to help him and He sure did.

  • I learned that in difficult predicaments it's when we find out who our friends are. many people are friends with us when we don't need them but when we do, they are nowhere to be seen.

My best day

My wedding day


God, family, and friends contributed to my wedding.
It's every girl's dream to see themselves in that best white dress and I saw myself in it after waiting with hope.
It's only one day but it always feels like it's going to be a week with butterflies and mixed emotions.
The thought of me saying I do to the man of my life gave me sleepless nights for I couldn't wait for the day to reach.
The happiness, joy, and laughter of friends and family made me merry every second of my day.
My parents being proud of me was all that made my heart warm.

What went right?
I was well prepared and nothing wrong would come from me. everything was right on point.
Everything was in the committed hands and they did a great job the only thing I had to get right was to make sure nothing made me stressed and I kept myself happy all the time.

What lessons did you learn from that best day experience?

  • Always trust the process
  • To always hope for the best
  • The family will always be there for you through every moment
  • You live each day as it comes.
  • To enjoy every moment

In conclusion

The best days of my life are yet to come because my life has just begun.
I can affirm that there are better and bigger things ahead for me get me excited to experience this thing called life.
The WORST days make us better and the BEST days are to be lived and moments are created.

I invite @amastella , @marjor and @ariseandshine to join this challenge.

Till then


Wedding day is a joyful, great and unforgettable day in everyone's life especially, it's a day when one witness how everything goes, I'm happy to hear your wedding day is the best day of your life.

So sorry about your friend's health, I pray that the healing hands of God touch him and make him whole.

Thank you dear and Amen

God is powerful, thank God for your friends life because if not what would have happened will not be a good story, congratulations for your wedding

God is indeed the master planner of our life.when we feel like its finished for him He knows that it has just started.

Thank you dear

Oh no I am sorry about your friend. Actually the pandemic was hard on everyone but I pray he recover. And congrats to you.

Thank you dear one.his getting better and with time he will fo back to being himself again

Thank God for that. Stay safe

It is true with faith we can shake a tree, but with human we can only hope, life is full of birds of roses coupled with A tree of thongs that pinch us sometimes
Learn that life is of two sides, and it is a hard teacher, I pray your friend rehabilitates well

Greetings and blessing
A comment will be appreciated

Thank you.
With God,everything we have faith about comes to pass and in God we are always winners.

You are welcome, you are also a winner

 2 years ago 

The worst day of my life happened last year when a friend of mine tested positive for covid 19. He got a medicine overdose prescription which he took for a week. It caused his brain to switch off due to overdose and chemical imbalance.
It caused him to lose his mind and he was taken to a psychiatric hospital. He switched off and the family went through so much that time.

Oh my God, this is too emotional. Is it a doctor that prescribed the drugs for your friend? And he has been in psychiatric hospital till today. May God heal him and bring your senses back to normal.

Yes dear,he got over dose and it got into his brain.
Slowly by slowly his getting back to normal and by the grace of God he will get back soon.

Thank you for taking your time to read my post

 2 years ago 

Overdose can be deadly like chronic deseas, keep praying for your friend and keep hope alive, he will recover.

Your wedding took pl6 in a very good environment, your husband is handsome and you look more beautiful on your wedding gown, no wonder you choose that day as your good day

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So sorry about your friend. I do hope he gets back to his normal self.

Wedding days are really happy moments.

Oh how did this even happen to your friend. An overdose of covid drugs? Wow what a sad day for him and his family. I hope he is getting better at the psychiatric home though. Everything will be normal again.

I learned that in difficult predicaments it's when we find out who our friends are. many people are friends with us when we don't need them but when we do, they are nowhere to be seen.

Yes most of our friends are there when everything is good for us but when it is time to help they ghost us. We should only pray that when the time comes for help our family will be strong by our sides.

Oh my God can you believe all my life I’ve only been to one wedding at the church 😂.

My house members always go for this kinds of things but I don’t know why I don’t like them. But looking at your lively seeding picture has made me fall inlove with the idea of going for weddings☺️

My friend is getting better each day that passes.

You have your own reasons why you dont like going for weddings but the problem comes when its your turn!
Be there for people in happiness and sadness.

 2 years ago 

Wedding is the most important day of most spinsters and it changes once they have their first baby.The birth of the first baby becomes the best day.I hope I am wrong??😊

I am so worried about that friend who had to be given overdose and now has lost his sanity.I pray that God gives him the perfect healing.Inshallah.

it changes once they have their first baby.The birth of the first baby becomes the best day.I hope I am wrong??😊

You are wrong about that.
Each persons marriage life is always different from others.what can make you change,some other person it can make him or her be better in a positive way.
Marriage is always what a person makes it.

 2 years ago 

Sorry about what happened to your friend I pray he gets better soon. I'm sure it was just fear and frustration that pushed him to overdoing himself. He surely wanted to over speed the healing process of the drugs but rather caused harm. It is well keep on being there for your friend and pray for him always.

Congratulations to your union. Indeed it is every girl's dream toget married and be happy. Some find that person others don't. I wish you a happy marriage life. Thanks for sharing with us

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